Integrated Advanced Auction House does not find some items

  • Dear,

    In the latest update advanced auctions house was integrated into the game client. In my Opinion this was a good idea.

    Sadly there are some issues.

    Advanced Auction House cannot find items like new buffood (dwarf ale) or Ice-Shards.

    Best regards

  • Oh, I had the same issue with Ice and Lava shards yesterday, but didnt look further into this yet.

    Good to know others have that issue as well. I btw do still have the "old" .lua files in the addons directory, dont know if that matters in this case, but I was told those should always overwrite the new "client-side-aah", if so, then im wondering why I got an issue that came with this new implementation, while still unsing the "old" files, which worked fine until last patch.


    Think! It's not illegal yet.

    I'm just here for the drama.

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    Closed the thread.