[17:24:11] [Zerspana]: Gm online ?
[17:24:42] [Evgenij]: WTS[Финальная форма кольца истребления +20][Испорченный Ноктюрн +20]
[17:24:52] [Evgenij]: [Испорченный бластер +20]
[17:25:25] [Elipso]: wts [Corrupted Greatsword +20] max drop rate
[17:25:30] [Elipso]: [Corrupted Greataxe +20] t17 cheap
[17:30:24] [Evgenij]: WTB [Боль заблуждений]
[17:30:48] [Notrasta]: wts [Corrupted Celestial +20] [Cure of the Ancients (Refined) +6]
[17:30:54] [Notrasta]: [Corrupted Tambourine] [Leading Call of the Void]x5
[17:32:09] [Evgenij]: WTB [Боль заблуждений][Ловкость заблуждений]
[17:34:24] [Ksaart]: wtb set [Кольцо Юстициария]
[17:34:26] [Misswitch]: wtb [Agility of Titans][Agility of Delusion]
[17:34:35] [Evgenij]: WTB [Боль заблуждений][Ловкость заблуждений]
[17:36:56] [Elipso]: wts [Ring of the Justiciar +20] full set
[17:37:04] [Evgenij]: WTB [Боль заблуждений][Ловкость заблуждений]
[17:45:21] [Ksaart]: wts set [Кольцо Бездны Иллюзионистов +20] and [Штаны Жути +20]
[17:48:18] [Dieleise]: wts [Gesprungener Korruptionskristall]
[17:49:16] [Evgenij]: WTB [Боль заблуждений][Ловкость заблуждений]
[17:50:01] [Zerspana]: Gm online ?
[17:53:27] [Xblackangelx]: wts [Corrupted Nocturne +20][Agility of Titans]x2
[17:53:33] [Evgenij]: WTB [Боль заблуждений][Ловкость заблуждений]
[17:56:51] [Vesnik]: WTS heal gear in ah or w/me
[17:59:27] [Ceras]: WTS [Handschützer des Duellanten][Die Korruption +20][Korrumpierte Hörner +20] cheap wme
[17:59:34] [Evgenij]: WTB [Боль заблуждений][Ловкость заблуждений]
[18:00:08] [Ksaart]: wts set [Кольцо Бездны Иллюзионистов +20] and [Штаны Жути +20]
[18:00:55] [Yenefer]: WTS[Cape of the Saviour +20][Belt of the Saviour +20]
[18:01:37] [Tendô]: DPS lfg
[18:03:30] [Flacko]: WTS [Corrupted Greataxe +20]
[18:03:31] [Flacko]: [Corrupted Repellent +20]
[18:03:35] [Flacko]: [Balance]
[18:03:38] [Flacko]: or trade for t16s
[18:04:57] [Xblackangelx]: wts [Corrupted Nocturne +20][Agility of Titans]x2 [Lava Cake]
[18:05:10] [Yenefer]: WTS[Aid Cloth of Thelxinoe +20] Set
[18:14:00] [Ceras]: WTS [Handschützer des Duellanten][Die Korruption +20][Korrumpierte Hörner +20] cheap wme
[18:14:50] [Zerspana]: gm online?
[18:17:27] [Tarsq]: lf ppl for orkham wme
[18:18:05] [Tarsq]: lf 2 dps and 1 heal for orkham wme
[18:18:54] [Ksaart]: sta
[18:19:15] [GM Daleshy]: Hi CoA hows it going ?
[18:19:28] [Kahraman]: [GM Daleshy] hi
[18:19:40] [Obiwankenobi]: its not going
[18:19:51] [Balanar]: GM Daleshy going 3k ping on open wb
[18:20:05] [GM Daleshy]: [Obiwankenobi] its running then ?
[18:21:17] [Tarsq]: wts orkham lower set wme price
[18:21:26] [Tarsq]: lf 1-2 dps and 1 heal for orkham wme
[18:22:19] [Tendô]: 1-2 dps and heal for orkham
[18:25:09] [Deinmaar]: Hi, Daleshy! Is there any changes 'bout gathering craft exp?
[18:25:30] [GM Daleshy]: [Deinmaar] yes it was adjusted 2 (?) patches ago if i remember correct
[18:25:38] [Tarsq]: lf 1--2 dps and 1 heal for orkham wme
[18:26:34] [Ksaart]: wts set [Кольцо Бездны Иллюзионистов +20] and [Штаны Жути +20]
[18:26:40] [Evgenij]: WTB [Боль заблуждений][Ловкость заблуждений]
[18:26:43] [Vkalles]: wts 100[Diamanten]
[18:27:04] [GM Daleshy]: [Deinmaar] "Rebalanced gathering bonuses from titles, title system and robot components." Patch
[18:27:41] [Deinmaar]: I have 59 (98.86%) lvl for forestry, 59 (2.38%) for herbs and 50 (65.48%) for mining. Crafting [Рецепт - Песок лунного серебра] and other 44 lvl resources and only get for mining 0.01% exp (but it;s only seen in gathering tab) for forestry and herbs there no exp for this lvl resources.; Is it normal or bug?
[18:28:39] [GM Daleshy]: [Deinmaar] you dont get crafting exp or similar if the recipe is 10 levels lower then your crafting level
[18:28:48] [Tendô]: I heal and 2 dps for orkham
[18:28:53] [Evgenij]: WTB [Боль заблуждений][Ловкость заблуждений]
[18:29:23] [Tendô]: 1 heal and 2 dps for orkham*
[18:30:00] [Deinmaar]: and for 44 lvl craft 0.01% exp is normal? It's same with buff [Увеличенный опыт за производство]
[18:30:10] [Deinmaar]: if my mining 50
[18:30:16] [Deinmaar]: 50-44=6
[18:31:05] [Deinmaar]: and there is no message for chat whith craft exp for this lvl
[18:31:14] [GM Daleshy]: i will DM you for further chatting
[18:31:32] [Misswitch]: wtb [Agility of Delusion] /w me
[18:31:39] [Misswitch]: wtb [Ripper of the City]
[18:32:04] [Tarsq]: lf 1-2 dps and 1 heal for orkham wme
[18:33:12] [Evgenij]: WTB [Боль заблуждений][Ловкость заблуждений]
[18:35:09] [xiongmao]: [都市的隐士]wtb
[18:36:28] [Notrasta]: LF 1 heal 1 dps orkham
[18:38:09] [Evgenij]: WTB [Боль заблуждений][Ловкость заблуждений]
[18:38:55] [Misswitch]: wtb [Ripper of the City]
[18:40:24] [Tendô]: 1 heal and 1 dps for orkham
[18:41:40] [seaside]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - seaside;+++]
[18:41:40] [Demondianjue]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Demondianjue;++]
[18:42:06] [seaside]: ++
[18:42:36] [Tarsq]: wts orkham lowet set wme
[18:45:13] [Demondianjue]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Demondianjue;++]
[18:45:49] [Gardianer]: WTB [Goldene Schwingen] 50k, wsp me
[18:46:09] [Gardianer]: WTS [Gürtel des Schattens], [Umhang des Schattens], wsp me
[18:46:24] [Balanar]: [Золотые крылья] wtb 51k
[18:46:28] [Bellota]: wts lower set for orkham w/m
[18:46:35] [Kagamiko]: wts any orkham sets and grafu artefacts wme
[18:48:34] [Ceras]: WTS [Handschützer des Duellanten][Die Korruption +20][Korrumpierte Hörner +20] cheap wme
[18:48:51] [Tendô]: 1 WL and 1 DPS for orkham pt rdy
[18:49:03] [Misswitch]: wtb [Ripper of the City]
[18:49:21] [Tarsq]: lf wl and 1 dps for orkham pt r wme
[18:51:26] [Kalates]: +++
[18:52:12] [Demondianjue]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Demondianjue;++]
[18:52:29] [Marmuletochka]: +++
[18:52:32] [Vayne]: ++
[18:52:35] [Giperfa]: +++
[18:52:59] [Notrasta]: LF 1 dps for orkham party r
[18:53:03] [Kagamiko]: wts [Оскверненный скипетр +20][Оскверненный скипетр +20]
[18:53:06] [Notrasta]: or wl
[18:53:09] [Kagamiko]: wts [Испорочный угнетатель +20][Испорочный угнетатель +20]
