[23:34:24] [Dingicik]: WTB[Tree Spirit Long Sword]
[23:41:37] [Melamania]: Lf any ini runs
[23:41:54] [Device]: [00:41:45] [Error code: 20] Player is already in a party.
[23:42:04] [Melamania]: ty again
[23:42:06] [Melamania]: lul
[23:44:06] [Serenadae]: wts[Korrumpierter Lichtbringer +20]
[23:44:08] [Serenadae]: [Korrumpierter Lichtbringer +20]
[23:44:11] [Serenadae]: [Korrumpiertes Großschwert +20] wme
[23:45:32] [Akos]: wts my mage gear :D
[23:48:58] [Bestiya]: вступлю в русскоязычную ги
[23:53:42] [Zyrex]: wts [Ultimativer Ring der Zauberei +20] full set cheap /w me
[00:00:08] [Nukeduck]: wts [Corrupted Horns +20]
[00:00:10] [Nukeduck]: [Corrupted Repellent +20]
[00:04:58] [Cloee]: 10.6;58.3
[00:05:08] [Cloee]: wanderer
[00:05:13] [Device]: ty
[00:05:14] [Cloee]: südlicher^^
[00:05:53] [Cokocoko]: wts 1 level fire pet [Holy Pet Egg]
[00:07:42] [Bestiya]: Device мужа моего приняли в ги а меня нет))))
[00:12:17] [Manakin]: wtb [Corrupted Dwarf Blade]
[00:14:22] [Larochka]: внимание идет набор эльфиек в гильдию Diva
[00:23:28] [Device]: lf ppl for second chill dc run w/me
[00:23:44] [Melamania]: +++
[00:23:54] [Device]: [01:23:45] [Tarsq] whispers: + support
[00:23:56] [Device]: xD
[00:24:00] [Stachustanley]: lf dps atlas, pt ready
[00:25:56] [Device]: more ppl for dc last run before sleep w/me
[00:27:27] [Device]: is anyone did any english video in youtube about kitty?
[00:28:10] [Device]: Aka had video i guess, if someone know send pls to [Tophb]
[00:30:15] [Dingicik]: WTT [Gloves of the Enchanter] Chain w/ me
[00:31:26] [Device]: lf x1 heal and someone else for DC fast run w/me
[00:32:22] [Device]: more ppl for dc w/me
[00:34:52] [Device]: heal for dc w/me and maybe some dps
[00:35:02] [Aldorus]: Any GM online?
[00:38:24] [Melamania]: WTS Dirty Tiers Selling;
[00:38:24] [Melamania]: -> 5100 D for T15s,
[00:38:24] [Melamania]: -> 16100 D for T16s,
[00:38:24] [Melamania]: -> 2100 D for T14s, /w me
[00:38:57] [Nicefoxeye]: + dc
[00:45:04] [Thekïller]: wts GP
[00:53:07] [Obiwankenobi]: [White Cedar Plank] wtb x1 :D
[00:58:12] [Daenerys]: Holaaaa Tamaaaa
[00:58:34] [Vergatario]: (º-º)/ holaaa daeee :D
[00:58:48] [Akos]: wts full mage gear with lower orkham
[00:58:56] [Tamakisen]: Perdona, (º-º)/ Holaaa Daee xD
[00:59:02] [Cloee]: dae <3
[00:59:08] [Daenerys]: Cloee :*
[00:59:14] [Airforce]: wts heal gear
[01:02:43] [Akos]: wtt [Gauntlets of the Duelist +20] for scout one
[01:10:11] [Tomran]: [Saisonales Windläufer-Rennen] gogo
[01:19:26] [Thekïller]: wts GP
[01:20:45] [Akos]: wts full mage gear with lower orkham
[01:28:07] [Gorilla]: lf ppl for fa
[01:29:39] [Gorilla]: wts dc pull
[01:30:55] [Melamania]: any ini runs ?
[01:31:15] [Device]: go sleep pls, enough ini for today
[01:31:30] [Melamania]: 2 runs are not enough :D
[01:31:42] [Device]: ppl did x3 orkham in a row, then x2 dc
[01:31:43] [Airforce]: [01:27:51] Otrzymano [Lutnia Mrocznej Woli].
[01:31:46] [Airforce]: :)
[01:31:47] [Device]: they are crazy
[01:31:54] [Device]: gz Misha
[01:31:56] [Airforce]: ty
[01:32:06] [Nicefoxeye]: GZ [Airforce]
[01:32:36] [Gorilla]: lf ppl for fa
[01:32:52] [Akos]: wts mage gear come me house for take a look
[01:32:54] [Nukeduck]: [01:27:27] You obtained [Tambourine of the Dark Will].
[01:33:06] [Nicefoxeye]: [01:32:47] Ihr habt [Zauberstab des Titanenschlächter] (219958) erhalten.
[01:33:23] [Blaxx]: any rofl run?
[01:33:28] [Melamania]: WTS golden pull
[01:34:38] [Akos]: wts [Pants of the Eldritch +20] set
[01:35:05] [Airforce]: wts heal gear
[01:35:58] [Nicefoxeye]: WTS [Korrumpierter Zauberstab] max roll
[01:36:21] [Device]: trade mage with me Akos
[01:37:28] [Ídhril]: Wtb xbow or bow stamina roll w/me
[01:37:37] [Nicefoxeye]: WTS [Korrumpierte Gelassenheit]
[01:37:45] [Nukeduck]: wts [Corrupted Horns +20]
[01:37:47] [Nukeduck]: [Corrupted Repellent +20]
[01:38:23] [Akos]: wts [Destruction of the Primordial (Refined) +6]
[01:41:22] [Nicefoxeye]: WTS [Korrumpierter Zauberstab] Max roll mdmg
[01:42:17] [Device]: wts gp and dc pull w/me
[01:45:55] [Xibalba]: lfg fa/dc
[01:47:32] [Device]: buy pls something from me
[01:47:39] [Device]: wts gp and dc pull w/me
[01:47:41] [Espartano]: sell cheap
[01:57:24] [Akos]: dps lfg
[01:59:15] [Espartano]: wts gp 20k w/me
[01:59:17] [Rumo]: lf more ppl for rofl
[01:59:24] [Airforce]: inv
[01:59:51] [Device]: [02:47:41] [World] [Espartano]: sell cheap
[01:59:54] [Device]: [02:59:15] [World] [Espartano]: wts gp 20k w/me
[01:59:59] [Device]: understood
[02:00:03] [Rumo]: Device come rofl
[02:00:09] [Airforce]: Ed come clown
[02:00:16] [Airforce]: i go k/ch for you
[02:00:22] [Device]: nah i finished last gp in my life
[02:00:29] [Espartano]: wts gp 19.99k w/me
[02:00:34] [Device]: [https://gyazo.com/20bf83540d930720315993b065c6f994]
[02:00:51] [Device]: i could go awakend to farm fast coins
[02:01:06] [Device]: i need to invest 300k more to sathkur
[02:01:07] [Rumo]: lf more ppl rofl 7/12
[02:03:25] [Rumo]: anyone rofl? 8/12
[02:03:27] [Ídhril]: inv airo
[02:07:09] [Rumo]: 3 spots rofl
[02:20:14] [Manx]: Is it possible to get Sun Essence with 300 Sathkur coins?
[02:20:30] [Device]: ye
[02:21:11] [Manx]: Are chances improved if you spend more?
[02:30:06] [Akos]: wtt [Gauntlets of the Duelist +20] for scout one
[02:32:39] [Airforce]: wts heal gear
[02:34:48] [Rumo]: wtb heal gear
[02:34:52] [Rumo]: but not from aero
[02:35:43] [Airforce]: pls
[02:36:00] [Rumo]: no
[02:39:37] [Akos]: wts selll mage gear and waeps
[02:40:10] [Airforce]: wts 410k patt heal1
[02:40:13] [Airforce]: *!
[02:43:27] [Akos]: wts set [Pants of the Eldritch +20]
[02:43:31] [Akos]: [Illusionists Ring of the Abyss +20]
[02:43:51] [Crazyrabbit]: WTB [Dolor de tiempos pasados]
[02:46:26] [Cricoideus]: [Rune Energy Extractor]
[02:50:14] [Crazyrabbit]: WTB [Dolor de tiempos pasados]
[02:56:19] [Crazyrabbit]: WTB [Dolor de tiempos pasados] stat
[03:05:49] [Akos]: wtt/wts [Gauntlets of the Duelist +20] for scout one
[03:07:42] [Crazyrabbit]: WTB [Dolor de tiempos pasados] stat
[03:25:12] [Thekïller]: WTS GP
[03:34:50] [Akos]: wts [Corrupted Scepter +20]
[03:34:52] [Akos]: [Corrupted Oppressor +20]
[03:34:54] [Akos]: [Elemental Dragon Scale +20]
[03:34:55] [Akos]: [Corrupted Tambourine +20]
[03:34:56] [Akos]: [Corrupted Evil Expeller]
[03:34:58] [Akos]: [Illusionists Ring of the Abyss +20]
[03:34:59] [Akos]: [Illusionists Earring of the Abyss +20]
[03:35:02] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cloth of Elenor +20]
[03:35:03] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cap of Elenor +20]
[03:35:06] [Akos]: [Final Form of Magic Ring +20]
[03:35:07] [Akos]: [Final Form of Magic Necklace +20]
[03:35:08] [Akos]: [Final Form of Magic Earring +20]
[03:35:11] [Akos]: [Gloves of the Dark and Light +20]
[03:35:12] [Akos]: [Belt of the Eldritch +20]
[03:35:14] [Akos]: [Cape of the Eldritch +20]
[03:35:15] [Akos]: [Pants of the Eldritch +20]
[03:35:18] [Akos]: [Mighty Phoenix Wings]
[03:35:22] [Akos]: [Destruction of the Primordial (Refined) +6]
[03:35:26] [Akos]: [The Corruption +20]
[04:00:24] [Akos]: dps lfg
[04:08:18] [Melamania]: WTS Dirty Tiers Selling;
[04:08:18] [Melamania]: -> 16100 D for T16s,
[04:08:18] [Melamania]: -> 5100 D for T15s,
[04:08:18] [Melamania]: -> 2100 D for T14s, /w me
[04:17:28] [Melamania]: WTS Dirty Tiers Selling;
[04:17:28] [Melamania]: -> 16100 D for T16s,
[04:17:28] [Melamania]: -> 5100 D for T15s,
[04:17:28] [Melamania]: -> 2100 D for T14s, /w me
[05:01:52] [Melamania]: lf ini
[05:02:47] [Akos]: dps lfg
[05:07:51] [Akos]: wts[Corrupted Scepter +20]
[05:07:52] [Akos]: [The Corruption +20]
[05:07:59] [Akos]: [Pants of the Eldritch +20] set
[05:08:02] [Akos]: [Gloves of the Dark and Light +20]
[05:08:06] [Akos]: [Final Form of Magic Ring +20]set
[05:08:10] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cloth of Elenor +20]
[05:08:12] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cap of Elenor +20]
[05:08:19] [Akos]: [Illusionists Ring of the Abyss +20]set
[05:08:24] [Akos]: [Corrupted Evil Expeller]
[05:08:26] [Akos]: [Corrupted Oppressor +20]
[05:08:29] [Akos]: [Corrupted Tambourine +20]
[05:08:30] [Akos]: [Elemental Dragon Scale +20]
[05:10:16] [Thekïller]: wts GP
[05:24:26] [Akos]: wts/wtt [Gauntlets of the Duelist +20] for scout one
[05:34:13] [Thekïller]: wts gp
[06:18:00] [Akos]: dps lfg
[06:31:42] [Akos]: wts [Destruction of the Primordial (Refined) +6]
[07:18:56] [Akos]: wts [The Corruption +20]
[07:18:58] [Akos]: [Corrupted Scepter +20]
[07:19:01] [Akos]: [Illusionists Ring of the Abyss +20]set
[07:19:06] [Akos]: [Final Form of Magic Ring +20]set
[07:19:14] [Akos]: [Pants of the Eldritch +20]set
[07:19:16] [Akos]: [Gloves of the Dark and Light +20]
[07:19:29] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cloth of Elenor +20]
[07:19:30] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cap of Elenor +20]
[07:20:26] [Akos]: [Refined Robot]
[07:20:27] [Akos]: [Destruction of the Primordial (Refined) +6]
[07:24:15] [Krosux]: Guten Morgen , suche eine Mittlere bis Große Gilde (Durchschnitlich 5+ Spieler am Tag) mit Discord der auch Tagsüber genutzt wird - ich spiele wen von 7 bis 20 Uhr abweichungen sind möglich ^^ mehr Details per PM
[07:32:55] [Akos]: any ini ? :D
[08:29:45] [Traxess]: LF heal for atlas
[08:40:26] [Akos]: wts [Destruction of the Primordial (Refined) +6]
[08:40:28] [Akos]: [The Corruption +20]
[08:40:31] [Akos]: [Corrupted Scepter +20]
[08:40:34] [Akos]: [Corrupted Oppressor +20]
[08:40:37] [Akos]: [Illusionists Ring of the Abyss +20]set
[08:40:40] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cap of Elenor +20]
[08:40:42] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cloth of Elenor +20]
[08:40:48] [Akos]: [Final Form of Magic Ring +20]set
[08:40:54] [Akos]: [Pants of the Eldritch +20]set
[08:40:57] [Akos]: [Gloves of the Dark and Light +20]
[08:43:14] [Cricoideus]: anyone run sardo?
