The imbalance in AH between items is also something for the player to choose only strong classes. and it's tedious to repeat only a few classes in the game to play. while they created too many different classes. seemingly many classes no one cared about. The game gets boring quickly and ends if it stays like this.

Class Balance [Patch] & Bard
- Byte
- Closed
- Removed Rising Tide cast time, increased cooldown to 3 seconds.
Thank you so much for listening and changing this back =)
Guess I found a bug on the Druid/Warlock in B2 event, I was immune to single red circles all the time. Tested this multiple times.
- Reduced Soul Crusher item set skill duration to 15 seconds.
If you do this, warlock need compensation. At least in our groups, the warlock is always behind other dds. No idea how it looks with others?
Guess I found a bug on the Druid/Warlock in B2 event, I was immune to single red circles all the time. Tested this multiple times.
This is propably due to stacking of multiple dmg-reducing effects - you can observe this on Knights too, for exmaple.
- Increased Phantom Blade physical damage gain to 18%.
Currently the skill already gives 18% damage
- wl/ch using the iss full run, The skill defiantly needed the nerf
- wl/ch using the iss full run, The skill defiantly needed the nerf
Scout/mage Ignite has no cd with bow and does fullbuffed in rofl with only wl/mage support ~15-20kk Oo
Your ISS isn't that much strong
- wl/ch using the iss full run, The skill defiantly needed the nerf
The skill wasn´t bat at all. But it was a tradeoff of making more damage and dying in close combat. And as you can see on your Scruti, when the damage is reduced by the skill, there is less damage to keep up with other classes. And the question is what kind of support did you have?
We had wlm w/p and mwl on bosses
And I guess magical siege skills aswell? I mean maybe Iam just unlucky with the magical group support in our guild. Iam not saying the skill doesnt deserve a nerf. Iam just trying to say that warlocks don´t do above average damage at all (from what I´ve seen).
Which classes were there and how was your damage to their?
Madoxx m/s his overall was 6.8kk
Our wlm was about 4kk
Mwl 500mil
other Ms 1.5-2.5kk i think
Idk if we has the siege title tbh i wasnt looking at that
And my overall was 6kk
Thanks. Looks like he is compared to the mage damage fine.
We have always 1-2 pdds in our groups and compared to them is the warlock damage not so good.
But that´s probably the best example to show that balancing is difficult because it depends so much on the group structure. For some, something is too strong, which might fit perfectly with others. That´s why I asked about the cricumstances.
Thanks. Looks like he is compared to the mage damage fine.
We have always 1-2 pdds in our groups and compared to them is the warlock damage not so good.
Now im sad knowing mages are so nerfed, I need a corner to go cry brb.
Hi Byte!
Actually i dont know how i can presents this problem. I only know while in combat generate rage with agression(Skill) sometimes skills normal works and sometimes have inscription with low rage to use any skills. This problem already i have in W/Ch(i only this combination tested). Or W/Ch have bugs with skills or Agression needed to check. -
Hi Byte!
Actually i dont know how i can presents this problem. I only know while in combat generate rage with agression(Skill) sometimes skills normal works and sometimes have inscription with low rage to use any skills. This problem already i have in W/Ch(i only this combination tested). Or W/Ch have bugs with skills or Agression needed to check.I can confirm this, I have similar problems, I have a rage and the message is that I do not have enough of it to use the skill.
I can agree that Champ isn’t that Strong as some other Chain classes, I’d know why he still need reworks? Now there was even more playable Champ combos like we ever had before and now you nerf that class totally so nobody will go to play it again. Becaurse Warrior and Warden get a huge buff what they allrdy make more attractive to play. I tested champ/wl(t16 2h hammer) champ/mage (t16 2h hammer) and champ/rouge(t15 1h and t14 1h hammer) and at all the Champ/mage did a bit more then the other 2 combos even with the buff for Champ/rouge at the last patch. And now you go to Nerf the 1h hammer again? And nerf the 2h hammer dmg too? I don’t think 1x t16 1h hammer change That much maybe 2x t16 1h Hammer idk. But I don’t think so. So Please tell us the reason why? At Champ we allrdy need different weapons to play different combos what this class make less attractive to other.