[18:53:18] [Kasium]: ++
[18:53:21] [Sotos]: wb +++
[18:53:43] [Tarsq]: lf wl or tank for orkham pt r wme
[18:54:34] [Sotos]: need port to mandara xD
[18:54:47] [Sotos]: I accidentaly deleted it lol
[18:55:36] [Mowik]: ++
[18:55:50] [Tarsq]: lf wl or tank for orkham pt r wme
[18:55:51] [Misswitch]: :P
[18:56:01] [Elprese]: WTS or WTT [Korrumpierter Himmlischer +20] again 3x t15 or /w me with offer
[18:58:59] [Bellota]: wts lower set for orkham w/m
[18:58:59] [Sotos]: wb
[19:01:07] [Punka]: wts [Räuberring des Abgrunds +20][Räuberohrring des Abgrunds +20]
[19:01:13] [Punka]: [Nächtliche Rüstung des dunklen Mondes +20] full set, [Geschicklichkeit des Kolosses]
[19:01:22] [Evgenij]: WTB [Боль заблуждений][Ловкость заблуждений]
[19:07:22] [Grmpf]: ++
[19:07:29] [Battlebawler]: ++
[19:08:24] [Demondianjue]: wtb [克里希纳巫术帽(精制)][克里希纳巫术布衣(精制)][克里希纳的巫术护肩(精制)]
[19:08:45] [Demondianjue]: [最终魔法戒指]
[19:09:24] [Bellota]: wts lower set for orkham w/m
[19:10:32] [xiongmao]: WTS[毁灭元神(精制) +6]
[19:10:43] [Kagamiko]: wts any orkham sets and grafu artefacts wme
[19:10:45] [Kagamiko]: wts [Оскверненный скипетр +20][Оскверненный скипетр +20]
[19:10:46] [Kagamiko]: wts any orkham sets and grafu artefacts wme
[19:10:50] [Kagamiko]: wts [Испорочный угнетатель +20][Испорочный угнетатель +20]
[19:12:35] [Misswitch]: wtb [Ripper of the City]
[19:18:00] [Demondianjue]: wtb [克里希纳巫术帽(精制)][克里希纳巫术布衣(精制)][克里希纳的巫术护肩(精制)]
[19:18:04] [Demondianjue]: [最终魔法戒指]
[19:20:57] [Blackpanther]: Die Freigeister öffnen ihre Tore, du bist Rolf rdy? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig,wir suchen DPS, Tanks & Heiler. Gemeinsam wachsen ist das Motto. (core – nostalgia) Auf zum High-End? ambitioniertes, fokusiertes, cooles teamplay? /w Beemet – Nnailo – Blackluna - Blackpanther ** it´s cookie time
[19:25:37] [Kahraman]: WB Coming!
[19:26:10] [Misswitch]: wtb [Ripper of the City]
[19:28:04] [Pistanos]: Die deutsche Gilde IMPROVED hat Platz für neue Member. Wir suchen zusätzlich einen Tank, Heal, MDD und einen PDD Rofl ready. Wichtig! ist uns deine Aktivität. Wenn du Bock auf eine freundliche Truppe mit Unterstützung und Hilfe hast, melde dich bei [Opaklein], [Margery] [Moonwish] oder [Jona]
[19:29:10] [Punka]: wts backports
[19:29:10] [Bellota]: wts lower set for orkham w/m
[19:29:54] [Misswitch]: wtb [Agility of Delusion] /wm e
[19:30:51] [Evgenij]: dps lfg
[19:31:33] [Fiaso]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Fiaso;++]
[19:31:36] [Cloee]: ++
[19:31:37] [Vivienne]: ++
[19:31:39] [Yuufe]: ++
[19:31:39] [Evgenij]: ++
[19:31:39] [Hamish]: ++
[19:31:39] [Chrysantia]: ++
[19:31:40] [PhantomLover]: ++
[19:31:40] [Duke]: ++
[19:31:41] [Liberty]: ++
[19:31:41] [Worschtzipfele]: ++
[19:31:41] [Bigday]: ++
[19:31:41] [Pistanos]: ++
[19:31:42] [Vampirana]: ++
[19:31:42] [Freyre]: ++
[19:31:42] [Edelveyn]: ++
[19:31:43] [Zinovia]: +++
[19:31:43] [Anatoli]: ++
[19:31:43] [Vovachka]: ++
[19:31:44] [Frlschmidt]: ++
[19:31:44] [Janeja]: ++
[19:31:44] [Mochi]: ++
[19:31:44] [Chieran]: ++
[19:31:45] [Ciye]: ++
[19:31:45] [Nightdir]: ++
[19:31:45] [Mowik]: ++
[19:31:45] [Esteher]: ++
[19:31:45] [Speshellakoste]: ++
[19:31:45] [Aranel]: ++
[19:31:45] [Balbes]: ++
[19:31:46] [Monkie]: ++
[19:31:46] [Ommmluz]: ++
[19:31:46] [Demondianjue]: ++
[19:31:47] [Tønnn]: +++
[19:31:47] [Sakimi]: ++
[19:31:48] [Bandido]: ++
[19:31:48] [Trivi]: ++
[19:31:48] [Magnealkash]: ++
[19:31:48] [xiongmao]: ++
[19:31:48] [Sneedeline]: ++
[19:31:48] [Ytukmiras]: ++
[19:31:48] [Misswitch]: ++
[19:31:48] [Akvo]: ++
[19:31:49] [Mageprince]: ++
[19:31:49] [Fidik]: ++
[19:31:53] [Oquam]: ++
[19:31:55] [Zeyrox]: ++
[19:31:55] [Diavolonero]: ++
[19:31:55] [Gorynich]: ++
[19:31:56] [xiongmao]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - xiongmao;888]
[19:31:57] [Xtaponetex]: ++
[19:31:57] [Maloi]: +++
[19:31:59] [Tønnn]: ++
[19:32:00] [Fidik]: 888
[19:32:01] [DimonSpiridon]: ++
[19:32:01] [Obiwankenobi]: 888
[19:32:01] [Kalates]: +++
[19:32:02] [Mageprince]: 888
[19:32:03] [Gashish]: 888
[19:32:04] [Gorynich]: 888
[19:32:04] [Ytukmiras]: 888
[19:32:05] [Diavolonero]: 888
[19:32:05] [Comandsu]: +++
[19:32:06] [Trivi]: 888
[19:32:06] [Maloi]: ***
[19:32:06] [Xtaponetex]: 888
[19:32:06] [Tønnn]: 888
[19:32:08] [Olivka]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Olivka;++]
[19:32:08] [Bandido]: 888
[19:32:09] [Zeyrox]: 888
[19:32:09] [Sneedeline]: 888
[19:32:10] [Kalates]: 888
[19:32:12] [Magnealkash]: 888
[19:32:12] [Grmpf]: 888
[19:32:13] [Likxaoca]: 888
[19:32:13] [Svetlanka]: 888
[19:32:14] [Comandsu]: 888
[19:32:14] [Solitär]: 888
[19:32:15] [Misswitch]: 888
[19:32:15] [Tamakisen]: ++
[19:32:15] [Battlebawler]: 888
[19:32:15] [Oquam]: ++
[19:32:17] [Sakimi]: 888
[19:32:17] [DimonSpiridon]: 888
[19:32:17] [Kolven]: ++
[19:32:18] [Maloi]: ++
[19:32:21] [Maikkit]: 88
[19:32:22] [Olivka]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Olivka;++]
[19:32:23] [Marmuletochka]: +++
[19:32:23] [Bemepok]: 888
[19:32:27] [Maikkit]: +++
[19:32:27] [Naty]: 888
[19:32:33] [Olivka]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Olivka;++]
[19:32:35] [Esteher]: 888
[19:32:42] [Rolli]: ++
[19:32:44] [Valencio]: 888
[19:32:46] [Olivka]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Olivka;++]
[19:32:47] [Naty]: 888
[19:32:51] [Venca]: ++
[19:32:53] [Oood]: ++
[19:32:55] [Natalysoul]: 888
[19:32:59] [Faolain]: ++
[19:33:00] [Naty]: ++
[19:33:09] [Olivka]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Olivka;++]
[19:33:12] [Vladimirz]: ++
[19:33:16] [Daleone]: ++
[19:33:22] [Olivka]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Olivka;++]
[19:33:24] [Opness]: ++
[19:33:27] [Werhammer]: ++
[19:33:36] [Olivka]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Olivka;++]
[19:33:44] [Misswitch]: wtb [Ripper of the City]
[19:33:56] [Olivka]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Olivka;++]
[19:34:05] [Persefona]: ++
[19:34:08] [Illiana]: ++
[19:34:23] [Navela]: ++