[08:44:04] [Krosux]: Guten Morgen , suche eine Mittlere bis Große Gilde (Durchschnitlich 5+ Spieler am Tag) mit Discord der auch Tagsüber genutzt wird - ich spiele wen von 7 bis 20 Uhr abweichungen sind möglich ^^ mehr Details per PM
[08:48:40] [Traxess]: WTS full set [Final Form of Agility Leggings +20]
[09:13:04] [Traxess]: WTS [Final Form of Agility Cape +20][Final Form of Agility Leggings +20] full set
[09:13:07] [Traxess]: [Corrupted Horns +20]
[09:14:20] [Akos]: wts [The Corruption +20]
[09:14:24] [Akos]: [Corrupted Scepter +20]
[09:14:29] [Akos]: [Illusionists Ring of the Abyss +20]set
[09:14:32] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cloth of Elenor +20]
[09:14:34] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cap of Elenor +20]
[09:14:40] [Akos]: [Final Form of Magic Ring +20]set
[09:14:45] [Akos]: [Pants of the Eldritch +20]set
[09:14:48] [Akos]: [Gloves of the Dark and Light +20]
[09:14:52] [Akos]: [Destruction of the Primordial (Refined) +6]
[09:19:27] [Lamia]: Heal lfg Atlas
[09:27:30] [Lamia]: Heal lfg Atlas
[09:32:36] [Misswitch]: wts 90 m gold 1k dıas
[09:32:51] [Akos]: wts[The Corruption +20]
[09:32:52] [Akos]: [Corrupted Scepter +20]
[09:32:54] [Akos]: [Corrupted Oppressor +20]
[09:32:55] [Akos]: [Corrupted Evil Expeller]
[09:33:00] [Akos]: [Illusionists Ring of the Abyss +20]set
[09:33:03] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cloth of Elenor +20]
[09:33:04] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cap of Elenor +20]
[09:33:07] [Akos]: [Final Form of Magic Ring +20]set
[09:33:10] [Akos]: [Pants of the Eldritch +20]set
[09:33:13] [Akos]: [Gloves of the Dark and Light +20]
[09:33:18] [Akos]: [Destruction of the Primordial (Refined) +6]
[09:39:36] [Dializka]: lfg core/dc/fa/idk
[09:43:44] [Falbala]: Unsere junge Gilde Lonelywolf sucht Verstärkung. Egal ob Anfänger, Profi, Einzelgänger oder Teamplayer. Willkommen ist jeder, der mit uns das Rl entschleunigen möchte und Spaß am Spiel hat. Für mehr Info /w me \,,/(^_^)\,,/
[09:46:19] [Cindymaus]: Gute
[09:53:15] [Yavi]: wts[Spaczony Miotacz +20] 4x[Tyran XII]
[09:53:21] [Yavi]: 2x[Zabrudzony Stopień 13]
[09:57:20] [Akos]: any ppl for ini ?
[10:00:22] [Bilbobagins]: wts [Potęga Miasta]
[10:02:29] [Breadcrumbs]: looking for eng speaking guild
[10:05:05] [Islamoriana]: why this Egg didnt go when i clicked on Target [Weakened Enchanted Egg]
[10:15:36] [Islamoriana]: GM wsp me
[10:17:17] [Akos]: wts [The Corruption +20]
[10:17:18] [Akos]: [Corrupted Scepter +20]
[10:17:19] [Akos]: [Corrupted Tambourine +20]
[10:17:24] [Akos]: [Corrupted Oppressor +20]
[10:17:27] [Akos]: [Illusionists Ring of the Abyss +20]set
[10:17:30] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cloth of Elenor +20]
[10:17:30] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cap of Elenor +20]
[10:17:33] [Akos]: [Final Form of Magic Ring +20]set
[10:17:37] [Akos]: [Pants of the Eldritch +20]set
[10:17:41] [Akos]: [Destruction of the Primordial (Refined) +6]
[10:17:42] [Akos]: [Gloves of the Dark and Light +20]
[10:17:45] [Akos]: [Refined Robot]
[10:20:05] [Akos]: [Legendary Essence of Aggression]x6
[10:24:10] [Yavi]: wtb pnc
[10:28:04] [Yavi]: wtb pnc
[10:40:32] [Breadcrumbs]: any GM available ?
[10:42:03] [Yavi]: wtb pnc
[10:45:03] [Melez]: Did the kitty combo break?
[10:45:37] [Yavi]: wtb pnc
[10:47:58] [Flacko]: [Melez] jorje did a new update
[10:50:41] [Akos]: wts [Corrupted Scepter +20]
[10:50:42] [Akos]: [Corrupted Tambourine +20]
[10:54:01] [Akos]: wts set[Illusionists Ring of the Abyss +20]
[10:54:04] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cloth of Elenor +20]
[10:54:06] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cap of Elenor +20]
[10:54:09] [Akos]: [Final Form of Magic Ring +20]set
[10:54:12] [Akos]: [Destruction of the Primordial (Refined) +6]
[10:54:39] [Côsmô]: wts t13 chain runes
[10:55:50] [Flacko]: wts 2x [Burst XII]
[10:55:52] [Flacko]: [Corrupted Ripper]
[10:57:43] [Aldiii]: wts every orkham lower and acc set
[10:57:51] [Xyoh]: [Saisonales Windläufer-Rennen] 4/6 gogo
[11:01:00] [Piwerta]: [Sezonowy Wyścig Pędziwiatrów][Sezonowy Wyścig Pędziwiatrów] 3/6
[11:01:28] [Deedee]: Hello, where is [Find first object belonging to Zagarath] in Talaghan ?
[11:01:37] [Akos]: wtt/wts [Gauntlets of the Duelist +20] For same scout
[11:04:32] [Axtquwerx]: lf people for ks,abby or rofl
[11:05:10] [Kasium]: LFG atlas defense
[11:06:03] [Axtquwerx]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Axtquwerx;+++]
[11:08:03] [Axtquwerx]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Axtquwerx;+++]
[11:08:40] [Serenadae]: wts[Korrumpierter Lichtbringer +20]
[11:08:41] [Serenadae]: [Korrumpierter Lichtbringer +20]
[11:08:44] [Serenadae]: [Korrumpiertes Großschwert +20]
[11:09:09] [Tendô]: WTS [The Corruption] max roll wis
[11:09:11] [Axtquwerx]: dps for rofl ready to go
[11:10:03] [Axtquwerx]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Axtquwerx;+++]
[11:11:25] [Misswitch]: +++
[11:12:03] [Axtquwerx]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Axtquwerx;+++]
[11:16:54] [Côsmô]: [Saisonales Windläufer-Rennen] gogo
[11:17:37] [Côsmô]: 1 more [Saisonales Windläufer-Rennen]
[11:25:16] [Alwina]: wts [Korrumpierter Himmlischer +20]
[11:27:08] [Balanar]: WTS GP
[11:27:24] [Shilard]: [Saisonales Windläufer-Rennen] 2/6 gogo
[11:27:48] [Nefor]: [Грязный испорченный камень маны - Уровень 12] подскажите как это потом использовать?
[11:30:40] [Côsmô]: wtb [Karte - Weißer Spiel-Wabbit]
[11:40:36] [Melinoe]: [Saisonales Windläufer-Rennen]
[11:41:25] [Akos]: wts [Gauntlets of the Duelist +20] or trade for scout one
[11:44:16] [Yenefer]: WTS[Grim Chestplate of Xanthus +20] Set
[11:45:21] [Nicefoxeye]: Gz
[11:45:32] [Cruvor]: mein beileid
[11:45:40] [Pistanos]: ^^
[11:46:16] [Shadowofchaos]: [Where Is the Who?]some help please?
[11:46:51] [Melinoe]: [Saisonales Windläufer-Rennen][Saisonales Windläufer-Rennen]
[11:47:04] [Nicefoxeye]: Lf ppl 3x Necro
[11:47:16] [Ksaart]: wts [Ржавый череполом +20]
[11:47:47] [Nicefoxeye]: Lf Tank Heal and Dps 3x Necro Gast runs
[11:48:09] [Aldiii]: wts every orkham lower and acc set
[11:49:02] [Cruvor]: wts [Korrumpierter Vertreiber des Bösen] wme
[11:50:11] [Lutine]: wtb [Karte - Ehrenkristall-Wachturm] [Karte - Gefangener Geist] [Karte - Elda Harefoot][Karte - Benna Burrows]
[11:53:34] [Krosux]: Guten Morgen , suche eine Mittlere bis Große Gilde (Durchschnitlich 5+ Spieler am Tag) mit Discord der auch Tagsüber genutzt wird - ich spiele wen von 7 bis 20 Uhr abweichungen sind möglich ^^ mehr Details per PM
[11:54:50] [Shadowofchaos]: guys need help with [Where Is the Who?]=> after bard what i need to do
[11:58:19] [Tenebris]: any gm online
[11:59:50] [Akos]: wts [Destruction of the Primordial (Refined) +6]
[11:59:51] [Akos]: [The Corruption +20]
[11:59:53] [Akos]: [Refined Robot]
[11:59:54] [Happyharley]: gm online
[11:59:57] [Akos]: [Final Form of Magic Ring +20]set
[12:00:00] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cloth of Elenor +20]
[12:00:01] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cap of Elenor +20]
[12:00:05] [Akos]: [Illusionists Earring of the Abyss +20]set
[12:00:10] [Akos]: [Corrupted Evil Expeller]
[12:00:11] [Akos]: [Corrupted Oppressor +20]
[12:00:17] [Akos]: [Corrupted Scepter +20]
[12:00:18] [Akos]: [Corrupted Tambourine +20]
[12:01:34] [Blaxx]: lfg rofl
[12:05:20] [Akos]: wts gp
[12:06:47] [Gorilla]: wts dc pull cheap
[12:08:22] [Gorilla]: lf ppl for rofl awakened
[12:08:59] [Gorilla]: lf more ppl for rofl awakened
[12:10:28] [Gorilla]: lf heal and 1-2 more dps for rofl awakened
[12:12:23] [Blackluna]: suche hilfe bei quest [Schatten auf der Plattform]
[12:13:49] [Gorilla]: lf heal and 1-2 more dps for rofl awakened
[12:18:25] [Gorilla]: lf heal and 1-2 more dps for rofl awakened
[12:20:55] [Gorilla]: lf 1 more heal then we start
[12:32:12] [Bano]: LFG
[12:32:37] [Yavi]: wts [Spaczony Miotacz +20] 4x[Tyran XII]
[12:34:29] [Stoneriver]: hello, where is Laurana, after done this quest?[Infiziertes, untotes Fleisch. Ekelhaft]=>
[12:39:23] [Flacko]: wts 2x [Burst XII] 900d each
[12:39:26] [Flacko]: [Corrupted Ripper] 2k
[12:39:41] [Akos]: wts/wtt [Gauntlets of the Duelist +20] for scout one
[12:42:18] [Ksaart]: wts [Ржавый череполом +20]
[12:45:04] [Nicefoxeye]: WTS [Aspekt des Vollstreckers] :-)
[12:45:47] [Akos]: wts gp
[12:48:38] [Bano]: LFG
[12:51:10] [Melinoe]: [Saisonales Windläufer-Rennen]
[12:51:51] [Takua]: lfg atlas
[12:54:00] [Gorilla]: 2 spot for core rofl awakened
[12:54:38] [Gorilla]: full
[12:55:01] [Akos]: wts[The Corruption +20]
[12:55:04] [Akos]: [Corrupted Scepter +20]
[12:55:05] [Akos]: [Corrupted Tambourine +20]
[12:55:10] [Akos]: [Illusionists Ring of the Abyss +20]set
[12:55:12] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cap of Elenor +20]
[12:55:14] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cloth of Elenor +20]
[12:55:17] [Akos]: [Final Form of Magic Ring +20]set
[12:55:22] [Akos]: [Refined Robot]
[12:55:38] [Akos]: [Destruction of the Primordial (Refined) +6]
[12:56:11] [Evgenij]: Кольчужный фулл продаёт кто?)
