Pumpkin Event Title

  • buenas gente una duda, alguno sabe como se saca el titulo de este evento de daño oscuro? porque e revisado un poco y las guías me dicen como hacer el evento menos eso xD . Si alguno es tan amable y nos ofrece orientación bienvenido sea xD.


    good people a doubt, does anyone know how to get the title of this dark damage event? because I checked a bit and the guides tell me how to do the event minus that xD. If anyone is so kind and offers us welcome guidance, be it xD.

  • Hello,

    You need gather 10 stacks of buff and then wait when this festival ends, and once another festival is running go talk to complete quest.


    Mi duda al respecto es... ¿ es necesario dejar el personaje conectado dia y noche para que aparezca el conteo de potenciadores ? estar al finalizar las 6hs junto a Anna ? no entiendo eso. hay poca informacion y mucha especulacion.

    si eres tan amable de formular un instructivo... te estariamos muchos muy agradecidos. en verdad es un titulo que muchos desean conseguir

    My question in this regard is ... is it necessary to leave the character connected day and night for the count to appear? be at the end of 6 hours with Anna? I do not understand that. there is little information and much speculation.

    If you are so kind to formulate an instructional ... we would be very grateful. it is really a title that many want to achieve

    • Official Post

    Time is counted only when you are online. Monsters spawns every 6 hours. They are spawned only in normal zones, so if you were in instance or house, battleground, minigame etc. when 6 hours passed, once you enter normal zone they should spawn within 60 seconds.

    To receive buff stack you must use potion while monsters are spawned (they disappear after 10 minutes). You can receive potion every 4 hours, and it's duration is 6 hours. You can have only 1 potion at once.


  • Time is counted only when you are online. Monsters spawns every 6 hours. They are spawned only in normal zones, so if you were in instance or house, battleground, minigame etc. when 6 hours passed, once you enter normal zone they should spawn within 60 seconds.

    To receive buff stack you must use potion while monsters are spawned (they disappear after 10 minutes). You can receive potion every 4 hours, and it's duration is 6 hours. You can have only 1 potion at once.


    y consulta : si se desconecta la cuenta por un momento o unas horas... se pierde el conteo ?

    and i query: if the account is disconnected for a moment or a few hours ... is the count lost?

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.