[19:34:38] [Olivka]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Olivka;++]
[19:34:53] [Kawall]: ++
[19:35:14] [Perssephone]: ++
[19:35:20] [Hausmaus]: ++
[19:35:24] [Surturr]: ++
[19:35:41] [Olivka]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Olivka;++]
[19:35:52] [Elipso]: wts[Corrupted Horns +20]
[19:35:54] [Elipso]: [Corrupted Cleaver +20]
[19:36:02] [Elipso]: [Corrupted Greatsword +20] max drop rate
[19:36:10] [Manx]: ++
[19:36:13] [Elipso]: [Corrupted Greataxe +20] fancy t17
[19:36:38] [Byrgerka]: ++
[19:36:39] [Demondianjue]: wtb [克里希纳巫术帽(精制)][克里希纳巫术布衣(精制)][克里希纳的巫术护肩(精制)]
[19:36:43] [Fritz]: ++
[19:36:47] [Demondianjue]: [最终魔法戒指]
[19:36:49] [Olivka]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Olivka;++]
[19:36:55] [Deinmaar]: ++
[19:37:08] [Ksaart]: ++
[19:37:11] [Nnailo]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Nnailo;MAN]
[19:37:24] [Afimona]: ++
[19:37:29] [Axtquwerx]: MAN
[19:37:31] [Olivka]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Olivka;++]
[19:37:37] [Mythosxofxfirex]: ++
[19:37:41] [Naty]: ++
[19:37:58] [Bellota]: wts lower set for orkham w/m
[19:38:23] [Zoom]: ++
[19:38:30] [Dakiri]: ++
[19:38:32] [BabaWodna]: ++
[19:38:39] [Lunnaria]: ++
[19:39:32] [Scypion]: ++
[19:39:38] [Dakiri]: ++
[19:39:56] [Shaeeny]: ++
[19:40:00] [Giperfa]: ++
[19:40:02] [Vayne]: ++
[19:40:14] [Noobontour]: ++
[19:40:21] [Giperfa]: ++
[19:40:21] [Shaeeny]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Shaeeny;wb]
[19:40:28] [Noobontour]: wb
[19:40:29] [BabaWodna]: wb
[19:40:39] [Giperfa]: wb
[19:40:41] [Scypion]: wb
[19:40:42] [Dakiri]: wb
[19:40:56] [Dontworry]: wb
[19:41:48] [Kahraman]: wb add + ++ +++ :)
[19:42:04] [Misswitch]: wtb [Ripper of the City]
[19:42:39] [Tomran]: wb
[19:42:53] [seaside]: ++ +++ wb 888
[19:43:02] [Kahraman]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Kahraman;add]
[19:43:08] [Alliar]: add
[19:43:15] [Askadellia]: add
[19:43:21] [Pacoste]: add
[19:43:44] [Zmur]: add
[19:44:19] [Elzwergo]: add
[19:45:02] [Kahraman]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Kahraman;add]
[19:45:53] [Jekker]: add
[19:45:57] [Zoom]: add
[19:46:42] [Bloodwillow]: add
[19:47:05] [Kahraman]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Kahraman;add]
[19:47:11] [Nnailo]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Nnailo;MAN]
[19:47:16] [Zoom]: MAN
[19:47:27] [Barbados]: ++
[19:47:39] [Mhotone]: ++
[19:47:45] [Victoriaa]: man
[19:48:00] [Binamon]: ++ man wb 123
[19:49:02] [Kahraman]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Kahraman;add]
[19:49:15] [Pisets]: add
[19:49:34] [Lexashat]: add
[19:49:36] [Vianser]: add
[19:50:18] [Tomran]: add
[19:50:28] [Mythosxofxfirex]: free [Mana Stone Tier 3]
[19:50:47] [Mythosxofxfirex]: gz [Dogma]
[19:50:55] [Shadowblood]: wb
[19:51:03] [Kolina]: add
[19:51:03] [Kahraman]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Kahraman;add]
[19:51:10] [Tendô]: add
[19:51:11] [Natixis]: add
[19:51:17] [Mortira]: add
[19:51:27] [Drzero]: add
[19:51:29] [Swudo]: add
[19:51:43] [Malysh]: add
[19:52:11] [Aurum]: add
[19:53:03] [Kahraman]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Kahraman;add]
[19:53:40] [Zrama]: add
[19:54:02] [Kardinal]: Муна
[19:54:10] [Kardinal]: на ковёр
[19:54:12] [Evgenij]: спулае мунае
[19:54:22] [Toyamatokanawa]: э
[19:54:24] [Gopstop]: эчпочмаки мурае
[19:54:55] [Tenobaal]: add
[19:55:02] [Kahraman]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Kahraman;add]
[19:55:12] [Niim]: add
[19:55:12] [Nemro]: add
[19:56:04] [Fiaso]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Fiaso;++]
[19:56:07] [Gopstop]: Wts [Дуэлянт двуручный +20]
[19:56:23] [Gopstop]: [Лук наёмника +19][Претендент Сай +20]
[19:56:32] [molodaya]: ++
[19:56:37] [Fiaso]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Fiaso;++]
[19:57:02] [Tendô]: ++
[19:57:04] [Kahraman]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Kahraman;add]
[19:57:10] [Shanarin]: add
[19:57:11] [Nnailo]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Nnailo;MAN]
[19:57:16] [Tanul]: man
[19:57:20] [Shanarin]: man
[19:57:28] [limulu]: MAN
[19:57:29] [Punka]: man
[19:58:57] [Raecks]: MAN
[19:59:12] [sbam]: MAN
[19:59:20] [Hellboom]: ty for cahnge channell
[19:59:50] [Vovannn]: man
[20:00:06] [BabaWodna]: jeez you want kick us all from game on boss or what?
[20:00:59] [DEV Grox]: restarted zone to apply some more performance improvements, I asked others to do it earlier, but no one did
[20:01:32] [Tendô]: it's [Elipso] fault
[20:02:18] [Gopstop]: Next lebel play
[20:02:24] [Ceras]: WTS [Handschützer des Duellanten][Die Korruption +20][Korrumpierte Hörner +20] cheap wme
[20:02:35] [Evgenij]: WTB [Ловкость заблуждений]
[20:04:00] [Pistanos]: +++
[20:04:23] [Misswitch]: why ı even dıdınt get anythıng even use portal ?
[20:04:30] [Mageprince]: i didnt get any treasure or any reward from WB
[20:06:30] [Bellota]: wts lower set for orkham w/m
[20:07:35] [GM Daleshy]: [Mageprince][Misswitch] Rewards are given when you click on the chest
[20:07:48] [Tarsq]: [GM Daleshy] i dont see any chest
[20:07:55] [Misswitch]: yes master[GM Daleshy] ı newly realıse ıt thx
[20:08:00] [GM Daleshy]: [Tarsq] wrong zone
[20:08:01] [Tarsq]: [GM Daleshy] is it because pt is broken ?
[20:08:04] [DEV Grox]: chest is active for a few minutes
[20:08:24] [Tarsq]: [DEV Grox] ah okay thanks. I was afk maybe thats why
[20:11:32] [Vovannn]: super net slov
[20:11:58] [Pistanos]: Die deutsche Gilde IMPROVED hat Platz für neue Member. Wir suchen zusätzlich einen Tank, Heal, MDD und einen PDD Rofl ready. Wichtig! ist uns deine Aktivität. Wenn du Bock auf eine freundliche Truppe mit Unterstützung und Hilfe hast, melde dich bei [Opaklein], [Margery] [Moonwish] oder [Jona]
[20:12:16] [Vovannn]: naxuy takoi boss
[20:12:30] [Hellboom]: D
[20:13:47] [Mythosxofxfirex]: gm wme pls
[20:15:26] [Venca]: free [Ah-Patnar-Unicob's Crown]
[20:15:44] [Venca]: [Dogma] win :-)
[20:16:23] [Vovannn]: на боссе крит войти не мог что за...