[12:57:07] [Earner]: WTS[Aspect of the Raider]
[12:57:11] [Earner]: [Final Form of Agility Earring +20][Final Form of Agility Ring +20]
[12:57:13] [Earner]: [Final Form of Agility Necklace +20]
[12:57:21] [Earner]: [Obscure Metal][Leading Call of the Void]x3 w/me
[12:57:43] [Skans]: [Перчатки Спасителя Сиддартха (Изысканный) +20] wts
[13:01:29] [Magnums]: lfg atlas
[13:01:48] [Takua]: lfg atlas
[13:05:39] [Magnums]: tank for atlas
[13:09:43] [Device]: lf heal for fast atlas duo w/me
[13:13:41] [Walgron]: [Перчатки исчезновения Астарота (Изысканные)]wts 700dias
[13:22:18] [Highscore]: heal lfg atlas
[13:22:27] [Flacko]: wts [Timeless Magicite]
[13:22:29] [Flacko]: [Legendary Sands of Time]
[13:22:31] [Flacko]: [Legendary Essence of Aggression]
[13:24:24] [Larochka]: Вдимание Идёт набор в Эльфоф в гильдию Diva
[13:25:59] [Côsmô]: wts t13 chain runes cheap
[13:28:05] [Yavi]: wts [Spaczony Miotacz +20] 4x[Tyran XII]
[13:29:25] [Spider]: heal lfg atlas
[13:33:30] [Akos]: wts gp
[13:35:01] [Gorilla]: lf ppl for fa
[13:35:22] [Madness]: wts endgame leather gear
[13:37:13] [Akos]: wts/wtt [Gauntlets of the Duelist +20] for scout
[13:37:18] [Akos]: [Gauntlets of the Shadow +20]
[13:37:40] [Gorilla]: lf ppl for fa
[13:39:03] [Device]: wts better endgame leather gear w/me
[13:39:22] [Akos]: wts too better leather geear 1mln dias
[13:39:27] [Akos]: xD
[13:39:40] [Diavolo]: wts gp
[13:39:58] [Device]: +guides for newbies+kitty+all cards w/me
[13:41:09] [Madness]: teach me how to play rogue pls
[13:41:24] [Device]: 100k
[13:41:35] [Akos]: 99k i can
[13:41:58] [Device]: if u teach ppl Akos, u should pay them not other way xD
[13:42:15] [Flacko]: o_o
[13:42:25] [Gorilla]: ppl for fa ? or dc ?
[13:42:36] [Device]: no ppl i guess atm
[13:42:45] [Nicefoxeye]: WTS [Korrumpierter Zauberstab] max roll
[13:43:21] [Nicefoxeye]: WTS [Korrumpierte Gelassenheit] max roll
[13:43:23] [Bano]: lfg
[13:44:13] [Gorilla]: lf tank , heal and 1 more dps for fa
[13:45:52] [Gorilla]: lf tank , heal and 1 more dps for fa
[13:48:32] [Akos]: wts [The Corruption +20]
[13:48:33] [Akos]: [Destruction of the Primordial (Refined) +6]
[13:48:36] [Akos]: [Final Form of Magic Ring +20]set
[13:48:44] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cloth of Elenor +20]
[13:48:45] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cap of Elenor +20]
[13:48:49] [Akos]: [Illusionists Earring of the Abyss +20]set
[13:48:53] [Akos]: [Corrupted Oppressor +20]
[13:48:57] [Akos]: [Eldritch Boots of Elenor]
[13:48:59] [Akos]: [Corrupted Scepter +20]
[13:49:00] [Akos]: [Corrupted Tambourine +20]
[13:49:02] [Gorilla]: lf tank and heal for fa
[13:49:51] [Airforce]: wts full heal gear (DC, necro etc)
[13:50:00] [Nukeduck]: lfg
[13:50:57] [Device]: Tolga gold on?
[13:51:17] [Gorilla]: lf heal for fa
[13:55:50] [Gorilla]: lf heal and 1 more dps for fa
[13:55:55] [Bano]: or Tank
[13:56:50] [Gorilla]: gogo heal
[13:57:17] [Bano]: LF 1 vs 1 overwatch
[13:58:37] [Gorilla]: where wanderer ?
[13:59:59] [Gorilla]: lf heal tank or dps for fa
[14:00:24] [Akos]: wts/wtt for scout can be clean [Gauntlets of the Duelist +20]
[14:00:52] [Nukeduck]: lf heal or dps atlas gogogo
[14:05:29] [Terminus]: hello whats the word i need to use to use skills in a makro?
[14:05:34] [Akos]: dps lfg
[14:10:29] [Elipso]: wtb [Enhanced Robot] red robot with these stat
[14:14:45] [Nukeduck]: lfg
[14:14:53] [Akos]: dps lfg
[14:17:49] [Nukeduck]: wtb advance XI,sage xI
[14:18:23] [Ecin]: wtb dex/pat stats
[14:22:39] [Schuss]: wts[Hinterhältige Stiefel von Astaroth (Verbessert)][Hinterhältige Schulterschützer von Astaroth (Verbessert) +20]
[14:22:52] [Schuss]: [Hinterhältige Stiefel von Astaroth (Verbessert)]
[14:23:31] [Elipso]: wts arcadia coins
[14:24:05] [Akos]: wts gp
[14:26:09] [Airforce]: wts full heal gear 410k patt! for good price
[14:27:11] [Elipso]: wts leather gear
[14:33:14] [Akos]: wts gp
[14:33:23] [Akos]: wts[The Corruption +20]
[14:33:24] [Akos]: [Destruction of the Primordial (Refined) +6]
[14:33:27] [Akos]: [Final Form of Magic Ring +20]set
[14:33:29] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cloth of Elenor +20]
[14:33:30] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cap of Elenor +20]
[14:33:35] [Akos]: [Illusionists Ring of the Abyss +20]set
[14:33:36] [Nukeduck]: wts [Corrupted Horns +20] max roll
[14:33:39] [Nukeduck]: [Corrupted Repellent +20]
[14:33:44] [Akos]: [Corrupted Scepter +20]
[14:33:45] [Akos]: [Corrupted Tambourine +20]
[14:34:11] [Akos]: [Gauntlets of the Duelist +20]wtt for scout one or wts
[14:35:48] [Lutine]: wts any orkham lower and acc set
[14:38:13] [Bestdps]: lfg atlas
[14:38:58] [Akos]: wts gp
[14:39:12] [Akalli]: wts [Survival Ring of the Ocean +20]set
[14:39:15] [Akalli]: [Hefty Chestplate of the Omen +20]set
[14:39:18] [Akalli]: [Final Form of Vitality Ring +20][Final Form of Vitality Necklace +20]
[14:39:59] [Akalli]: wtb orkham dex stat
[14:40:41] [Tails]: this stat useful to anyone?[Wizard's Cape]
[14:46:14] [Akos]: any ini?
[14:50:25] [Falbala]: Unsere junge Gilde Lonelywolf sucht Verstärkung. Egal ob Anfänger, Profi, Einzelgänger oder Teamplayer. Willkommen ist jeder, der mit uns das Rl entschleunigen möchte und Spaß am Spiel hat. Für mehr Info /w me \,,/(^_^)\,,/
[15:04:13] [Bestdps]: lfg atlas
[15:08:31] [Falbala]: Unsere junge Gilde Lonelywolf sucht Verstärkung. Egal ob Anfänger, Profi, Einzelgänger oder Teamplayer. Willkommen ist jeder, der mit uns das Rl entschleunigen möchte und Spaß am Spiel hat. Für mehr Info /w me \,,/(^_^)\,,/
[15:13:59] [Airforce]: lf Andrej
[15:16:31] [Akos]: lfp orkham xD
[15:17:26] [Melez]: LFG DPS FA
[15:18:38] [Akos]: dps lfg
[15:21:23] [Melez]: LF tank Heal dps for FA
[15:21:59] [Akvo]: wts [Dark Scepter of the Omen +20]
[15:22:01] [Akvo]: [Card - Evil Racer Snowman][Card - Clucky Hen Mount]
[15:22:07] [Akvo]: [Card - Furious Targonharl][Card - Murder Bunny]
[15:22:17] [Akvo]: [Card - Varanas Soldier][Card - Troublesome Wabbit] /w me with offers
[15:23:23] [Kardinal]: GM?
[15:28:16] [Melez]: LF Tank and Heal FA
[15:29:50] [Cricoideus]: anyone run grotto?
[15:30:08] [Akos]: dps lfg
[15:31:47] [Mythosxofxfirex]: 2 free spots for atlas wme
[15:34:17] [Xibalba]: WTB [Crossbow of the Corruption].
[15:41:29] [Melez]: LF PPL DC
[15:41:57] [Bestdps]: lfg atlas
[15:42:13] [Melez]: LF tank and heal DC
[15:43:27] [Melez]: LF Tank DC and Sup
[15:43:59] [Ksaart]: wts [Ржавый череполом +20]
[15:45:36] [Melez]: LF tank and heal DC
[15:47:28] [Daenerys]: wts [Escama divina de dragón +20]
[15:47:31] [Daenerys]: [Caparazón de Phargos +20]
[15:47:49] [Shadowofchaos]: anyoane can tell me where wander is?
[15:48:29] [Melez]: LF Tank,DPS for DC
[15:48:48] [Eldarion]: Hello, can someone told me where can i found [Cristal acharné]?
[15:48:52] [Shadowofchaos]: no one know where atlas wander is?
[15:49:18] [Alliar]: WTS clean t11/ dirty t15/16 pm
[15:49:30] [Melez]: WTB Tank for DC
[15:50:23] [Melez]: LF Sup,DPS for DC
[15:50:24] [Daenerys]: free [Carta - Cristal del horror]
[15:52:20] [Airforce]: wts heal DC and necro set
[15:52:47] [Blackkid]: lfg
[15:53:04] [Alwina]: heal lfg
[16:11:38] [Bano]: LFG
[16:12:07] [Bano]: LF PPL FOR FA
[16:12:37] [Leszix]: wts [Corrupted Scepter][Corrupted Cleaver]
[16:12:42] [Leszix]: [Corrupted Celestial][Knowledge of the Dark Will]
[16:12:53] [Bano]: LF ppl for FA
[16:13:58] [Bano]: LF dps and Tank for FA
[16:14:55] [Bano]: LF Heal Tank and dps for FA
[16:15:36] [Bano]: LF dps and Tank for FA
[16:18:26] [Irresistible]: any party for Tom of souls hm?
