Class Balance [Patch] & Bard

  • I wouldnt suggest buffing Wl/Ch.

    Just dont use the champ secondary skills in your offburst rotation and you will notice a big increase in dps.

    They are a trap in my opinion. :)

  • Regarding Knight/Warlock:

    The class is still underperforming. Mediocre burst at best (even in AoE situations with all the Knight AoEs) and some of the worst sustained dps I've seen so far.

    I suggest the following:

    -Increase 2h Weapon Mastery damage passive from 87% to 109% (like on K/Wd)

    -Let Psychic Sweep (lvl 45 elite) modify Surge of Malice as well

  • regarding Mage/Warlock:

    The new buff Forgotten Black Magic (ID 499814) is now some sort of phyiscal skill. Mage/Warlock is a purely magical class so it doesn't make any sense to have a physical buff on a full magical class.

    Could you please change that to being a magical one?

    Thanks in advance!


  • Hello Sweetys and Honeys :)

    I have a suggestion regarding the Warden / Rouge.
    I would raise the Power Sigil back to 12%, so the damage to the class simply decreased a lot after the Power Sigil was set to 8%.
    The class is extremely difficult to keep up with other classes. I would be very pleased :)
    Kind regards Aka :)
  • I would raise the Power Sigil back to 12%, so the damage to the class simply decreased a lot after the Power Sigil was set to 8%.
    The class is extremely difficult to keep up with other classes. I would be very pleased :)

    Some adjustment is needed, but I honestly would rahter see the suggestion from Blaxx.

    Warden primary skills: Power of the oak id:493347 pls make this skill usable with 1h weapons too.

    Of course that is just my opinion.

    Kind regards

  • M/Wl

    First of all the class has a really really cool design and is a lot of fun to play.

    There are two issues in my opinion:

    -You are not able to compete at burst bosses because your buffrotation takes to long. So maybe making both of the buffs from Electrical Explosion(id: 498756) and Flame(id: 498755) only one stack while giving the benefits of the previous two stacks would help a little bit with that. This would also help with offburst as it makes it easier to keep your buffs up during trash.

    -The second thing is, that it is better to use Soulpain(id: 498746) over Fire Lightning Burst(id: 498759) in almost every situation. Soulpain(id: 498746) is a mandatory skill because of the focus regeneration and shouldnt be changed. However Fire Lightning Burst(id: 498759) needs a big buff in damage so it is actually worth using.

    All in all i dont think these changes would make the class overperform compared to other really strong classes, but it would make it more fun to play a supportive mage.

    ~kind regards Noodlez

  • Suggest of changing item set skill effect: "The Sage"

    The current effect of the skill is to make next 5 offensive skill critical and increase 25% of damage. I suggest to change the effect of "The Sage" to make the offensive skills to be critical for X seconds instead of X times. The following points are why I suggest the changing.

    1. Many burst skill is not an one hit skill (M/Wl: fire lighting burst(2 times), M/P: Tide burst (usually 2 times since the Eruption). Using these skills once may consume 2 times effect of The Sage. Which I think is not fair that the effect consumes far faster just because the skill displays two times of damage instead of one.

    2. Some class combo needs to use DOT skills (like soul pain of M/Wl, fire rose of M/S) and these "necessary but not primary burst skill" will consume the 5 times effect of The Sage really fast.

    Thanks for your time.

  • 2. Some class combo needs to use DOT skills (like soul pain of M/Wl, fire rose of M/S) and these "necessary but not primary burst skill" will consume the 5 times effect of The Sage really fast.

    DoTs don't consume stacks of "The Sage" (at least the ones I tried). Soul Pain isn't a DoT but its casting a skill every second (you can see a projectile traveling to the target) which is why this skill consumes stacks.

    But I agree that these sort of skills (Soul Pain, Cursed Fangs etc..) should not consume stacks of "The Sage"

    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

    Edited once, last by Laisha ().

  • Druid/warior

    class is have no Aoe and no have İSS for chain gears (pdps)

    Sandstorm hitting only magic i think its will be changed str

    Druid/warrior is OP atm. With full golden gear, t13/t14 gear, t13 runes and t15 weapon with my rogue/warden, the Druid/Warrior did the same damage or more with lower gear/runes and Merchant weapon!

    Regarding Scout/mage mdps. Kinda too strong everywhere too. A better geared Warrior/champ had no chance at all vs my lower geared mdps Scout/mage

  • About the Warden/Druid class. i found the class very interesting but not keeping up with other mdps classes.

    My suggestion about elite skill 70 : transfer %pdmg ---> %mdmg would be better than removing. As such, the ability to use Sword 2H would be more available for this class. In my opinion, using Wand is not different from Staff 2H weapon. This issue can be considered further..

  • Few thoughts about wl/k tank.

    -Bug report: Dreadful Sleep channel get cancelled many times. I really think is because of high movement speed but can't be sure. Happens always in lake.