[20:20:51] [Legendarykef]: Андрюха хорош
[20:21:05] [Toyamatokanawa]: Андрю Гибсон
[20:21:34] [Toyamatokanawa]: Дрюс Уиллис
[20:24:49] [Sanchezae]: wts wtt chain gear wme
[20:24:58] [Mythosxofxfirex]: wts chain gear
[20:26:57] [Kahraman]: [Kart - Çimen Yaratığı] free
[20:27:22] [Kahraman]: [22:27:01] [Vasyas] fısıldıyor: + gz
[20:28:49] [Opklin]: [Испорченный бубен +20] wts
[20:29:06] [Ceras]: WTS [Handschützer des Duellanten][Die Korruption +20][Korrumpierte Hörner +20] cheap wme
[20:32:29] [Evgenij]: F[F[F[F[F[F[F[F[FF[F
[20:32:36] [Toyamatokanawa]: Я непонятно выразился?
[20:32:39] [Legendarykef]: в плане?
[20:32:40] [Evgenij]: в плане?
[20:32:45] [Toyamatokanawa]: по разному понять можно
[20:32:49] [Opklin]: плане
[20:32:56] [Toyamatokanawa]: СО МНОЙ СУБОРДИНАЦИЮ СОБЛЮДАЙ
[20:32:57] [Opklin]: план
[20:33:15] [Shadowly]: wts pnc wme
[20:33:17] [Icelatte]: im loh
[20:33:56] [Icelatte]: оооо кулех
[20:36:40] [Joliette]: WTT Chain Gear w/me
[20:41:16] [Setarrif]: Polsiej gildi szukam
[20:41:42] [Kopafa]: oj nie wiem czy jest
[20:41:46] [Yavi]: chichmont rekrutuje
[20:42:58] [Drirch]: wtb[Испорченый клинок]
[20:45:38] [Evgenij]: WTB [Боль заблуждений]
[20:45:51] [Shadowly]: wts pnc wme
[20:48:19] [Vesnik]: heal lfg
[20:48:30] [Obiwankenobi]: lfg nom
[20:54:53] [Ramer]: wtb [Berserk]
[20:55:38] [Shadowofchaos]: wtb[Magicite]
[20:55:49] [Shadowofchaos]: wtb[Zeyj's Long Pants]belt from this set
[20:56:11] [Zerspana]: wtb [Wissen der Stasis]
[20:58:33] [Evgenij]: WTB [Боль заблуждений]
[20:59:20] [Bellota]: wts lower set for orkham w/m
[21:00:04] [Shadowly]: wts pnc wme
[21:00:05] [Klaymen]: wts [Mędrzec Złudzenia]
[21:03:44] [Ravinous]: wtb [Might of the City] 4x
[21:04:47] [Speshellakoste]: wtb acc orch 80k
[21:06:15] [Evgenij]: WTB [Боль заблуждений]
[21:07:14] [Ravinous]: wtb [Might of the City] 2.5k ea (10k for 4x)
[21:07:36] [Ceras]: WTS [Handschützer des Duellanten][Die Korruption +20][Korrumpierte Hörner +20] cheap wme
[21:11:59] [Evgenij]: WTB [Боль заблуждений]
[21:12:10] [Klaymen]: wts [Mędrzec Złudzenia]
[21:16:43] [TheBest]: Wts lvl up from Panteon Hard(speed creeping, 1h=2.5k diam), +20(100%) stones for equip: weapon(100d), armor(75d) and jewerly(75d) and set skills 55+ wme for info or order
[21:16:55] [Evgenij]: TheBest Брат качни брат
[21:16:56] [Device]: WTB[Beacon of Tranquility]w/me
[21:21:05] [Vesnik]: heal lfg
[21:29:50] [Evgenij]: WTB [Боль заблуждений]
[21:30:02] [Cricoideus]: wts [Corruption Crystal]
[21:31:23] [Spider]: LFG Hoto
[21:34:06] [Shadowofchaos]: wtb[Zeyj's Long Pants]belt from this set
[21:34:10] [Shadowofchaos]: wtb[Magicite]
[21:39:30] [Shadowly]: wts pnc wme
[21:40:18] [Ceras]: WTS [Handschützer des Duellanten][Die Korruption +20][Korrumpierte Hörner +20] cheap wme
[21:44:31] [Cricoideus]: wts orkham lower set
[21:44:33] [Ceras]: WTS [Handschützer des Duellanten][Die Korruption +20][Korrumpierte Hörner +20] cheap wme
[21:46:41] [Paluzara]: [https://www.twitch.tv/paluzara]
[21:47:04] [Jaceekk]: lfg orkham/dc
[21:47:15] [Kagamiko]: WTS any orkham sets and grafu artefacts
[21:47:35] [Spider]: LFG Hoto
[21:50:21] [Evgenij]: WTB [Боль заблуждений] WTS[Могущество Города]
[21:51:22] [Fluxy]: wts [Corrupted Greataxe +20][Cape of the Fist +20]
[21:51:25] [Fluxy]: [Belt of the Fist +20][Corrupted Horns +20]
[21:51:28] [Fluxy]: [Compass of Globetrotter +20][Aggression XIII] pm me
[21:56:58] [Flacko]: WTT [Corrupted Greataxe +20] for 1h hammer
[21:57:03] [Flacko]: [Corrupted Repellent +20] wtt for 1h hammer
[21:57:41] [Shadowly]: wts pnc wme
[22:01:24] [Ariaumunaa]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Ariaumunaa;+++]
[22:01:44] [Kalates]: +++
[22:01:52] [Toyamatokanawa]: +++
[22:04:24] [Ariaumunaa]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Ariaumunaa;+++]
[22:05:26] [Nnailo]: any GM /w me pls?
[22:07:24] [Ariaumunaa]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Ariaumunaa;+++]
[22:07:24] [Ariaumunaa]: кто то смог у кефира зарегаться на пчелу?
[22:09:11] [Ariaumunaa]: Gm on?
[22:10:24] [Ariaumunaa]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Ariaumunaa;+++]
[22:12:12] [Shadowly]: wts pnc wme
[22:17:16] [Spider]: LFG Hoto, Rolf
[22:21:05] [Kagamiko]: support lfg
[22:21:14] [Device]: heal lfg
[22:24:05] [Gopstop]: Any gm?
[22:24:09] [Gopstop]: Or dev
[22:25:14] [Device]: WTB dot robot w/me
[22:33:58] [Zerspana]: WTS [Handschützer der Faust +20] [Umhang der Faust +20] ea 12k
[22:38:41] [Misswitch]: wtb [Agility of Delusion]
[22:39:27] [Misswitch]: wts [Wings of Nightmare +20][Gauntlets of the Barbarian +20] cheap ın ah
[22:40:12] [Speshellakoste]: А что за откат сделали на [Набор специальных материалов Талагана] ? и куда вторая сумка делась?
[22:41:36] [Elipso]: dps lfg
[22:49:19] [Speshellakoste]: GM w/me
[22:51:02] [Toyamatokanawa]: TY BRO
[22:54:05] [Shadowly]: wts pnc wme
[22:57:58] [Spider]: LFG Hoto, Rolf
[23:08:08] [Tendô]: dps lfg
[23:08:16] [Wiltosh]: dps ifg
[23:11:16] [DeadlyWings]: kann ma nsein inventar auch dauerhaft erweitern oder nur nieten
[23:27:48] [DeadlyWings]: wann resettet das glücksrad immer ?
[23:52:55] [Vesnik]: heal supp lfg
[23:53:46] [Spider]: LFG Hoto, Rolf
[23:55:07] [Suske]: LF more ppl for rofl
[23:55:22] [Vesnik]: inv
[23:55:49] [Suske]: LF more ppl for rofl
[23:57:23] [Suske]: LF more ppl for rofl
[23:58:46] [Suske]: LF Tank and dps for rofl and pt r
[00:00:54] [Suske]: LF Tank for rofl and pt r
[00:03:27] [Suske]: LF Tank for rofl and pt r
[00:05:30] [Suske]: LF Tank for rofl and pt r
[00:06:17] [Wiltosh]: ifg atlas
[00:07:36] [Stachustanley]: lfg atlas
[00:08:49] [Raffinio]: lfg atlas
[00:09:51] [Manx]: Anyone know how to complete [Where Is the Who?]?