[16:19:36] [Akos]: wts[Destruction of the Primordial (Refined) +6]
[16:19:39] [Akos]: [Final Form of Magic Ring +20]set
[16:19:41] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cloth of Elenor +20]
[16:19:42] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cap of Elenor +20]
[16:19:45] [Akos]: [Illusionists Earring of the Abyss +20]
[16:19:47] [Akos]: [Illusionists Ring of the Abyss +20]
[16:19:49] [Akos]: [Corrupted Evil Expeller]
[16:19:50] [Akos]: [Corrupted Oppressor +20]
[16:19:50] [Blackkid]: wtt chain for leather/mage
[16:19:51] [Bano]: LF dps and Tank for FA
[16:19:56] [Akos]: [Corrupted Tambourine +20]
[16:19:57] [Akos]: [Corrupted Scepter +20]
[16:20:26] [Xibalba]: WTB [Crossbow of the Corruption]
[16:21:40] [Bano]: LF dps and Tank for FA
[16:21:52] [Notrasta]: Free [Carte - Wabbit Marron Cache-Œuf] for 3rd whisp
[16:22:12] [Device]: +
[16:23:26] [Huepfer]: [Saisonales Windläufer-Rennen] gogogogo
[16:27:50] [Evgenij]: WTB chain gear
[16:32:35] [Alliar]: WTS 10k Rubys
[16:35:54] [Oldvtech]: how do i change the movement speed of my toon
[16:41:09] [Danvo]: WTT [Holy Pet Egg] = DARK
[16:42:16] [Blackkid]: wtt chain for leather / amge
[16:42:32] [Device]: wts full leather endgame gear w/me
[16:42:38] [Akalli]: wts [Survival Ring of the Ocean +20]set
[16:42:39] [Irresistible]: [Thror]WTS or WTT leather equipment (full red) for heal
[16:42:40] [Akalli]: [Hefty Chestplate of the Omen +20]set
[16:42:43] [Akalli]: [Final Form of Vitality Ring +20][Final Form of Vitality Necklace +20]
[16:42:57] [Nukeduck]: wts full mage gear
[16:43:09] [Airforce]: wts heal gear
[16:43:19] [Melinoe]: wtb cookies
[16:44:48] [Akalli]: wtb orkham dex stat
[16:45:01] [Lutine]: wts any orkham lower and acc set
[16:47:50] [Huepfer]: wtb [Mauer der Stadt] w me
[16:48:28] [Danvo]: WTT [Holy Pet Egg] = DARK
[16:52:22] [Blackkid]: wtt chain for leather / mage
[16:52:29] [Evgenij]: WTB chain gear
[16:53:00] [Melinoe]: [Saisonales Windläufer-Rennen]
[16:53:03] [Akos]: wts [Destruction of the Primordial (Refined) +6]
[16:53:06] [Akos]: [The Corruption +20]
[16:53:08] [Akos]: [Refined Robot]
[16:53:11] [Akos]: [Final Form of Magic Ring +20]set
[16:53:13] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cloth of Elenor +20]
[16:53:14] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cap of Elenor +20]
[16:53:17] [Akos]: [Illusionists Earring of the Abyss +20]
[16:53:17] [Akos]: [Illusionists Ring of the Abyss +20]
[16:53:21] [Akos]: [Corrupted Oppressor +20]
[16:53:25] [Akos]: [Corrupted Tambourine +20]
[16:53:26] [Akos]: [Corrupted Scepter +20]
[16:54:49] [Akos]: wts gp
[16:55:29] [Huepfer]: [Saisonales Windläufer-Rennen] gogogoggo
[16:55:50] [Rimobul]: wtb [Грязный испорченный камень маны - Уровень 15] t14
[16:57:21] [Huepfer]: wts [Korrumpiertes Großschwert +20][Gleichgewicht]
[16:57:26] [Huepfer]: wts [Glück][Heilung der Alten (Verbessert) +6]
[16:57:32] [Huepfer]: wts [Verzauberung XIII][Wall XIII][Tyrann XIII]
[16:58:11] [Evgenij]: WTB chain gear
[16:59:11] [Huepfer]: [Saisonales Windläufer-Rennen] gogogogogo
[16:59:45] [Akos]: dps lfg
[17:01:37] [Drunkcat]: LF heal and dps DC
[17:01:44] [Shilard]: [Saisonales Windläufer-Rennen] 4/6 :)
[17:01:56] [Alwina]: Heal lfg
[17:03:19] [Shadowofchaos]: nab heal looking for fa party.i dont roll nothing i need only for the quest
[17:03:24] [Drunkcat]: LF Tank and dps for DC
[17:04:02] [Device]: +
[17:04:14] [Nukeduck]: +
[17:04:20] [Ksaart]: wts [Ржавый череполом +20]
[17:05:24] [Evgenij]: Куплю кольчужный фулл
[17:05:35] [Nicefoxeye]: Some dev around?
[17:06:46] [Shilard]: [Saisonales Windläufer-Rennen] 2/6 gogo :)
[17:07:37] [Kasium]: LFG Atlas defense!
[17:10:30] [Melez]: guys where is wanderer ?
[17:10:40] [Manx]: Hello! Wanderer is in AV at 33/20
[17:11:11] [Kasium]: LFG Atlas defense!
[17:12:41] [Barbados]: dps or heal for atlas pls
[17:13:41] [Melez]: ty
[17:14:45] [Akos]: dps lfg fa/necro/rofl/dc
[17:15:48] [Akos]: wts gp
[17:17:34] [Melez]: LF Tank for atlas Def.
[17:23:46] [Melez]: yaa amar seninle isimiz var.
[17:24:01] [Shadowofchaos]: nab heal looking for fa party.i dont roll nothing i need only for the quest
[17:24:21] [Evgenij]: Куплю кольчужный фулл/ wtb chain gear
[17:28:18] [Notrasta]: wtb [Massacre XI]x1
[17:29:40] [Akos]: wts [The Corruption +20]
[17:29:40] [Akalli]: lf heal for atlas pt ready
[17:29:41] [Akos]: [Refined Robot]
[17:29:43] [Akos]: [Destruction of the Primordial (Refined) +6]
[17:29:47] [Akos]: [Final Form of Magic Ring +20]set
[17:29:51] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cloth of Elenor +20]
[17:29:52] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cap of Elenor +20]
[17:29:54] [Akos]: [Illusionists Earring of the Abyss +20]
[17:29:55] [Akos]: [Illusionists Ring of the Abyss +20]
[17:29:58] [Akos]: [Corrupted Oppressor +20]
[17:30:00] [Akos]: [Corrupted Evil Expeller]
[17:30:06] [Akos]: [Eldritch Boots of Elenor]
[17:30:10] [Akos]: [Corrupted Scepter +20]
[17:30:12] [Akos]: [Corrupted Tambourine +20]
[17:30:20] [Akalli]: lf heal for atlas pt ready
[17:33:02] [Thekïller]: wts GP
[17:46:33] [Gorilla]: lf ppl for fa or dc
[17:47:39] [Gorilla]: lf tank, heal and 1 more dps for fa
[17:48:32] [Gorilla]: lf tank and 1 more dps
[17:50:24] [Gorilla]: lf tank for fa
[17:51:11] [Evgenij]: Куплю кольчужный фулл/ wtb chain gear
[17:53:00] [Shadowofchaos]: nab heal looking for fa party.i dont roll nothing i need only for the quest
[17:53:03] [Gorilla]: lf tank for fa
[17:53:20] [Gopstop]: Lf heal for atlas
[17:55:52] [Akos]: any tank for fast FA?
[17:58:26] [Notrasta]: Free [Carte - Wabbit ombreterre] for 5th whisp
[17:59:48] [Gopstop]: Lf heal for atlas
[18:00:02] [Ryzek]: wts [Schwerer Helm des Omen +20] wme
[18:07:33] [Jaco]: hex/kund supporter for atlas - looking for a grp
[18:08:00] [Akos]: wts [Destruction of the Primordial (Refined) +6]
[18:08:02] [Akos]: [Illusionists Ring of the Abyss +20]
[18:08:05] [Akos]: [Corrupted Scepter +20]
[18:08:07] [Akos]: [Shielding]
[18:08:11] [Akos]: [Corrupted Tambourine +20]
[18:08:13] [Akos]: [Eldritch Boots of Elenor]
[18:08:17] [Akos]: [Corrupted Oppressor +20]
[18:08:18] [Akos]: [Illusionists Earring of the Abyss +20]
[18:08:21] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cap of Elenor +20]
[18:08:24] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cloth of Elenor +20]
[18:08:28] [Akos]: [Final Form of Magic Ring +20]set
[18:08:33] [Akos]: [Refined Robot]
[18:08:35] [Akos]: [The Corruption +20]
[18:10:51] [Larochka]: есть у каво шмот на сотку
[18:11:36] [Evgenij]: Larochka рублёв?)
[18:12:55] [Notrasta]: Lf heal for atlas duo
[18:13:08] [Aedaira]: wts [Massaker XIII][Assassine XIII]
[18:13:12] [Aedaira]: [Rätsel XIII]
[18:13:15] [Aedaira]: [Korrumpiertes Tamburin +20]
[18:13:17] [Aedaira]: [Korrumpierte Klinge +20]
[18:14:05] [Shadowofchaos]: nab heal looking for fa party.i dont roll nothing i need only for the quest
[18:14:58] [Gizzmo]: [Shadowofchaos] you know, that you need to kill Boss 1 as heal?
[18:15:22] [Shadowofchaos]: can be 2 heals dont need to be only me
[18:15:34] [Akos]: wts or tradef for katana with PATT [Corrupted Scepter +20]
[18:18:43] [Akos]: wts gp
[18:19:33] [Jaco]: lfg atlas
[18:27:35] [Piwerta]: [Sezonowy Wyścig Pędziwiatrów] 4/6
[18:28:10] [Obiwankenobi]: where is wanderer? pls
[18:28:39] [Zoltanchivay]: enterence of hall of records in atlas
[18:29:01] [Zoltanchivay]: discorda gelip sorsana ne burdan yoruyon lüle
[18:29:08] [Piwerta]: [Sezonowy Wyścig Pędziwiatrów] 5/6
[18:29:45] [Obiwankenobi]: kes
[18:29:52] [Tarsq]: [Obiwankenobi] merhamet göster abi
[18:29:57] [Tarsq]: affet bizi
[18:30:35] [Flacko]: wts 2x [Burst XII]
[18:30:36] [Flacko]: [Corrupted Ripper]
[18:30:41] [Flacko]: [Legendary Essence of Aggression]
[18:30:43] [Zoltanchivay]: gürkan yeminimi bozdurup başlattırma beni tekrar oyuna
[18:30:43] [Flacko]: [Timeless Magicite]
[18:31:09] [Zoltanchivay]: şurda atlastan atlasa giriyoruz tadını çıkar
[18:31:11] [Gorilla]: wts dc pull cheap
[18:31:13] [Tarsq]: asdasdfadsf
[18:32:15] [Ithileve]: wtb, [Karta - Wieża Strażnicza Kryształu Honoru], i pay very good
[18:34:15] [Melez]: LFG DPS FA
[18:35:08] [Airforce]: wts heal gear and any orkham gloves
[18:35:36] [Ksaart]: wts [Ржавый череполом +20]
[18:36:16] [Gorilla]: lf ppl for fa
[18:36:48] [Gorilla]: lf more ppl for fa
[18:37:08] [Gorilla]: lf tank or dps for fa
[18:37:55] [Gorilla]: [Seasonal Windrunner Race] 3/6
[18:40:45] [Gorilla]: lf tank or dps for fa
[18:41:26] [Gorilla]: lf tank for fa
[18:41:34] [Gorilla]: or dps
[18:42:06] [Tany]: anybody know where i can find the champion npc in varanas`?