Thanks for going into a way of decreasing of dmg output top ranked combinations! Keep this up
And please look into R/W, because for a long time i think u haven't looked closely on it. Especially to skills: Whirlwind and Toxic Splash. Check what that combination can do on first/second and last boss-bulls on rofl (mainly big groups of mobs). Maybe try to make it as it is for ex. with Power of the Wood Spirit (i mean max number of targets) or whatever...
Second thing what i noticed through long time is that every combination which uses poison as a element most of the time in overall is the best. I can see it on wd/wrl vs wd/r vs wd/s. Our guildmate on r/w (also poison) doing most of the time 1.5 of r/d (probably second the best combination - well balanced) overall dmg on rofl. The same problem was with scouts (s/wrl)- not sure if it is still, because we are mainly pdps groups.
I know that its a new element, and it could happen. But we have a long way after introducing it and still the difference is really significant (atleast for me). But these are my personal feelings
And please look into R/W, because for a long time i think u haven't looked closely on it. Especially to skills: Whirlwind and Toxic Splash. Check what that combination can do on first/second and last boss-bulls on rofl (mainly big groups of mobs). Maybe try to make it as it is for ex. with Power of the Wood Spirit (i mean max number of targets) or whatever...
Toxic Splash has been nerfed the last 3 patches almost every time. There are several classes that have stronger aoe bursts. The strength of the rogue/warrior is that it can maintain the aoe longer. If Whirlwind gets a maximum number of mobs, the damage must be increased or other skills also reduced . Because the damage from, for example, power of the wood spirits is much greater. And in the single target burst, other classes are also better.
Second thing what i noticed through long time is that every combination which uses poison as a element most of the time in overall is the best. I can see it on wd/wrl vs wd/r vs wd/s. Our guildmate on r/w (also poison) doing most of the time 1.5 of r/d (probably second the best combination - well balanced) overall dmg on rofl. The same problem was with scouts (s/wrl)- not sure if it is still, because we are mainly pdps groups.
The classes with posion damage belong to the good classes, but I don´t think that all the gift classes are the best overall damage classes. With rogue there are classes that are better than or as good as the /warrior. /priest and /warden belong to it. The /champion is also very strong combination, his support is very good and the damage to it too.
And please look into R/W, because for a long time i think u haven't looked closely on it. Especially to skills: Whirlwind and Toxic Splash. Check what that combination can do on first/second and last boss-bulls on rofl (mainly big groups of mobs). Maybe try to make it as it is for ex. with Power of the Wood Spirit (i mean max number of targets) or whatever...
Toxic Splash has been nerfed the last 3 patches almost every time. There are several classes that have stronger aoe bursts. The strength of the rogue/warrior is that it can maintain the aoe longer. If Whirlwind gets a maximum number of mobs, the damage must be increased or other skills also reduced . Because the damage from, for example, power of the wood spirits is much greater. And in the single target burst, other classes are also better.
Second thing what i noticed through long time is that every combination which uses poison as a element most of the time in overall is the best. I can see it on wd/wrl vs wd/r vs wd/s. Our guildmate on r/w (also poison) doing most of the time 1.5 of r/d (probably second the best combination - well balanced) overall dmg on rofl. The same problem was with scouts (s/wrl)- not sure if it is still, because we are mainly pdps groups.
The classes with posion damage belong to the good classes, but I don´t think that all the gift classes are the best overall damage classes. With rogue there are classes that are better than or as good as the /warrior. /priest and /warden belong to it. The /champion is also very strong combination, his support is very good and the damage to it too.
Can you please explain what are your experiences with rouges in endcontent? Becouse from what i see (for me) it looks like you have no idea what are you talking about in the rouges balance topic.
My and mine guild experiences with "Rouges" are totally different than what you say in this matter. We can see how OP is r/w and how strong is r/d becouse we have few of them and those are well geard, experienced players.
Can you please explain you point of view?
Sorry, but i must say that u probably havn't played as r/w properly if u say so. And saying that there are classes that are better than (or as good as) the r/w... well, nothing more to say. You have told before that u are running most of time in party with ~ max 1-2x pdps, maybe thats why u cant see such a difference :).