[00:10:01] [Wiltosh]: lf heal for atlas
[00:12:16] [Suske]: LF Tank for rofl and pt r
[00:15:30] [Suske]: LF Tank for rofl and pt r
[00:16:25] [Cont]: lfg anywhere
[00:17:06] [Suske]: LF Tank for rofl and pt r
[00:21:35] [Suske]: LF Tank for rofl and pt r
[00:28:08] [Cont]: lfg anywhere
[00:32:23] [Cont]: lfg anywhere
[00:53:18] [Airforce]: wts [Kamień Many Poziom 16]
[01:21:31] [Apdo]: inv
[01:21:43] [Suske]: LF heal for rofl and pt r
[01:22:16] [Bellota]: lf heal and tank for rolf
[01:22:24] [TheBest]: dps lfg: abb/idc/necro
[01:22:27] [Bellota]: tank for rolf
[01:57:32] [Rumo]: WTB [Aspekt des Illusionisten]
[01:57:50] [Rumo]: WTB [Perfektes Mechanikerstück] 350 each
[01:57:56] [Rumo]: WTB [Essenz der Tiefe] 3 each
[01:58:15] [Rumo]: WTB [Dunkler Kern] 120 each
[02:03:43] [Suske]: LF more ppls for rofl
[02:04:22] [Suske]: LF more ppls for rofl
[02:05:50] [Suske]: LF more ppl for rofl
[02:06:14] [Cationa]: geh mal schlafen suske xDD
[02:06:24] [Apdo]: and my addons went puuuf
[02:06:57] [Suske]: [Cationa] no no no )
[02:07:10] [Cationa]: xDD
[02:07:12] [Magicula]: buy new pc [Apdo]
[02:07:29] [Apdo]: sure i send you my paypal :D
[02:11:16] [Apdo]: GM online?
[02:11:33] [Sotos]: GM on?
[02:13:08] [Sotos]: After a relogg my whole interface crashed and my addons seem to eb gone. Does anyone know how to resolve the situation?
[02:13:48] [Airforce]: do backup
[02:13:53] [Sotos]: how?
[02:14:01] [Airforce]: in launcher
[02:14:08] [Sotos]: thanks will try
[02:15:11] [Apdo]: anyone elses addons went puf?
[02:18:25] [Apdo]: cannot resume non-suspended coroutine
[02:18:38] [Apdo]: anyone knows about that error?
[02:21:29] [Reroll]: [Destruction of the Primordial (Refined) +6] wtb unlocked
[02:28:00] [TheBest]: gm on?
[02:29:06] [TheBest]: [https://gyazo.com/daaf855e0f69153b71008d97a730ccdf] very nice update client=/
[05:23:02] [Notrasta]: wts [Collier de transformation mystique d'Aoth] [Boucle d'oreille de transformation mystique d'Aoth]
[05:23:09] [Notrasta]: [Cure of the Ancients (Refined) +6] [Corrupted Celestial +20]
[05:23:16] [Notrasta]: [Corrupted Tambourine] [Leading Call of the Void]x5
[05:30:33] [xiongmao]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - xiongmao;888]
[05:30:34] [Evgenij]: WB?
[05:30:40] [Evgenij]: 888
[05:30:46] [Korroziametala]: 888
[05:30:47] [Anatoli]: 888
[05:30:49] [Ommmluz]: 888
[05:30:53] [Larn]: 888
[05:30:59] [Awrora]: 888
[05:31:07] [Korshun]: 888
[05:31:19] [YINGFENG]: 88
[05:31:26] [YINGFENG]: 888
[05:31:28] [Magicula]: 888
[05:31:41] [Akvo]: 888
[05:31:52] [Bigdonkerdps]: AKVO
[05:32:20] [Neoraxer]: 888
[05:32:20] [Xanadú]: 888
[05:32:52] [Marsia]: 888
[05:34:32] [Amidamaru]: 888
[05:35:12] [California]: 888
[05:35:24] [Sber]: 888
[05:35:24] [Cergeu]: 888
[05:35:26] [DimonSpiridon]: 888
[05:35:50] [Foxic]: 888
[05:35:52] [Opaklein]: 8888
[05:47:37] [Mosha]: 88888
[05:49:09] [Notrasta]: 888
[05:49:20] [Persil]: 888
[05:49:28] [RealFakeNews]: 888
[05:49:44] [Shefff]: 888
[05:50:08] [Rangers]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Rangers;123]
[05:51:28] [Reroll]: [Destruction of the Primordial (Refined) +6] wtb unlocked
[05:56:26] [Rangers]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Rangers;123]
[05:56:45] [Helldown]: 123
[05:56:58] [Otmorozko]: 123
[05:57:39] [Dogma]: 123
[05:57:51] [Rangers]: +++ wb
[05:59:54] [Irishka]: +++
[06:00:08] [seaside]: +++
[06:00:25] [seaside]: +++ wb
[06:00:43] [Irishka]: wb
[06:00:53] [Oood]: +++ wb
[06:05:01] [Byrgerka]: ++
[06:05:56] [Dakiri]: да
[07:17:10] [Evgenij]: WTB str/str and dex/dex for grafu w/me
[07:21:04] [xiongmao]: [都市的隐士] WTB
[07:44:00] [Shadowofchaos]: where wander is?
[07:44:18] [Shadowofchaos]: found it near madara
[07:46:22] [DimonSpiridon]: [Защитник темной воли] wts
[07:46:28] [DimonSpiridon]: [Испорченый клинок +16] wts
[07:47:35] [Shadowofchaos]: wtb[Magicite][Timeless Magicite]
[08:24:21] [Crakenxxx]: wanderer He is on the mound behind the gardening teachers and others.
[09:07:56] [Ariaumunaa]: сколько сейчас максимально можно сажать горшков в доме?
[09:09:26] [tyrannicc]: i need plvl:D
[09:22:29] [Draith]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Draith;wb]
[09:22:33] [Blackluna]: wb
[09:22:38] [Typbo]: wb
[09:22:39] [PhantomLover]: wb
[09:22:45] [Balanar]: wb
[09:22:45] [Nevertary]: wb'
[09:22:46] [Idefivefoot]: wb
[09:22:46] [Faolain]: wb
[09:22:47] [Evgenij]: wb
[09:22:49] [Magicula]: wb
[09:22:50] [Hellboom]: wb
[09:22:50] [Awrora]: wb
[09:22:50] [Crakenxxx]: wb
[09:22:56] [Irishka]: wb
[09:22:57] [Nightdir]: wb
[09:22:59] [BabaWodna]: wb
[09:23:00] [Nevesta]: WB
[09:23:01] [Daleone]: wb
[09:23:02] [California]: wb
[09:23:03] [Rollatorflow]: wb
[09:23:03] [Zeyrox]: wb
[09:23:15] [Zmur]: wb
[09:23:16] [Facehugger]: wb
[09:23:17] [YINGFENG]: wb
[09:23:20] [Mykhael]: wb
[09:23:22] [Agronom]: wb
[09:23:31] [Korroziametala]: wb
[09:23:33] [Korshun]: wb
[09:23:56] [Playboy]: wb
[09:23:56] [Hellboom]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Hellboom;wb]
[09:24:08] [Flec]: wb
[09:24:10] [Mael]: wb
[09:24:22] [Burning]: wb
[09:24:33] [Chrysantia]: wb
[09:24:38] [Jalson]: wb
[09:24:48] [Janeja]: wb
[09:24:59] [Kolven]: wb
[09:25:01] [Wiltosh]: wb
[09:25:02] [Draith]: WB full
[09:25:08] [Hellboom]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Hellboom;+++]
[09:25:15] [Sneedeline]: +++
[09:25:32] [Misswitch]: +++
[09:25:51] [tyrannicc]: i need hep for power lvl:D
[09:26:09] [Larn]: +++
[09:26:48] [Cnupmcmen]: +++
[09:26:51] [Balbes]: +++
[09:26:53] [Barbados]: +++
[09:26:58] [Pistanos]: +++
[09:27:06] [Yuksi]: +++
[09:27:08] [Hellboom]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Hellboom;+++]
[09:27:14] [Kardinal]: +++
[09:27:19] [Ariaumunaa]: wb
[09:27:21] [Masyanya]: +++
[09:27:25] [Ariaumunaa]: +++
[09:27:33] [Gorynich]: +++
[09:28:14] [Byklya]: +++
[09:28:40] [Drevnij]: +++
[09:28:59] [Alesprinterr]: +++
[09:29:02] [haopaya]: ++++++++++++
[09:29:08] [Hellboom]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Hellboom;+++]
[09:29:15] [haopaya]: +++++
[09:29:52] [Amidamaru]: +++
[09:29:59] [Kolven]: +++
[09:30:00] [haopaya]: +++++wb
[09:30:01] [Evilsantaa]: +++
[09:31:08] [Hellboom]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Hellboom;+++]
[09:31:09] [Jona]: wts/wtt clean chaingear for plate
[09:31:14] [Xblackangelx]: +++
[09:31:17] [Spider]: +++
[09:31:22] [Mortira]: +++
[09:31:27] [Bonnavista]: +++
[09:31:40] [Fluke]: +++
[09:32:41] [Stachustanley]: +++
[09:33:08] [Hellboom]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Hellboom;+++]
[09:33:16] [Kasium]: +++
[09:33:26] [Magicula]: wts [Corruption Stone - 2-H Axe][Corruption Stone - Spear]
[09:35:08] [Hellboom]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Hellboom;+++]
[09:35:30] [Dontworry]: +++
[09:36:33] [Dihlofos]: +++
[09:37:08] [Hellboom]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Hellboom;+++]
[09:39:03] [Xblackangelx]: gm on?