[18:43:28] [Deki]: free [Karte - Schatzkistenmonster]
[18:43:32] [Deki]: [Karte - Aufwallender Elementar]
[18:44:03] [Gorilla]: lf tank for fa
[18:44:37] [Deki]: [Gorilla][Zoltanchivay] have it
[18:44:46] [Zoltanchivay]: ben aldım mert
[18:45:05] [Melinoe]: wts [Korrumpiertes Zepter] max roll
[18:45:12] [Gorilla]: hayırlı olsun bu aralar her yerden bi türk çıkıyor
[18:45:16] [Gorilla]: istanbula döndü server
[18:45:29] [Tarsq]: millet geri dönüyor servere
[18:45:30] [Tarsq]: iyi oldu
[18:45:59] [Gorilla]: Amar geldi swye bereket geldi
[18:46:06] [Gorilla]: mübarek adam
[18:48:07] [Balanar]: WTS[Полуиспорченный скипетр +20][Кольцо Ассасина]
[18:48:11] [Balanar]: WTS[Испорченный репеллент][Испорченный несущий свет]
[18:48:59] [Gorilla]: lf tank or dps for fa
[18:49:02] [Akalli]: wts [Survival Ring of the Ocean +20]set
[18:49:06] [Akalli]: [Hefty Chestplate of the Omen +20]set
[18:49:09] [Akalli]: [Final Form of Vitality Ring +20][Final Form of Vitality Necklace +20]
[18:49:16] [Akalli]: wtb orkham dex stat
[18:49:45] [Evgenij]: Куплю кольчужный фулл/ wtb chain gear
[18:51:27] [Gorilla]: lf tank or dps for fa party r
[18:51:42] [Shadowofchaos]: nab heal looking for fa party.i dont roll nothing i need only for the quest
[18:51:53] [Gopstop]: [https://www.twitch.tv/gorstorr] Lf tank for fa
[18:56:14] [Gopstop]: [https://www.twitch.tv/gorstorr] Lf tank for fa
[18:57:36] [Daenerys]: heal lfg
[18:57:44] [Bano]: LF Tank for FA
[18:57:49] [Côsmô]: wts cruvor
[18:58:02] [Flacko]: pack full of cookies?
[18:58:07] [Côsmô]: Nah for free
[18:58:08] [Device]: if ssac function on i will buy
[18:58:09] [Misswitch]: wts [Gold] 100m ın ah
[18:58:09] [Cruvor]: wtt [Côsmô] for competent mdd
[18:58:11] [Flacko]: XD
[18:58:29] [Xaiza]: [Cruvor] wtb heal wings w [Cruvor]
[18:59:07] [Bano]: LF Tank for FA party rdy
[18:59:17] [Côsmô]: you force my wife to play druid CRUVOR
[18:59:39] [Cruvor]: [Côsmô]QQ
[19:00:36] [Tophb]: WTB [Lightning Sword]
[19:01:06] [Deki]: [https://forum.chroniclesofarcadia.com/thread/5348-server-maintenance-29-04-14-30-cest/]
[19:02:07] [Gorilla]: lf ppl for dc
[19:03:22] [Zoltanchivay]: AMK
[19:03:36] [Melez]: iyi gazeteydi bi aralar.
[19:03:37] [Gorilla]: LF Tank, 1 more heal and dps for dc
[19:03:48] [Sneedeline]: wtb[Wissen der vergessenen Legenden]
[19:03:52] [Zoltanchivay]: pardon beyler yanlış kanal
[19:03:59] [Zoltanchivay]: [Melez] aynen öyle
[19:04:16] [Gorilla]: lf tank and 1 more dps
[19:04:23] [Gorilla]: [Seasonal Windrunner Race] gogo 2/6
[19:04:37] [Bano]: LF Tank for FA
[19:05:27] [Zoom]: enes görmesin
[19:05:42] [Gorilla]: lf tank or dps for dc
[19:05:53] [Blackkid]: wtt chain for mage / leather
[19:06:01] [Celesia]: hi all :)
[19:06:21] [Cruvor]: Hi
[19:06:25] [Cruvor]: you have cookie?
[19:06:44] [Tophb]: wtb someone to clean some corrupted stones for me lol
[19:06:50] [Côsmô]: Wts t13 chain runes cheap
[19:07:26] [Gopstop]: lfg fa/atlas
[19:08:32] [Zoltanchivay]: enesi temizledik o artık yok
[19:08:38] [Côsmô]: evbet
[19:08:50] [Obiwankenobi]: artık sen de yoksun :/
[19:10:23] [Zoltanchivay]: kendimi feda ederek serverı enesten kurtardım daha napim ben ilke
[19:11:04] [Elipso]: where is wanderer?
[19:11:30] [Ithileve]: 2 x DPS looking for PT on Atlas
[19:11:33] [Obiwankenobi]: [Zoltanchivay] takımlara el at?
[19:11:45] [Zoltanchivay]: yaparız bişeyler ziya kardeş
[19:12:17] [Zoltanchivay]: var mı gene milletin arkasından iş çeviren yalaka onu da haklayım
[19:12:18] [Gopstop]: Lf heal for atlas
[19:13:55] [Celesia]: Are there any active guilds?
[19:14:08] [Nicefoxeye]: WTS [Korruptionskristall]
[19:28:34] [Facehugger]: Гильдия Akme ведёт набор русскоязычных игроков с желанием освоить весь контент и играть на высоком уровне. Онлайн, голосовая связь - обязательно. Нужны все, включая танков. С вопросами обращаться ко мне.
[19:32:20] [Aldiii]: wts any orkham lower and acc set
[19:32:32] [Ithileve]: 2 x DPS looking for PT on Atlas
[19:41:33] [Obiwankenobi]: LF guild
[19:42:06] [Daenerys]: x2
[19:43:21] [Tophb]: Anyone for KS hard?
[19:45:46] [Gopstop]: lfg fa/atlas
[19:46:51] [Gorilla]: wts dc pull
[19:49:29] [Shadowofchaos]: need team for fa i can make suport as priest/druid,i dont roll nothing only need it for quest.ty
[19:52:15] [Ksaart]: wts [Ржавый череполом +20]
[19:55:07] [Gopstop]: lfg fa/atlas
[19:59:19] [Elipso]: dps lfg
[20:00:34] [Elzwergo]: wts[Manastein-Grad 6]
[20:00:36] [Elzwergo]: [Ohrring des Pfadfinders +10]
[20:01:48] [Ryzek]: wtb [Schutz der Vergangenheit (Verbessert)] wme
[20:02:10] [Blackkid]: wtt chain for leather or mage
[20:02:39] [Gizzmo]: [Blackkid], trade for mage to get mages buffed ^^
[20:02:47] [Akatzuki]: WTS[Korrumpierte Hörner](111% droprate rol wme with offers)
[20:03:28] [Airforce]: wts heal gear and orkham gloves
[20:04:00] [Akatzuki]: “Glück und Traurigkeit laufen parallel zueinander. Wenn die eine sich ausruht, neigt die andere dazu, die Lücke zu füllen."
[20:04:00] [Kagamiko]: [Gizzmo] yea, mages are so weak now
[20:04:30] [Nicefoxeye]: WTS [Wissen des dunklen Willens]
[20:04:50] [Blackkid]: then give me mage gear :D
[20:05:00] [Alliar]: wts clean T11, dirty t15/16
[20:05:48] [Schuss]: wts [Gürtel der Lichtgeschwindigkeit von Khat (Verbessert) +20]
[20:05:52] [Schuss]: [Handschuhe der Lichtgeschwindigkeit von Khat (Verbessert) +20]
[20:05:54] [Schuss]: [Umhang der Lichtgeschwindigkeit von Khat (Verbessert) +20]
[20:06:20] [Madoxx]: wtb [Wall of the City] 2k wme
[20:08:25] [Elzwergo]: wts[Manastein-Grad 6]
[20:08:26] [Elzwergo]: [Ohrring des Pfadfinders +10]
[20:08:39] [Alliar]: wts clean T11, dirty t15/16
[20:11:05] [Gopstop]: lfg fa/atlas
[20:11:12] [Shadowofchaos]: need team for fa i can make suport as priest/druid,i dont roll nothing only need it for quest.ty
[20:11:15] [Daenerys]: wts [Caparazón de Phargos +20][Escama divina de dragón +20]
[20:11:19] [Akatzuki]: WTS[Korrumpierte Hörner](111% droprate rol wme with offers)
[20:11:24] [Daenerys]: [El celestial +20][Celestial Corrupto +20]
[20:11:26] [Nukeduck]: wts [Corrupted Horns +20]
[20:11:28] [Nukeduck]: [Corrupted Repellent +20]
[20:11:39] [Nukeduck]: [Tambourine of the Dark Will] / wtt for tiers
[20:11:51] [Elzwergo]: wts[Manastein-Grad 6]
[20:11:52] [Elzwergo]: [Ohrring des Pfadfinders +10]
[20:12:28] [Celesia]: are there any active guilds?
[20:12:37] [Gopstop]: No
[20:12:41] [Xibalba]: xd
[20:14:01] [Manakin]: wts [Corruption Crystal]
[20:14:32] [Wiltosh]: need tank and dps for atlas
[20:16:27] [Blackluna]: weiß jemand wo ich [Pilzkappe] für die quest [Kochen für das Festmahl] finde?^^
[20:18:00] [Wiltosh]: ifg atlas
[20:18:31] [Gopstop]: Lf heal for atlas
[20:18:34] [Alliar]: wts clean T11, dirty t15/16
[20:26:03] [Shadowofchaos]: need team for fa i can make suport as priest/druid,i dont roll nothing only need it for quest.ty
[20:26:58] [Feedmepls]: пати
[20:30:02] [Xaiza]: WTS leather gear or trade for equal mage wme
[20:31:07] [Irresistible]: We are at final boss ToS for [Weakened Enchanted Egg] anyone for tactic?
[20:31:26] [Kagamiko]: wts endgame mage gear, look it in my house
[20:31:43] [Elipso]: wts leather gear or trade for equal mage gear
[20:34:35] [Airforce]: wts heal gear (DC, necro sets and more)
[20:34:41] [Elzwergo]: wts[Manastein-Grad 6]
[20:34:42] [Elzwergo]: [Ohrring des Pfadfinders +10]
[20:34:49] [Gopstop]: Lf heal for atlas
[20:34:59] [Côsmô]: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lvj_oYuuC4k&list=RDBEsCY04JaUg&index=27&ab_channel=JesseBloch]
[20:35:00] [Airforce]: wts any orkham gloves
[20:37:23] [Akatzuki]: wts[Korrumpierte Hörner](111% droprate roll) wme with offers
[20:38:18] [Alliar]: WTS dirty T15, T16, T11 clean
[20:38:31] [Xibalba]: WTS [Burst XIII] cheap
[20:39:49] [Elipso]: wts [Agility of the Colossus][Might of the City]
[20:41:11] [Evgenij]: Куплю кольчужный фулл/ wtb chain gear
[20:41:44] [Flacko]: wts [Corrupted Ripper]
[20:43:16] [Alwina]: wts [Korrumpierter Himmlischer +20]
[20:43:26] [Airforce]: wts heal gear (DC, necro sets and more)
[20:48:54] [Islamoriana]: Thanks Device
[20:49:50] [Airforce]: wts any orkham gloves
[20:52:39] [Elipso]: wts [Agility of the Colossus][Might of the City]
[20:52:50] [Elipso]: wts leather gear or trade for equal mage/chain gear
[20:53:21] [Akatzuki]: wts[Korrumpierte Hörner](111% droprate roll) wme with offers
[20:53:23] [Irresistible]: most of ppl look for tank in world chat but as full red tank gear i look for guild and nobody accept lol this is really a wierd issue.
[20:53:46] [Bano]: TRUE
[20:53:51] [Xibalba]: x3
[20:54:16] [Irresistible]: every guild tells me get gold gears
[20:54:28] [Snobala]: server toxic
[20:54:36] [Xibalba]: -
[20:54:42] [Flacko]: Device: just buy a new pc
[20:54:52] [Xibalba]: xde
[20:55:34] [Irresistible]: if i get full gears why would i go somewhere lol i can go full random pts... server is dying for tanks but nobody try to give a hands to tanks. even i am not starter gears full red sets
[20:56:00] [Flacko]: that way u can do the tanking within the guild
[20:56:41] [Irresistible]: which guild bro? my guild makes only siege war... when i take them info inferno i get 300k heal -_-
[20:56:52] [Cricoideus]: ppl selling titles in order to make money what would people expect [Irresistible]
[20:57:07] [Cricoideus]: all those are old players xD
[20:57:09] [Kalahira]: [Irresistible] toxic against heals :D
[20:57:41] [Margery]: as a tank i never have the issue finding tanks, just healers are a problem :kappa
[20:57:44] [Irresistible]: my friend is going to play heal by selling his rogue gears just imagine my feelings -_-
[20:57:50] [Nicefoxeye]: WTS [Korrumpierter Zauberstab]
[20:57:53] [Nicefoxeye]: WTS [Korrumpierte Gelassenheit]
[20:57:57] [Nicefoxeye]: WTS [Die Korruption]
[20:58:15] [Flacko]: gms take note ^ make a class that allows u to play heal , tank , dps
[20:58:43] [Fluxy]: what is ur thought on this now ? people taking u as a tank into inis where u get oneshot ? i dont get ur point
[20:58:54] [Margery]: its called a bard @Flacko
[20:59:16] [Flacko]: oh for real ? so u telling me if i go play bard mage i can heal u ?