Just no offence
Anyway, developers pls look into it! Thx!
Sorry, but i must say that u probably havn't played as r/w properly if u say so. And saying that there are classes that are better than (or as good as) the r/w... well, nothing more to say. You have told before that u are running most of time in party with ~ max 1-2x pdps, maybe thats why u cant see such a difference :).
Just no offence
Anyway, developers pls look into it! Thx!
I did with rogue/warden for example 35-40kk charged chop damage on nayat and 15-20kk Power of the Wood Spirit in trash if I was fullbuffed.
I know my rogue ist not well geared, only t15 weapon, but burst single dps with nearly 60-70kk damage per second is more than rogue/warrior I guess
Toxic Splash has been nerfed the last 3 patches almost every time. There are several classes that have stronger aoe bursts. The strength of the rogue/warrior is that it can maintain the aoe longer. If Whirlwind gets a maximum number of mobs, the damage must be increased or other skills also reduced . Because the damage from, for example, power of the wood spirits is much greater. And in the single target burst, other classes are also better.
The classes with posion damage belong to the good classes, but I don´t think that all the gift classes are the best overall damage classes. With rogue there are classes that are better than or as good as the /warrior. /priest and /warden belong to it. The /champion is also very strong combination, his support is very good and the damage to it too.
Can you please explain what are your experiences with rouges in endcontent? Becouse from what i see (for me) it looks like you have no idea what are you talking about in the rouges balance topic.
My and mine guild experiences with "Rouges" are totally different than what you say in this matter. We can see how OP is r/w and how strong is r/d becouse we have few of them and those are well geard, experienced players.
Can you please explain you point of view?
Sorry, but i must say that u probably havn't played as r/w properly if u say so. And saying that there are classes that are better than (or as good as) the r/w... well, nothing more to say. You have told before that u are running most of time in party with ~ max 1-2x pdps, maybe thats why u cant see such a difference :).
Just no offence
Anyway, developers pls look into it! Thx!
Well from what i have seen on our Guild runs is the big problem that trash / bosses die too fast that the r/w cant play his full potential.
One main reason to this is that the r/w has a fairly long rotation to do prober damage and of course benefits from other rogues bleeding debuff ( what in our runs rarely happens , we run mostly with 1 rogue ) -> Longer Fights -> better r/w performance
Can you please explain what are your experiences with rouges in endcontent? Becouse from what i see (for me) it looks like you have no idea what are you talking about in the rouges balance topic.
My and mine guild experiences with "Rouges" are totally different than what you say in this matter. We can see how OP is r/w and how strong is r/d becouse we have few of them and those are well geard, experienced players.
Can you please explain you point of view?
Sorry, but i must say that u probably havn't played as r/w properly if u say so. And saying that there are classes that are better than (or as good as) the r/w... well, nothing more to say. You have told before that u are running most of time in party with ~ max 1-2x pdps, maybe thats why u cant see such a difference :).
Just no offence
Anyway, developers pls look into it! Thx!
Well from what i have seen on our Guild runs is the big problem that trash / bosses die too fast that the r/w cant play his full potential.
One main reason to this is that the r/w has a fairly long rotation to do prober damage and of course benefits from other rogues bleeding debuff ( what in our runs rarely happens , we run mostly with 1 rogue ).
Thats why i said, probably u are right that for a extremely short fights and when r/w cant get to the mobs (well like any other rogues) its nothing wrong with that combination ,and you cant really see difference on pdps fully. Our party is always full of pdps (not all are full gold geared, but 3 main rogues - 2x r/w and r/d or if he swap to r/p, and they are full gold) and its really really noticeable.
And saying that there are classes that are better than (or as good as) the r/w... well, nothing more to say.
On a serious note, R/W has very good sustained AoE from what I've seen, but that's it. If stuff dies quickly it can't keep up with non-gcd classes that deal their damage quickly.
Since the general direction taken by the balancing team seems to point towards nerfing all classes to where Champion is now, R/W needs to be adjusted. However, I think the class needs some instant damage in exchange.