[09:39:06] [Jakesully]: wtb heighend gear stoff/int
[09:39:34] [Valencio]: wb
[09:39:39] [Kalix]: wb
[09:39:41] [Cationa]: wb
[09:39:48] [Cationa]: +++
[09:39:53] [Elzwergo]: wb
[09:40:00] [Elzwergo]: +++
[09:40:00] [Ksaart]: wb +++
[09:40:14] [Ksander]: wb +++
[09:40:21] [Valencio]: wb+++
[09:40:24] [tyrannicc]: helpme plz for power lvl
[09:40:27] [Elzwergo]: +++ wb
[09:40:30] [Zumen]: +++
[09:40:33] [Mageprince]: +++
[09:40:37] [Kalix]: wb +++
[09:40:42] [Mageprince]: wb
[09:40:43] [Kalix]: ++ add
[09:40:43] [Jakesully]: wtb heighend gear stoff/int
[09:40:51] [Persefona]: wb
[09:40:58] [Ksaart]: wb +++
[09:41:06] [Persefona]: wb+++
[09:41:07] [Edelveyn]: wb +++ add
[09:41:08] [Waxx]: wb +++
[09:41:14] [Fiaso]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Fiaso;++]
[09:41:14] [Persefona]: wb +++
[09:41:19] [Zumen]: +++
[09:41:19] [Elzwergo]: ++
[09:41:24] [Ksaart]: wb +++
[09:41:25] [Waxx]: ++
[09:41:29] [Fiaso]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Fiaso;++]
[09:41:33] [Kalix]: ++
[09:41:45] [Fiaso]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Fiaso;++]
[09:42:09] [Cilar]: WTB [Отшельник Города] x2
[09:42:18] [Sber]: ++
[09:42:35] [Feelicia]: ++
[09:42:47] [Cilar]: ++
[09:42:56] [Djexad]: ++
[09:42:58] [Valencio]: ++
[09:43:17] [Blackluna]: deutscher gm on?
[09:43:31] [Werhammer]: ++
[09:45:17] [Aranel]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Aranel;08]
[09:45:28] [Scypion]: ++
[09:45:47] [Loukas]: +++
[09:45:53] [Mythosxofxfirex]: dps lfg atlas
[09:46:10] [xiongmao]: +++
[09:46:10] [Ciye]: +++
[09:46:22] [Aranel]: +++
[09:46:31] [Tarsq]: 08
[09:46:39] [Tarsq]: +++
[09:47:14] [Oood]: +++
[09:48:08] [Tarsq]: New party available for [Kolanda], type [Addon] in the chat to join! There are still [Addon] of [Addon] spots left.
[09:48:34] [Fiaso]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Fiaso;++]
[09:48:40] [Mageprince]: ++
[09:49:36] [Cilar]: WTB [Отшельник Города]
[09:50:46] [Ceras]: Wts [Handschützer des Duellanten][Die Korruption +20][Korrumpierte Hörner +20] wme
[09:50:46] [Baggz]: wb +++ add
[09:51:19] [Rangers]: +++ wb
[09:51:29] [Fiaso]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Fiaso;++]
[09:53:20] [Axtquwerx]: ++
[09:53:30] [Zinovia]: ++
[09:53:53] [Mythosxofxfirex]: dps lfg atlas
[09:54:52] [Colala]: +++
[09:55:01] [Bemepok]: +++
[09:55:21] [Opklin]: +++
[09:55:53] [Speshellakoste]: +++
[09:56:06] [Niim]: +++
[09:56:11] [Yuufe]: +++
[09:56:13] [Fiaso]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Fiaso;++]
[09:57:07] [Tenobaal]: +++
[09:57:33] [Lexashat]: ++
[09:58:18] [Margery]: +++
[10:03:03] [Wiltosh]: wts[Spaczony Odstraszacz] 2k
[10:03:12] [GM Daleshy]: How was your WB ping?
[10:03:19] [Rollatorflow]: war insane gut meister
[10:03:31] [Hellboom]: 8к-10к was
[10:06:18] [Xblackangelx]: wts [Corrupted Nocturne +20][Agility of Titans]x2 [Lava Cake] wme offers
[10:06:49] [Ceras]: Wts [Handschützer des Duellanten][Die Korruption +20][Korrumpierte Hörner +20] wme
[10:12:20] [Mediron]: lf heal for atals
[10:15:47] [Jona]: wts clean chaingear 14k
[10:17:10] [Xblackangelx]: wts [Corrupted Nocturne +20][Agility of Titans]x2 [Lava Cake] wme offers
[10:21:16] [Jona]: wts[Nächtlicher Helm des dunklen Mondes +20][Gürtel des Schattens +20]
[10:21:53] [Jona]: wts[Nächtlicher Helm des dunklen Mondes +20][Gürtel des Schattens +20]
[10:28:53] [Ceras]: Wts [Handschützer des Duellanten][Die Korruption +20][Korrumpierte Hörner +20] wme
[10:41:53] [Ceras]: Wts [Handschützer des Duellanten][Die Korruption +20][Korrumpierte Hörner +20] wme
[10:42:08] [Mrgav]: [Поцелуй смерти +20]
[10:47:12] [Cricoideus]: wts [Corruption Crystal]
[10:47:48] [Aranel]: GuMo @ all ,wümsche schönes WE
[10:47:58] [Mythosxofxfirex]: Dito Ara
[10:48:11] [Rollatorflow]: buenos dias
[10:48:24] [Vedria]: moin
[10:48:53] [Misswitch]: wtb [Agility of Delusion] 4.5k dıas each
[10:48:55] [TheBest]: Кто-нибудь пофиксил фслим(чат фрейм) после ночной обновы? в лс
[10:49:29] [Misswitch]: [12:48:52] [World] [Misswitch]: wtb [Agility of Delusion] 4.5k dıas each
[10:50:25] [TheBest]: Has anyone fixed the fslim(chat frame) after the overnight update? wme
[10:50:46] [Punka]: wts [Nächtliche Rüstung des dunklen Mondes +20] full set
[10:50:50] [Punka]: [Räuberring des Abgrunds +20][Räuberohrring des Abgrunds +20]
[10:50:53] [Punka]: [Distanz][Handschützer des Duellanten +20]
[10:50:58] [Punka]: [Geschicklichkeit des Kolosses][Handschützer der Faust]
[10:51:23] [Tarsq]: lf 1 heal and 1 dps for necro wme
[10:51:42] [Tarsq]: lf wl for necro pt r wme
[10:52:37] [Tarsq]: lf heal for necro pt r wme
[10:54:42] [TheBest]: The Best seller/tier manufacturer! The Best server prices! You can order t12-13-14-15-16-17 green or purple(full str/dex/int/wis/stam/phatk) tiers! Wme about info/availability/orders!