[20:59:26] [Flacko]: and im not saying dogwater 100k heals
[20:59:40] [Irresistible]: i dont get one shot from rofl norm mod i tanked before on random pt
[21:00:01] [Irresistible]: but guilds says get gold gear to join their guild lol
[21:00:15] [Flacko]: [Irresistible] sounds pretty fair
[21:00:22] [Fluxy]: but people dont wanna walk in 2 mph through the ini
[21:00:47] [Punka]: you might be tanking it but who is holding the aggro
[21:01:16] [Flacko]: just buy new pc ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[21:01:22] [Irresistible]: i can tank rofl, i can play sup. i also do it on random pt but guilds are not giving hands to players that is what i complain
[21:01:29] [Fluxy]: or invest 1k euro and buy gear :P
[21:02:00] [Tarsq]: [Fluxy] exactly, nobody wants to spend 1k euro for gear
[21:02:02] [Gopstop]: Gear chads humiliate a virgin tank
[21:02:19] [Tarsq]: [Fluxy] people should be able to rent armors also
[21:02:21] [Fluxy]: @Tarsq its called humor
[21:02:30] [Fluxy]: rent ?
[21:02:32] [Irresistible]: I got PC already with 900 steam games and 300 games in my pc. I bought dias to get this red gears already but i wont spend 1k euro to get full gear and look for guild sorry...
[21:02:36] [Fluxy]: where did we go now wth xD
[21:02:42] [Irresistible]: i rather to play alone if i go that far.
[21:03:39] [Flacko]: i mean u can always grind the gears :)
[21:03:43] [Kleinerdeal]: wts [Korrumpierter Zauberstab +20]
[21:03:45] [Kleinerdeal]: [Korrumpierter Himmlischer]
[21:03:47] [Kleinerdeal]: [Halbkorrumpiertes Zepter]
[21:03:50] [Kleinerdeal]: [Verhexter Schild +20]
[21:03:51] [Fluxy]: well finding the right guild can be tricky true but at the end i dont think people will not take u just because u only have red gear. i mean of course ur not gonna be able to join some top guild with that gear because yes they have standards
[21:04:20] [Flacko]: fluxy is preaching hear him out [Irresistible]
[21:05:19] [Irresistible]: i look for any guild can run even inferno or ice... i can tank rofl already my gears are enough
[21:05:34] [Irresistible]: i dont say LL or fallen will accept me just like this
[21:05:41] [Irresistible]: i dont expect it
[21:05:47] [Lutine]: I heared LL?
[21:05:52] [Irresistible]: but none of guilds are cares
[21:05:54] [Flacko]: not to flame u or anything but u do know ur basically calling ur guild ass
[21:05:57] [Xyoh]: What is with LL?
[21:05:58] [Lutine]: wts tank gear
[21:06:05] [Flacko]: XDD
[21:06:20] [Falbala]: Unsere junge Gilde Lonelywolf sucht Verstärkung. Egal ob Anfänger, Profi, Einzelgänger oder Teamplayer. Willkommen ist jeder, der mit uns das Rl entschleunigen möchte und Spaß am Spiel hat. Für mehr Info /w me \,,/(^_^)\,,/
[21:06:20] [Irresistible]: i see top players in LL or fallen or pulse just giving and example
[21:06:39] [Leszix]: Thank you
[21:06:50] [Xaiza]: WTS endgame leather gear or trade for equal mage gear wme
[21:06:52] [Flacko]: yeah and these top players either used money or time to build they gears
[21:06:53] [Yavi]: np
[21:06:54] [Côsmô]: Guten Morgen
[21:06:58] [Irresistible]: i dont expect them to take me... but nobody give a hand to players.
[21:07:05] [Fluxy]: not true
[21:07:07] [Fluxy]: imo
[21:07:20] [Nicefoxeye]: to be honest, i think the points are valid. but you also have 125 playing days, just earn yourself goldgear
[21:07:33] [Fluxy]: there are many guilds out there maybe u just did not try long enough ?
[21:07:33] [Côsmô]: I didnt use money to build my gear? Neither time? Fluxy? Are you okj?
[21:07:46] [Gopstop]: Sry for saying that but this game is not for begginers
[21:07:49] [Flacko]: there is improved , there is bloodywings
[21:08:06] [Gizzmo]: just open a support ticket and ask for gears
[21:08:11] [Shadowofchaos]: to be fair i got help,allot,some players helped me many times.so i agree to disagree
[21:08:11] [Fluxy]: xD
[21:08:39] [Fluxy]: [Shadowofchaos] 9 days on this server and saw more ini then some 150d player xD
[21:08:44] [Nicefoxeye]: Shadowofchaos say names haha :D
[21:08:49] [Xibalba]: +
[21:08:50] [Bano]: [Fluxy] Toxic
[21:08:51] [Obiwankenobi]: LF Guild(I'm not German)
[21:08:57] [Irresistible]: ppl already help me in random pts, i know some. but i mean guilds
[21:09:05] [Gopstop]: It's unbearable to start here without friends
[21:09:06] [Zoltanchivay]: [Obiwankenobi]then impossible man :D
[21:09:17] [Irresistible]: like bano he mostly inv me to rofl pts
[21:09:21] [Elipso]: get a room xD
[21:09:22] [Shadowofchaos]: i dunno mate,people helped me.i did some quests that was imposible for me to make,hope one day to help others to
[21:09:27] [Flacko]: bano mashallah bro !
[21:09:41] [Côsmô]: Obv highend guilds do not take newbies. And if you start to think why, you can easy understand the fact we do not wanna put effort
[21:09:42] [Fluxy]: Bano TopG
[21:09:55] [Côsmô]: in ppl who play maybe 1-2 months and then go offline again :)
[21:10:11] [Flacko]: happened before ^ XD
[21:10:16] [Lutine]: [Côsmô] toxic
[21:10:20] [Ryzek]: thanks for investing time in me LL :)
[21:10:34] [Côsmô]: [Ryzek] i invested to much in you
[21:10:38] [Gopstop]: Lf heal for atlas pls help
[21:10:49] [Irresistible]: if i get any effort, dont worry i never let down someone give me a hand brother
[21:10:51] [Ryzek]: will go inactive soon, thank you [Côsmô]
[21:10:52] [Flacko]: i think everyone should say nice thank you to their guilds? so its very cute and wholesome in world chat?
[21:10:54] [Gizzmo]: noch eine woche, dann hab ich das spiel auch durchgespielt
[21:11:17] [Elipso]: thanks in investing time in me [Elipso]
[21:11:22] [Xaiza]: [Gizzmo] hast du dann endlich die 200 orkham runs voll? :D
[21:11:26] [Côsmô]: In LL each one hates each other dw :D
[21:11:29] [Xupypr]: lfg rofl
[21:11:33] [Bano]: the best way to get reeady for Highend Guild , FARM dias , and do Random run's when it's available , do not wait for anything else [Irresistible]
[21:12:06] [Gopstop]: How he can farm dias?
[21:12:11] [Flacko]: gold ?
[21:12:12] [Bano]: farming GOLD
[21:12:16] [Evgenij]: Куплю кольчужный фулл/ wtb chain gear
[21:12:21] [Punka]: just burst
[21:12:22] [Lutine]: farm [Phirius Einweg-Injektor]
[21:12:29] [Flacko]: ^
[21:12:30] [Lutine]: wtb [Phirius Einweg-Injektor]
[21:12:33] [Côsmô]: Gold, Cards, CardStones, Clean stones, dirty stones.. Sooooo much :)
[21:12:35] [Xupypr]: lfg rofl
[21:12:36] [Nicefoxeye]: Fram gold,cards, tierstones , [Phirius Einweg-Injektor], minigames, memes,
[21:12:39] [Flacko]: or [Universal Potion]
[21:12:40] [Bano]: with farming GOLD u can Farm Tiers
[21:12:42] [Nicefoxeye]: Dreamland
[21:12:47] [Irresistible]: i farm gold 47m atm [Dirty Corrupted Mana Stone - Tier 15] farmıng tiers too i got gears too but guys we cant find the point
[21:12:49] [Irresistible]: let me explain
[21:12:58] [Gopstop]: Wheres gold? I need some notes)
[21:13:07] [Elipso]: wtb gold
[21:13:11] [Bano]: do Daily bassis Arcane Forge , and when ever u have the money to get Charges , u can sell it immedit'y
[21:13:12] [Côsmô]: Vale of Rites for example
[21:13:36] [Nicefoxeye]: Also mats from Cenedrill can be sold
[21:13:47] [Côsmô]: wts [Korrumpierte Rassel]
[21:13:51] [Bano]: WTB [DYNAMIC]
[21:14:39] [Bano]: Everyone in this game Need Gold , even GM's xD
[21:14:40] [Flacko]: [Irresistible] their point is there is various things to get dias, and almost all of them with ur gear is easy, just gotta give in the time to grind it out, and put the effort in
[21:15:11] [Irresistible]: The thing is if guilds wont accept any player with normal gears ( i dont say new players ) I got all inis opened already and got full ready gears enough to do things as tank but guilds only expect full gold gears...
[21:15:37] [Irresistible]: tell me if i get full maxed gears, why would i need to join when whole server looks for tank for runs?
[21:15:39] [Fluxy]: but where is the problem that guilds have a standard?
[21:15:52] [Gopstop]: Maybe [Irresistible] want to say he cant find ppl with same gear as his
[21:15:55] [Irresistible]: Ofc they will have standarts but not ALL
[21:15:56] [Flacko]: see the problem is, ur standards are high right now, u need to be humble and work ur way into high end, gotta start somewhere
[21:16:14] [Xibalba]: +
[21:16:14] [Fluxy]: [Flacko] +1
[21:16:15] [Irresistible]: [Gopstop] yea you got some of point of mine
[21:16:40] [Xupypr]: lfg rofl
[21:16:42] [Fluxy]: well it is hard for people to have the same gear as u because it simply is old
[21:16:49] [Xibalba]: when i have red gears many pro players gave me a hanad
[21:16:50] [Flacko]: ^
[21:17:18] [Device]: wts dc pull+gp w/me
[21:17:23] [Irresistible]: do you know why am i saying this?
[21:17:26] [Gopstop]: And i got u this is stupid when u starts playing and u must grind a lot and when u will get it u can start play
[21:17:49] [Nicefoxeye]: [Irresistible] try to join each random run and helpflull class at Dc and u will have gold gear in 1-2 moth easy
[21:17:50] [Xibalba]: falle, LL akme they gave me a hand buddy
[21:17:53] [Flacko]: autobots, roll out!
[21:18:11] [Irresistible]: i started server with 6 players and 3 left already because of this problem. 3 of us spended a 100 euro each and made red gears but do nothing. other 2 friends are close to leave and me too
[21:18:18] [Irresistible]: server is losing players like this
[21:18:29] [Shadowofchaos]: i got 3 gold gear and i cant even farm gold lol,im only heal:))
[21:18:31] [Irresistible]: and after while you guys will be all alone by that way...
[21:19:23] [Nicefoxeye]: Just Join Random Dc runs there are serveral each day
[21:19:36] [Fluxy]: well for me it is quite simple u focus urself too much on a guild right now
[21:19:41] [Fluxy]: there are soooo many random runs
[21:19:44] [Gopstop]: I agree that starting to play here is literally the most difficult and boring part of the game)
[21:19:48] [Fluxy]: join em buy gear be happy
[21:19:48] [Irresistible]: i do many times i join rofl or DC thanks to all ppl accepted me
[21:19:51] [Aedaira]: wts mage gear
[21:19:57] [Irresistible]: but why i cant get a home as guild?
[21:20:06] [Bano]: u need GOLD gear = it's not the highend gear , it's only ROFL golden gear
[21:20:29] [Bano]: there is Upper set from DC , and lower set from Orkham
[21:20:33] [Fluxy]: in ah people sell gold gear for nothing nowadays
[21:21:03] [Melez]: aglama duvarini gecmis buralar
[21:21:21] [Irresistible]: kardeşim boş yapma istersen
[21:21:36] [Melez]: senin kardesin degilim ben
[21:21:40] [Irresistible]: o zaman afkurma
[21:21:44] [Cricoideus]: ne diyon sen a.
