Game server population

  • I'm seriously contemplating leaving Runes of Magic because of the recent Catch Up Server bull that happened for many people having characters deleted simply because they didn't reach 85 in time for the server going offline. This meant that any money we had spent on characters on that server was completely wasted. Given all that news, I want to know what the server population is like over here in COA?

  • Hey

    i can agree with Cathys ~300-500 , but in the next Month the Population will probably rise even more because there is new content coming up . I would suggest you just try it out here . If you have any more questions you can pm me here in the Forums or Ingame

    Greetings ,


    If you identify a UFO as a UFO , then it becomes an FO. Unless it has landed , then it is simply an -> O

  • Go for it ! Leaving the GF server behind was a decision I have never regretted.

    The estimated serverpopulation should be indeed around 300 - 500, atm maybe a little bit closer towards 300, but that will soon change since several contentupdates are announced.

    In fact, next week there should be a update introducing nostalgia instances.

  • ~300-500 players i would guess

    edit: also i would like to know whats the sense of playing on the CrapFroge servers o.O? your rich or what

    They released this thing called a Catch Up Server that gave players 3x the exp for all things. Once reaching 85 you got an item that you could use to make your secondary class automatically 80 and through a glitch were able to claim it on all other classes your race could be too. Then you could transfer off the catch up server onto one of the two normal servers to play with other people. The problem is, they never specified that you could ONLY transfer off if you reached 85 by their January 30th deadline and many people (myself included) got screwed over because we were either leveling our gathering at the same time and/or had real life issues that prevented long hours of play. Many of us spend real money on diamonds to get stuff like mounts and other quality of life items and now we're out that money because our characters who weren't 85 by January 30th were deleted. GF is basically blaming the players for not knowing this information. I'm not "rich" but I have no problem spending some money on a game I enjoy to help support the company to allow me to continue to play the game I like. I've played many F2P games over the years and have always spent some cash on it for various items/services if I enjoyed the game.

  • Yes, I agree, approximately as many as 300-500 people are playing now. But many people are waiting for new content that will be released soon, so there are a lot of players in standby mode, much more than they are playing now.
    There is no sense in playing on other servers, all of them are inferior to Arcadia, you will not see anything new there, and usually interaction with players leaves much to be desired, everything is different here.

  • Hello I agree... I was like 3 lvls shy of the 85.... I guess I misread the post about the lvl85...thought is meant u could only lvl up to 85 not that u had to get to 85 to transfer..they should not have put that stipulation in there.... its not like one account having tons of toons to transfer...they did limit it too 2 toons... and probably most the lvl85 transfers were peeps that already have multiply toons already on the server

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