[10:55:20] [Jona]: wts[Zerstörung des Ursprünglichen (Verbessert) +6]
[10:58:54] [Jona]: wtb [Perfektes Mechanikerstück] 350 d
[11:03:16] [Zerspana]: WTT [Handschützer der Faust +20] [Umhang der Faust +20] for
[11:03:19] [Zerspana]: [Korrumpierter Vertreiber des Bösen]
[11:05:48] [Jona]: wts[Grimmiger Brustpanzer von Xanthus +20][Beinschützer der Faust +20] 12k each piece
[11:10:26] [Playboy]: wts [Knowledge of the Dark Will]
[11:10:29] [Jona]: wts[Räuberring des Abgrunds +20][Räuberohrring des Abgrunds +20]
[11:13:48] [Korroziametala]: [https://youtu.be/lGg4TTbl9sI]
[11:18:07] [TheBest]: gm on?
[11:18:53] [Paluzara]: Does some1 have an updated version of flsmui for this patch?
[11:22:31] [Wiltosh]: dps ifg
[11:26:38] [Obiwankenobi]: [Sun Essence]Wtb x10 700d each
[11:31:36] [Misswitch]: wtb [Agility of Delusion] 4.5k dıas
[11:43:05] [Obiwankenobi]: [Sun Essence]Wtb x10 700d each
[11:43:29] [Bemepok]: lfg atlas
[11:56:54] [Obiwankenobi]: [Sun Essence]Wtb x10 700d each
[12:01:17] [Obiwankenobi]: [Sun Essence]wtb x6 700d each
[12:01:39] [Speshellakoste]: lfg dps
[12:04:39] [Ceras]: Wts [Die Korruption +20][Korrumpierte Hörner +20][Handschützer des Duellanten] cheap wme
[12:05:52] [Rangers]: where is [流浪者]
[12:06:11] [TheBest]: gm/dev wme
[12:06:41] [Obiwankenobi]: [Sun Essence]wtb x6 700d each
[12:06:53] [Rangers]: [流浪者] 22.8/ 64.8
[12:08:19] [tyrannicc]: sA KASABİLCEK VARMI :d
[12:08:38] [Obiwankenobi]: As ben kasardım ama eziğim kardeş
[12:14:58] [Obiwankenobi]: [Sun Essence]wtb x6 700d each
[12:23:44] [Aranel]: wanderer 22.5/64.5 zur zeit
[12:26:56] [tyrannicc]: OYUNDA BEDAVA BİNEK VARMI ACABA :d
[12:27:36] [Elipso]: wts [Corrupted Horns +20][Corrupted Cleaver +20]
[12:27:45] [Elipso]: [Corrupted Greatsword +20] max drop rate
[12:27:50] [Elipso]: [Corrupted Greataxe +20]
[12:35:20] [Obiwankenobi]: [Sun Essence]wtb x6 700d each
[12:36:02] [Misswitch]: wtb [Agility of Delusion] 4.5k dıas each
[12:37:15] [Aaliyah]: can someone tell me what i have to change in fslimui that it work again?
[12:37:38] [Sotos]: yes please, same here
[12:41:41] [Sotos]: free[Triumph des Reiches]
[12:42:23] [Balanar]: WTB[Аспект Оплота]1x
[12:42:46] [Obiwankenobi]: wtb [Aspect of the Bulwark]x1
[12:43:15] [Obiwankenobi]: wtb[Aspect of the Patron]
[12:47:07] [Balanar]: WTB[Аспект Оплота]
[12:49:06] [Opklin]: lfg atlas
[12:50:03] [Cricoideus]: wts orkham lower mage set
[12:50:27] [Cricoideus]: wts [Corruption Crystal]
[12:51:50] [Ceras]: WTS [Korrumpierte Hörner +20][Die Korruption +20] cheap wme
[12:53:21] [Obiwankenobi]: dps lfg atlas
[12:54:40] [Agronom]: lfg atlas
[12:55:01] [Cricoideus]: [14:54:34] Your friend [Dingicik] is online.
[12:58:03] [Lamia]: WTB SET [Кольцо Инквизитора +20]
[13:01:33] [Lamia]: Lfg Atlas
[13:03:43] [Battlebawler]: [Arena der Dunkelheit] 3/5
[13:03:46] [Opklin]: где страник
[13:04:25] [Obiwankenobi]: [Aspect of the Patron]wtb
[13:04:25] [Battlebawler]: [Arena der Dunkelheit] 4/5 --- one more please ^^
[13:04:45] [Obiwankenobi]: [Sun Essence]wtb x6 700d each
[13:06:30] [Xblackangelx]: wts [Corrupted Nocturne +20][Agility of Titans]x2 [Aoth Mystical Transformation Ring +20] wme offers
[13:06:48] [Obiwankenobi]: [Realm of Forgotten Legends (Hard) (1⁄12) - Obiwankenobi]
[13:07:11] [Obiwankenobi]: lf ppl for rofl [Realm of Forgotten Legends (Hard) (2⁄12) - Obiwankenobi]
[13:09:07] [Obiwankenobi]: Lf heal tank dps supp for ROFL
[13:11:09] [Battlebawler]: [Arena der Dunkelheit] 3/5 ^^
[13:12:04] [Cricoideus]: wts [Corruption Crystal]
[13:13:39] [Cricoideus]: wts [Corrupted Greataxe +20]
[13:14:09] [Obiwankenobi]: Fast ROFL[Realm of Forgotten Legends (Hard) (3⁄12) - Obiwankenobi]
[13:15:38] [Balanar]: WTB[Аспект Оплота]
[13:16:26] [Obiwankenobi]: wtb[Aspect of the Patron][Aspect of the Bulwark]
[13:17:49] [Obiwankenobi]: [Realm of Forgotten Legends (Hard) (4⁄12) - Obiwankenobi]
[13:19:16] [Obiwankenobi]: any tank for rofl?
[13:19:16] [Cricoideus]: lf tank for rofl pt ready
[13:19:35] [Lamia]: Lfg Atlas
[13:23:46] [Obiwankenobi]: [Realm of Forgotten Legends (Hard) (7⁄12) - Obiwankenobi] tank for rofl and free spots
[13:24:56] [Xblackangelx]: wtb [Recipe - Basic Steel]
[13:26:01] [Lamia]: Lfg Atlas
[13:29:46] [Obiwankenobi]: need tank for rofl party ready
[13:30:48] [Xblackangelx]: wtb [Recipe - Basic Steel]
[13:38:28] [Ksaart]: wts set [Кольцо Бездны Иллюзионистов +20]
[13:41:15] [Balanar]: WTB[Аспект Оплота]
[13:49:29] [Vivienne]: [Karte - Schwarzwasser-Monstrum]1x free
[13:49:53] [Vivienne]: gz [Zerspana]
[13:51:20] [Isolo]: WTS full tank gear
[13:52:58] [Xblackangelx]: wts [Corrupted Nocturne +20][Agility of Titans]x2
[13:57:13] [Klaymen]: wts [Mędrzec Złudzenia]
[13:58:16] [Balanar]: WTS[Финальная форма магической серьги][Финальная форма магического ожерелья]
[13:58:22] [Balanar]: WTS[Испорченный Тесак][Аспект иллюзиониста]
[13:58:31] [Balanar]: WTS[Ведущий зов пустоты][Сущность из Глубин]
[14:01:58] [Xblackangelx]: wts [Corrupted Nocturne +20][Agility of Titans]x2[Death's Kiss +20]
[14:02:53] [Flacko]: did i miss something ? my whole UI is crashed
[14:03:13] [Klaymen]: yes, you missed sth crashing your ui, jokes on you
[14:08:55] [Misswitch]: wtb [Agility of Delusion] 5k each
[14:10:16] [Icelatte]: wts [Шестигранный щит +20][Испорченный жезл +20]
[14:11:02] [Flacko]: WTS/WTT [Corrupted Greataxe +20] for 1h hammer
[14:11:11] [Flacko]: [Corrupted Repellent +20] for 1h hammer w/me
[14:11:13] [Xblackangelx]: wts [Corrupted Nocturne +20][Agility of Titans]x2[Death's Kiss +20]
[14:13:05] [Icelatte]: wtb mage runes 13lvl
[14:14:43] [Draith]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Draith;WB]
[14:14:54] [Einfachzwerg]: WB
[14:14:55] [Shinyboy]: wb
[14:14:57] [Luvé]: wb
[14:15:02] [Misswitch]: wb
[14:15:04] [haopaya]: wb
[14:15:05] [Nevesta]: WB
[14:15:07] [Pisets]: wb
[14:15:08] [Algrim]: wb