[21:21:48] [Nicefoxeye]: Think about it this way, the more you run randomly, the more reputation you get. And people will see you who didn't have you on their radar - I haven't been here that long and I didn't have to do it any other way
[21:21:51] [Gopstop]: But for the most part, this problem is related to the number of players, there are not so many newcomers that everyone has a gradual development.
[21:21:57] [Cricoideus]: ne diyorsun olumü
[21:21:58] [Melez]: agla
[21:22:06] [Irresistible]: afkur aynen devam BL
[21:22:07] [Zoltanchivay]: koca bi server sabit kafa ak parti taraftarı gibi grind yap biz öyle yaptık diyip duruyor kafalara bak :D
[21:22:08] [Bano]: [Nicefoxeye]+1
[21:22:48] [Melez]: berk seni ciktigin delige geri sokarim akilli ol.
[21:23:08] [Bano]: [Irresistible] u came with me in ROFL , and u couldn't Tank even when u able to Tank ROFL
[21:23:14] [Evgenij]: Куплю кольчужный фулл/ wtb chain gear
[21:23:31] [Gopstop]: Lf heal for atlas
[21:23:37] [Irresistible]: kardeşim beni tanıyorsan yaz bi görüşelim buradan boş afkurma gel adam ol
[21:23:51] [Cricoideus]: dc gel derdin bi öğrenelim [Melez]
[21:23:54] [Zoltanchivay]: enes nerdesin lan [Melez] yazdığına bak şunu da reportlasana :D
[21:24:00] [Bano]: and this is not bad thing , but this is mean that the dps have a lot of AGGRO with high end gears
[21:24:21] [Melez]: akp kafasindan sikayet edenler, akp li gibi sikayet etme pesinde :D ahaha
[21:24:48] [Irresistible]: i can play good tank bano bro yes sometimes i lost agro on full players but with my gears i do my best
[21:24:55] [Zoltanchivay]: küfür edeni reportlayan enes şurda adamın yazdıklarına bak
[21:25:25] [Bano]: i know , but this is the reason why everyone says u need Golden gear , and it's easy these days
[21:26:02] [Zoltanchivay]: [Melez]sen kimsin senle muhattap olacam lan ben lolipop :D
[21:26:02] [Allternator]: LF Healer for fast Atlas, pt r
[21:26:12] [Tarsq]: beyler küfür etmeyelim lütfen tartışacaksan medeni şekilde tartışalım
[21:26:23] [Cricoideus]: tipik alamancı akpli daha kötü bir çar yok
[21:26:47] [Zoltanchivay]: bence de [Tarsq]
[21:26:55] [Obiwankenobi]: [Tarsq] sayın milletvekilim olaya el atmak için çok geç kaldınız
[21:27:04] [Elipso]: dps lfg
[21:27:07] [Zoltanchivay]: birden çıktığın yere sokarım diyenlere söylemek lazım onu
[21:27:07] [Flacko]: its still simple answer like i said, lower ur standards, u cant expect to get in a big guild without proper gear man, it doesnt work like that, but there is still some guilds that would take u, because u can still learn.
[21:27:29] [Tarsq]: böyle kavga etmek hiç güzel değil tatsızlık yapmayalım lütfen
[21:27:42] [Tarsq]: kibarca konuşalım
[21:27:43] [Obiwankenobi]: [Tarsq] +1
[21:27:53] [Melez]: Seni mi kircam ya. Kibarca küfür ederim sikinti yok.
[21:28:19] [Zoltanchivay]: melez sen ne ayaksın birader herkese bi atar gider yapıyon oturduğun yerden
[21:28:20] [Irresistible]: Kardeşim buradan klavye adamlığına gerek yok varsa derdin gel beklerim.
[21:28:42] [Irresistible]: global bir konu konuşulurken yırtık dondan atlar gibi zıplayıp adamlık yapma kemiğini kırarım senin
[21:28:49] [Ashlynn]: Salam aleikum
[21:28:50] [Zoltanchivay]: kimse sana bişey dememişti niye üstüne alınıp herkese atladın ki
[21:28:55] [Melez]: uu kalbimi kirdin ama ya.
[21:29:12] [Gorilla]: :D
[21:29:20] [Facehugger]: Гильдия Akme ведёт набор русскоязычных игроков с желанием освоить весь контент и играть на высоком уровне. Онлайн, голосовая связь - обязательно. Нужны все, включая танков. С вопросами обращаться ко мне.
[21:29:26] [Melez]: kirma kemigimi lütfen. yapamam ben onsuz
[21:29:37] [Cricoideus]: melez dc gel ya
[21:30:16] [Irresistible]: ya sen afkur ötede haydi zekası çocuk canlı...
[21:30:16] [Zoltanchivay]: melez dcye falan gelme sadece seni ilgilendiren bişey yokken kendine pay çıkarıp atlama başka bişey istemiyoruz senden
[21:30:19] [Melez]: gelmiyorum.
[21:30:30] [Cricoideus]: gelmiyorum adjgafdgjgjagaj
[21:30:39] [Cricoideus]: gelme
[21:30:50] [Melez]: kalbimi kirdi arkadasiniz. kemigini kirarim dedi.
[21:30:58] [Melez]: bu sartlar altinda gelemem.
[21:31:27] [Leszix]: Fallen guild recruiting golden gear tank able to hold everyones aggro. and btw [https://imgflip.com/i/8o90dy]
[21:31:36] [Leszix]: oops sry not this. this -> [https://ibb.co/gF4jHH3]
[21:32:03] [Flacko]: XDDDDD
[21:32:27] [Irresistible]: it is easy to hold ur aggro if u got this brain level ^_^
[21:32:32] [Irresistible]: thx
[21:32:50] [Gopstop]: Ahahah
[21:32:53] [Ashlynn]: damn
[21:33:10] [Zoltanchivay]: bu oyundaki genel kitleden ne köy olur ne kasaba anlaşıldı
[21:33:28] [Tarsq]: böyle kavga ederek türkleri rezil ediyorsunuz gerçekten
[21:33:28] [Gopstop]: Lfg fa
[21:33:33] [Tarsq]: lütfen
[21:33:44] [Flacko]: [https://gyazo.com/dae27f02458c65513cf11104e400c845]
[21:33:46] [Tarsq]: millet dicek ki bu türkler neyin kavgasını yapıyor yine
[21:33:52] [Zoltanchivay]: [Irresistible]bunlara artık laf anlatma veya cevap verme gel deveye hendek atlatalım senle daha kolay
[21:34:08] [Côsmô]: [Leszix] ok xd
[21:34:24] [Melez]: mach doch!
[21:35:34] [Gorilla]: Amar burayıda trye çevirdin gittiğin yere kaos getiriyon
[21:35:34] [Shadowofchaos]: search fa team for quest,im not fa ready but i can make suport and i pass all items
[21:35:44] [Drunkcat]: lan ben naptım amk :D
[21:35:52] [Gorilla]: sen sus yapmışsındır birşeyler
[21:35:59] [Drunkcat]: rezil olduk zaten komple
[21:36:04] [Tarsq]: beyler kısa keselim
[21:36:06] [Tarsq]: lütfen bakın
[21:36:51] [Razdupliator]: wtb[Ловкость темной воли]
[21:37:01] [Airforce]: wts heal gear (DC, necro sets and more)
[21:37:04] [Airforce]: wts any orkham gloves
[21:37:39] [Zoltanchivay]: biz bişe yapmadık ki serverla alakalı düşüncemizi dile getirirken yavşağın biri çıkıp ağlama duvarı oldu falan diyip lafa atladı olay çıkaran da büyüten de biz değiliz
[21:37:44] [Spider]: lfg atlas
[21:37:53] [Swudo]: lfg atlas
[21:39:10] [Razdupliator]: wtb[Ловкость Стазиса]
[21:39:30] [Spider]: lfg atlas
[21:39:55] [Elzwergo]: wts[Manastein-Grad 6]
[21:40:00] [Elzwergo]: [Ohrring des Pfadfinders +10]
[21:40:35] [Gopstop]: Wts dc pull wtt [Оскверненный большой топор +20] on same 2h sword wme
[21:41:23] [Gorilla]: [Seasonal Windrunner Race] gogog
[21:43:10] [Balanar]: WTS[Полуиспорченный скипетр +20][Кольцо Ассасина]
[21:43:14] [Balanar]: WTS[Испорченный несущий свет][Испорченный репеллент]
[21:43:32] [Balanar]: WTS[Золото]1kkk 15k
[21:43:47] [Device]: good deal
[21:43:57] [Airforce]: wtb Skoda from Andrej
[21:43:58] [Bano]: [Zurhidon Are Terrible People]=> this is for FA ?
[21:44:01] [Gorilla]: [Seasonal Windrunner Race] 5/6
[21:44:05] [Spider]: lfg atlas
[21:44:26] [Gopstop]: Wts dc pull wtt [Оскверненный большой топор +20] on same 2h sword wme
[21:44:28] [Gopstop]: Lfg fa
[21:44:42] [Balanar]: if need Skoda 12k euro
[21:44:53] [Balanar]: good deal Misha
[21:44:55] [Flacko]: lada>everything
[21:45:04] [Airforce]: sure
[21:45:06] [Melez]: 100 für skoda.
[21:45:12] [Airforce]: 2.0 or 1.9 tdi?
[21:45:19] [Balanar]: 2.0
[21:45:21] [Airforce]: good
[21:45:25] [Huepfer]: 2,5 tdi
[21:45:31] [Akatzuki]: [https://imgflip.com/gif/8o927k]
[21:45:31] [Spider]: tfsi
[21:45:33] [Airforce]: pls no 2.5 and 2.7
[21:45:47] [Gorilla]: [Seasonal Windrunner Race] 5/6
[21:45:47] [Airforce]: why xD
[21:45:55] [Huepfer]: oo
[21:46:03] [Flacko]: [https://gyazo.com/0afc6a37efb77a43346f43747614499f] <--
[21:46:41] [Gopstop]: Osuzhdayu
[21:46:51] [Balanar]: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muOCVDkQfzQ]
[21:47:01] [Rolloo]: wts [Gesprungener Korruptionskristall]w me
[21:47:04] [Elipso]: wtb [Dirty Corrupted Mana Stone - Tier 15] 3.5k each
[21:47:05] [Akatzuki]: Airforce !! @
[21:47:05] [Akatzuki]: [https://imgflip.com/gif/8o92cx]
[21:47:14] [Gorilla]: [Seasonal Windrunner Race] last ppl go
[21:47:19] [Airforce]: XDDD
[21:47:23] [Flacko]: hahaha
[21:47:33] [Airforce]: yes that was my Golf IV
[21:48:08] [Akatzuki]: WTS[Korrumpierte Hörner](111% droprate roll) 15k or offers wme
[21:48:12] [Gopstop]: Lfg fa
[21:49:11] [Rolloo]: wts [Gesprungener Korruptionskristall]w me
[21:49:56] [Ryzek]: wtb [Schutz der Vergangenheit (Verbessert)] wme
[21:53:42] [Ybsi]: GM online?
[21:54:16] [Flacko]: r
[21:56:25] [Melez]: ben para kasiyim biraz.