    In general the class is lacking a lot of aggro everywhere. With tank gear and 600k mat, I have problems in many places.

    -Single burst: the worst. In balton and last boss I can't hold the aggro of anyone, im usually 2-4 on the list (even using ISS with -100% received heal).

    -Single off burst: as bad as burst.

    -Aoe burst: is good once im quiet and all mobs are on me. Since last aoe wl change, I lose half of big waves trying to call the rest.

    - Aoe off burst: or I have dreadful sleep on, or nothing. Lets remember it has 40s cd.

    Class needs a way higher % aggro skill ALWAYS up and not only 20s out of 30s. Can't tell them to wait those extra 10s cose I will be useless.

    Other things it needs:

    - Beast's Roar. Remove the slow part from this skill to this class.

    - Dreadful Sleep. Same as before, remove the slow part.

    Having a tank with 2 aoes with 30s and 40s cd which slow the mobs is the most unbalanced and nonsense thing on this year of balance.

    At the moment im tanking with almost full mdps gear, 1.2kk sustained matt. Using perma unicorn, always +lvl 8 hp rela and a w/p on my ass to not die and change to tank gear after I have aggro in bosses. Is the only option to use this class.

    I wish you would really look into this.

    Regards, Madoxx.

  • another thing that is making me think is champ 95/104 set skill

    this skill is for "group" and sounds like a supportive skill, in fact this skill is just for 2h weapon user physical damage dealers and entirely useless for rogue, scout (with bow) and magical classes.

    classes which are being very similar to each other in comparison where there is no 95/104 champ iss in party starts to have 20-25% damage difference during burst which is leading 2h user physical damage dealers perform better than everything else and making balance impossible between each other since this skill is not something easy to achieve for everyone yet affecting results in big scale.

    additionally 2h user classes can also use scorching rage which provides 24.5% damage output while other classes which cant get benefit of this champ set skill must use ironblood will in any case. but i think this is fine and letting player chose depending on party setup.

    so, i suggest to change this skill to be self buff, or increase "damage dealt" instead of attack speed. (1% attack speed provides 1.225~% damage dealt to physical damage dealers as long as you do not reach the speed cap)

    the world chico, and everything in it.

  • the same also goes for magical CPS classes like warmage, s/m, s/wl, wrd/druid (attack speed scaling) and other CPS classes I missed.

    Furthermore is the whole balance in dealing damage nearly impossible, if there are classes with huge base damage and classes which rely on very strong selfbuffs like Arrow of Essence. In fact, the instance needs to balance, but as long as the bosses are kinda "trash" (does not matter if you nuke or not the bosses) and the overall damage results 80-90% out of the trash, classes with strong AOE always leads in damage output

  • Furthermore is the whole balance in dealing damage nearly impossible

    there will be always differences, i don't mean every class should be same in every different party setup. but champ set skill is something else

    you can have most of other support utilities in any raid because they are common, achievable with any average player, and they are profitable by almost any damage dealer. but champ iss is expensive, rare and not profitable for more than half of damage dealers in game which is making things alot different in raids which dont have this buff.

    the world chico, and everything in it.

  • Regarding rogue/champ

    after the latest change of Confusion Mechanism, the class does not feel worth anymore to play. Other rogues with non gcd skills seems more worth and do a lot more damage. For example my t15 weapon rogue/warden does more than t17 weapon rogue/champ. I suggest to increase damage gain per stack of lvl 60 elite from 4% to 5%


    Edit: or increase Power Mechanism self buff gain to 12% back.

  • about rogue/mage

    - this class is consuming around 6-8k throwable knife (450-600 arcadia coins) in an average rofl run which is making is a bit lesser profitable than playing other classes

    - it requires quite more effort to reach maximum damage potential compared to other rogues, which is making this class very less popular, i saw only 1 or 2 rogue/mage for months

    - it is relying on supports alot, it underperform in every case where you dont have supports to save you every single time, i could say that is most annoying class if you dont have enough/good supports, i believe due to its being least patk rogue amongst other rogues, i have statted dagger in offhand to compensate this but it still has 1.2kk patk and has literally 0 buff to gain higher patk except 12% patk from set skill

    - to compare, it is kinda like rogue/priest, but to play rogue/priest you need only one weapon and it doesnt have energy issues unlike rogue/mage.

    - it requires 2 high tiered weapon to reach its maximum potential, it is very expensive class but is not worth for this expense.

    my suggestion is to give this class slight patk like 6-8% or so and change combo throw to inflict fire damage too, however, due to its design, this class will stay as one of least popular rogues i think.

    the world chico, and everything in it.

  • But you are able to buy projectiles.

    classes with high mana consumption need to use mana potion every 20 seconds and there are a lot of other classes which have an exclusive weapon only for their combination :/

    and projectiles also dropping at rofl bosses, mana potions not :D

    I think r/m is the strongest rogue overall. I can only speak for me: I don't like classes with Auto-Attack skills :D