[21:56:59] [Elzwergo]: wts[Manastein-Grad 6]
[21:57:01] [Elzwergo]: [Leben X]
[21:59:34] [Spider]: lfg atlas
[21:59:49] [Falbala]: Unsere junge Gilde Lonelywolf sucht Verstärkung. Egal ob Anfänger, Profi, Einzelgänger oder Teamplayer. Willkommen ist jeder, der mit uns das Rl entschleunigen möchte und Spaß am Spiel hat. Für mehr Info /w me \,,/(^_^)\,,/
[22:02:37] [Ksaart]: wts [Испорченный Тесак +20]
[22:03:36] [Melez]: WTS [Corrupted Tambourine +20]
[22:03:39] [Melez]: [Elemental Dragon Scale +20]
[22:03:53] [Airforce]: wts heal gear (DC, necro sets and more)
[22:03:58] [Airforce]: wts any orkham gloves
[22:04:16] [Device]: wts gp and dc pull w/me
[22:04:27] [Spider]: lfg atlas
[22:04:27] [Balanar]: WTS GP
[22:06:58] [Yavi]: wts[Spaczony Miotacz +20]
[22:09:43] [Akatzuki]: wts 14x[Aggression XII]
[22:09:47] [Akatzuki]: wts 14x[Assassine XII]
[22:09:52] [Akatzuki]: wts 4x[Rätsel XII] wme with offers
[22:10:04] [Akatzuki]: wts [Korrumpierte Hörner]( 111% drop rate roll) wme with offer
[22:10:14] [Obiwankenobi]: sup lfg dc rofl
[22:11:41] [Akatzuki]: lfg atlas
[22:11:48] [Spider]: lfg atlas
[22:11:50] [Falbala]: Unsere junge Gilde Lonelywolf sucht Verstärkung. Egal ob Anfänger, Profi, Einzelgänger oder Teamplayer. Willkommen ist jeder, der mit uns das Rl entschleunigen möchte und Spaß am Spiel hat. Für mehr Info /w me \,,/(^_^)\,,/
[22:11:57] [Swudo]: lfg atlas
[22:12:11] [Ashlynn]: WTS [Wit of the City] w/m
[22:12:55] [Gopstop]: Lfg fa
[22:12:56] [Aldiii]: wts any orkham set
[22:13:25] [Melez]: LFG FA
[22:15:15] [Huepfer]: wts [Gleichgewicht][Glück]
[22:15:21] [Huepfer]: wts [Heilung der Alten (Verbessert) +6]
[22:15:26] [Huepfer]: wts [Verzauberung XIII][Wall XIII][Tyrann XIII]
[22:15:38] [Huepfer]: wts [Korrumpierter Spalter +20]
[22:15:49] [Razdupliator]: lfg dps
[22:16:00] [Spider]: lfg atlas
[22:17:51] [Razdupliator]: heal atlas
[22:17:57] [Facehugger]: Гильдия Akme ведёт набор русскоязычных игроков с желанием освоить весь контент и играть на высоком уровне. Онлайн, голосовая связь - обязательно. Нужны все, включая танков. С вопросами обращаться ко мне.
[22:18:02] [Swudo]: dps lfg atlas
[22:18:08] [Spider]: heal lfg atlas
[22:18:19] [Razdupliator]: lf hqal far atlas
[22:18:22] [Razdupliator]: heal
[22:21:06] [Airforce]: wts heal gear (DC, necro sets and more)
[22:21:10] [Airforce]: wts any orkham gloves
[22:22:02] [Akatzuki]: lfg atlas
[22:23:58] [Crazyrabbit]: WTB [Forma final de anillo de la exterminación +20] CLEAN
[22:24:13] [Akatzuki]: wts [Korrumpierte Hörner]( 111% drop rate roll) wme with offer
[22:24:30] [Akatzuki]: wts many[Assassine XII]
[22:24:33] [Akatzuki]: [Aggression XII]in ah
[22:24:37] [Akatzuki]: lfg atlas
[22:26:03] [Ryzek]: wtb [Schutz der Vergangenheit (Verbessert)] wme
[22:26:20] [Balanar]: wtb gold wings 10k
[22:26:44] [Bano]: WTB Gold wings 15k
[22:27:09] [Fluxy]: wts golden wings 12k
[22:27:17] [Elipso]: i buy
[22:27:19] [Elipso]: put up gold
[22:27:21] [Fluxy]: xD
[22:27:21] [Tarsq]: same
[22:27:23] [Ashlynn]: WTS [Golden Wings +20]
[22:27:26] [Tarsq]: 12.001 diamonds
[22:27:40] [Akatzuki]: Ashlynn wasn das fürn Müll ?
[22:27:44] [Zoltanchivay]: wtb gp 15k dia
[22:28:05] [Balanar]: Zoltanchivay scam?
[22:28:07] [Akos]: wts [Destruction of the Primordial (Refined) +6]
[22:28:09] [Akos]: [Illusionists Ring of the Abyss +20]
[22:28:14] [Akos]: [The Corruption +20]
[22:28:19] [Akos]: [Final Form of Magic Ring +20]set
[22:28:22] [Zoltanchivay]: yes
[22:28:22] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cloth of Elenor +20]
[22:28:25] [Akos]: [Eldritch Cap of Elenor +20]
[22:28:25] [Akatzuki]: lfg atlas
[22:28:35] [Akos]: [Illusionists Earring of the Abyss +20]
[22:28:38] [Balanar]: wts GP
[22:28:38] [Akos]: [Corrupted Oppressor +20]
[22:28:43] [Akos]: [Eldritch Boots of Elenor]
[22:28:45] [Akos]: [Corrupted Tambourine +20]
[22:28:48] [Côsmô]: wtt [Versöhnung XIII] (my) for your hatered 13
[22:28:50] [Akos]: [Corrupted Scepter +20]
[22:28:52] [Akos]: [Shielding]
[22:29:26] [Balanar]: Akos unstoppable
[22:29:40] [Bano]: xD
[22:30:05] [Akos]: yup
[22:30:08] [Akos]: need sell it
[22:30:12] [Akos]: buy it than i stop
[22:30:14] [Akos]: xD
[22:30:28] [Akos]: take all promo price
[22:30:47] [Razdupliator]: wts gp
[22:30:55] [Razdupliator]: где странник
[22:31:08] [Akatzuki]: lfg atlas
[22:31:12] [Akatzuki]: wts [Korrumpierte Hörner]( 111% drop rate roll) wme with offer
[22:31:15] [Akatzuki]: wts many[Assassine XII]
[22:31:18] [Akatzuki]: [Aggression XII]in ah
[22:31:38] [Balanar]: can traid on citroen berlingo Akos if need
[22:31:49] [Côsmô]: wts [Korrumpierte Rassel]
[22:31:55] [Akos]: didnt need xD
[22:32:13] [Akos]: can trade 1 item for gloves for scout xd
[22:33:22] [Akatzuki]: [Saisonales Windläufer-Rennen]1 for go
[22:33:44] [Kagamiko]: wts endgame mage gear, look it in my house (t13/t14 gear, 13er runes, t15-t17 weapons)
[22:34:04] [Côsmô]: wtb 2x [Mauer der Stadt]
[22:34:39] [Ashlynn]: WTS [Wit of the City] w/m
[22:34:44] [Crazyrabbit]: wtb [Dolor de tiempos pasados] stat
[22:34:59] [Bano]: Kaga , are u quiting @@ ?
[22:35:04] [Balanar]: WTS GP, [Полуиспорченный скипетр +20]
[22:36:13] [Côsmô]: wtb 2x [Mauer der Stadt]
[22:36:19] [Akatzuki]: lfg atlas
[22:36:38] [Balanar]: Akatzuki around?
[22:36:47] [Akatzuki]: no. Balanar around?
[22:36:55] [Balanar]: no ty
[22:37:01] [Akatzuki]: sad :( but ok
[22:37:03] [Akatzuki]: but
[22:37:06] [Akatzuki]: you are the best
[22:37:14] [Balanar]: hmmm
[22:37:21] [Balanar]: YOU TOO
[22:37:26] [Akatzuki]: :*
[22:37:29] [Balanar]: :*
[22:38:35] [Bano]: Kaga we love u dont leave us
[22:39:07] [Kagamiko]: im not Pulse, i didnt leave you xD
[22:39:22] [Bano]: u are not leaving the server ?
[22:39:38] [Bano]: then everyone in the server xD
[22:39:43] [Akos]: kage he just want get more dungs clear
[22:39:44] [Akos]: xd
[22:39:50] [Swudo]: lfg atlas
[22:40:02] [Akos]: :D
[22:43:16] [Bano]: wl for ROFL
[22:43:19] [Fluxy]: DPS or Support Rofl
[22:43:59] [Bano]: wl for ROFL
[22:44:13] [Kagamiko]: wts endgame mage gear, look it in my house (t13/t14 gear, 13er runes, t15-t17 weapons, also gear for all combos like wl/k, m/w and etc)
[22:44:41] [Fluxy]: DPS or Support Rofl
[22:44:48] [Côsmô]: wtb 2x [Mauer der Stadt]
[22:44:52] [Bano]: WARLOCK FOR ROFL
[22:44:59] [Gopstop]: Lfg fa
[22:45:40] [Fluxy]: DPS or Support Rofl
[22:45:52] [Iliara]: wts [Verfeinerter Roboter] wsp me
[22:46:28] [Leszix]: Fallen looking for endgame Kaga player who stay with us on server, whisper [Morose]
[22:46:41] [Bano]: +1 [Leszix]
[22:47:05] [Falbala]: Unsere junge Gilde Lonelywolf sucht Verstärkung. Egal ob Anfänger, Profi, Einzelgänger oder Teamplayer. Willkommen ist jeder, der mit uns das Rl entschleunigen möchte und Spaß am Spiel hat. Für mehr Info /w me \,,/(^_^)\,,/
[22:48:16] [Kagamiko]: ok, deal
[22:48:23] [Kagamiko]: :D
[22:48:46] [Balanar]: looking for one meme from Leszix before going to sleep
[22:49:04] [Leszix]: da
[22:49:09] [Balanar]: ty
[22:49:11] [Nicefoxeye]: Welcome
[22:49:29] [Gopstop]: Piz
[22:52:29] [Gopstop]: Lfg fa
[22:54:26] [Serenadae]: [Saisonales Windläufer-Rennen] gogogo
[22:54:31] [Serenadae]: 5/6
[22:54:40] [Serenadae]: press all skills, gogo
[22:54:41] [Drunkcat]: [Arena of Darkness] gogogo 4/5
[22:54:52] [Akatzuki]: lfg atlas
[22:55:44] [Nicefoxeye]: WTS [Korruptionskristall]
[22:55:57] [Iliara]: wts[Korruptionskristall] too wsp me
[22:57:35] [Ryzek]: wtb [Schutz der Vergangenheit (Verbessert)] wme
[22:57:47] [Côsmô]: wtb 2x [Mauer der Stadt]
[23:00:32] [Gopstop]: Wts dc pull wtt [Оскверненный большой топор +20] on same 2h sword wme
[23:03:49] [Akatzuki]: wts[Korrumpierte Hörner](111% drop rate roll) 15k or offers wme
[23:03:53] [Akatzuki]: wts many [Assassine XII]
[23:03:57] [Akatzuki]: [Aggression XII]in AH
[23:04:01] [Fluxy]: dont open
[23:04:07] [Punka]: ok
[23:05:01] [Huepfer]: wts [Gleichgewicht][Glück]
[23:05:08] [Huepfer]: wts [Heilung der Alten (Verbessert) +6]
[23:05:13] [Huepfer]: wts [Verzauberung XIII][Wall XIII][Tyrann XIII]
[23:05:28] [Huepfer]: wts [Korrumpierter Spalter +20]
[23:06:21] [Gopstop]: Guys what price for dc pull rn
[23:06:27] [Gopstop]: Actual
[23:08:05] [Yavi]: any gm./dev
[23:08:13] [Akatzuki]: burst harder
[23:08:21] [Xibalba]: xd
[23:08:29] [Yavi]: ok give your ass kek
[23:08:38] [Akatzuki]: what ?? 0.o
[23:08:39] [Flacko]: o_o
[23:08:39] [Akatzuki]: report
[23:08:43] [Flacko]: pause
[23:08:47] [Yavi]: xD
[23:09:08] [Flacko]: give ur ass? ratte dont fall for it
[23:09:16] [Yavi]: anyone has problem with ping?
[23:10:00] [Daenerys]: heal lfg
[23:14:02] [Akatzuki]: lfgdc
[23:14:05] [Akatzuki]: lfg dc*
[23:14:39] [Xibalba]: really? idk that sellme the others five
[23:14:44] [Elipso]: wts leather gear
[23:18:38] [Akatzuki]: wts[Macht der Stadt]
[23:19:03] [Akatzuki]: wts[Korrumpierte Großaxt +20]with offer
[23:23:42] [Gopstop]: Wts dc pull wtt [Оскверненный большой топор +20] on same 2h sword wme