[14:15:10] [Yuufe]: wb
[14:15:12] [Faolain]: wb
[14:15:13] [Janeja]: wb
[14:15:19] [Zinovia]: wb
[14:15:27] [Idefivefoot]: wb
[14:15:28] [Korshun]: wb
[14:15:32] [Tyris]: wb
[14:15:34] [Vivienne]: wb
[14:15:35] [Larn]: wb
[14:15:37] [Blackluna]: wb
[14:15:40] [Sneedeline]: wb
[14:15:55] [Kolven]: wb
[14:15:58] [Vedria]: wb
[14:16:06] [Felline]: wb
[14:16:07] [Mageprince]: wb
[14:16:08] [Gorynich]: wb
[14:16:13] [Worschtzipfele]: WB
[14:16:19] [Hamish]: WB
[14:16:19] [Gufti]: wb
[14:16:20] [Diavolonero]: wb
[14:16:20] [Comandsu]: wb
[14:16:24] [Pistanos]: wb
[14:16:34] [California]: wb
[14:16:37] [Freyre]: wb
[14:16:46] [Gufti]: wb
[14:16:53] [Facehugger]: wb
[14:17:13] [Balanar]: wb
[14:17:18] [Liberty]: wb
[14:17:20] [Reroll]: wb
[14:17:46] [Balanar]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Balanar;11]
[14:18:04] [Demondianjue]: wb
[14:18:09] [Edelveyn]: wb
[14:18:16] [Liberty]: 11
[14:18:33] [Ayiana]: 11
[14:18:50] [Magicula]: 11
[14:19:27] [Mistika]: 11
[14:19:46] [Balanar]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Balanar;11]
[14:20:09] [Marsia]: 11
[14:20:12] [Reroll]: 11
[14:20:24] [Opklin]: [Карта - Фабио Эдвардс][Испорченный бубен +20] wts
[14:20:45] [Obiwankenobi]: wtb[Sun Essence]x6 700d each
[14:21:17] [Xblackangelx]: 11
[14:21:23] [PhantomLover]: 11
[14:21:23] [Xblackangelx]: wts [Corrupted Nocturne +20][Agility of Titans]x2[Death's Kiss +20]
[14:21:28] [Baggz]: 11
[14:21:46] [Balanar]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Balanar;11]
[14:22:28] [Forgetten]: 11
[14:22:42] [Korroziametala]: 11
[14:23:07] [Flacko]: wtb [Pain of the Colossus]
[14:23:07] [Kawall]: 11
[14:23:16] [Gardianer]: wts [Umhang des Schattens], [Gürtel des Schattens], wsp me
[14:23:19] [Balanar]: rich bobik
[14:23:34] [Flacko]: poor bobik :/
[14:23:40] [Balanar]: proof
[14:23:46] [Balanar]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Balanar;11]
[14:24:03] [Ksaart]: wb
[14:24:32] [BabaWodna]: 11
[14:25:35] [Cationa]: 11
[14:25:44] [Irishka]: 11
[14:25:46] [Balanar]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Balanar;11]
[14:25:52] [Manya]: 11
[14:25:54] [Korshun]: 11
[14:26:00] [Kahraman]: 11
[14:26:02] [Tekha]: 11
[14:26:05] [Awrora]: wb
[14:26:05] [CCbang]: 11
[14:26:12] [Ismar]: 11
[14:26:13] [Crazyorange]: 11
[14:26:13] [Battlebawler]: 11
[14:26:14] [Sotos]: 11
[14:26:17] [Awrora]: 11
[14:26:22] [Ludowike]: 11
[14:27:46] [Balanar]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Balanar;11]
[14:27:49] [Pistanos]: Die deutsche Gilde IMPROVED hat Platz für neue Member. Wir suchen zusätzlich einen Tank, Heal, MDD und einen PDD Rofl ready. Wichtig! ist uns deine Aktivität. Wenn du Bock auf eine freundliche Truppe mit Unterstützung und Hilfe hast, melde dich bei [Opaklein], [Margery] [Moonwish] oder [Jona]
[14:27:55] [Colala]: 11
[14:28:16] [Ceras]: 11
[14:29:17] [Vovannn]: 11
[14:29:46] [Balanar]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Balanar;11]
[14:30:15] [Misswitch]: wtb [Clean Tier 12] /w me
[14:30:56] [Dieleise]: wts [Gesprungener Korruptionskristall]
[14:31:20] [Masyanya]: 11
[14:31:27] [Geringerwuchs]: 11
[14:31:41] [Typbo]: 11
[14:31:51] [Aranel]: 11
[14:31:56] [Spider]: 11
[14:31:57] [Geringerwuchs]: 11
[14:31:59] [Zerspana]: 11
[14:32:01] [Zerspana]: 12
[14:32:02] [Zerspana]: 13
[14:32:08] [Aranel]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Aranel;08]
[14:32:13] [Typbo]: 08
[14:32:17] [Geringerwuchs]: 08
[14:32:20] [Opaklein]: 08
[14:32:38] [Geringerwuchs]: 08
[14:32:50] [Kotena]: 08
[14:32:50] [Scypion]: 08
[14:32:55] [Surturr]: 08
[14:33:02] [Grmpf]: 08
[14:33:04] [Ariaumunaa]: 08
[14:33:12] [Vianser]: 08
[14:33:19] [Burning]: +++ 08 wb 11
[14:33:23] [Kotena]: 11
[14:33:27] [Gardianer]: wts [Umhang des Schattens], [Gürtel des Schattens], wsp me
[14:33:28] [Ariaumunaa]: 08
[14:33:31] [Speshellakoste]: wb +++ 08
[14:33:31] [Treffer]: 08
[14:33:38] [Spider]: 08
[14:33:39] [Kotena]: 08
[14:33:44] [Xoneh]: 08
[14:34:03] [Flacko]: WTS [Corrupted Greataxe +20][Corrupted Repellent +20]
[14:34:08] [SpiritBreakerTyT]: 08
[14:34:08] [Aranel]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Aranel;08]
[14:35:07] [Kardinal]: 08
[14:35:16] [Xblackangelx]: wts [Corrupted Nocturne +20][Agility of Titans]x2[Death's Kiss +20]
[14:35:20] [Daleone]: 08
[14:35:26] [Balbes]: 08
[14:35:37] [Axtquwerx]: 08
[14:35:51] [Gashish]: 08
[14:35:52] [molodaya]: 08
[14:36:08] [Aranel]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Aranel;08]
[14:36:11] [Ghiana]: 08
[14:36:23] [xiongmao]: 08
[14:36:54] [Wiltosh]: wb
[14:37:52] [Pacoste]: 08
[14:38:00] [Cricoideus]: 08
[14:38:03] [Chrysantia]: 08
[14:38:08] [Aranel]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Aranel;08]
[14:38:19] [Dontworry]: 08
[14:38:34] [Wiltosh]: 08
[14:38:48] [Evgenij]: 08
[14:40:08] [Aranel]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Aranel;08]
[14:40:34] [Mowik]: 08
[14:41:10] [Obiwankenobi]: [Sun Essence] wtb x6 700 each
[14:41:45] [CSharp]: 08
[14:41:49] [Relox]: 08
[14:41:55] [Mallorian]: 08
[14:42:01] [Sakimi]: 08
[14:42:08] [Aranel]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Aranel;08]
[14:42:14] [Mosha]: Collect mage equipment
[14:42:20] [Kutch]: 08
[14:42:30] [Sakimi]: 08
[14:44:08] [Aranel]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Aranel;08]
[14:44:52] [Mael]: wb
[14:44:57] [Mael]: 11
[14:45:29] [Shefff]: 11
[14:45:54] [Shefff]: wb +++ 11
[14:46:04] [Venca]: +++
[14:46:08] [Aranel]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Aranel;08]
[14:46:27] [Werhammer]: 08
[14:47:40] [Kekzii]: +++ wb 08 11
[14:47:56] [Mosha]: wtb[艾伦诺的长靴]set
[14:47:59] [Mael]: +++
[14:48:44] [seaside]: +++ wb 08
[14:49:45] [Sber]: 08
[14:49:55] [Sber]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Sber;+++]
[14:50:08] [Djexad]: +++
[14:50:11] [Madness]: +++
[14:50:19] [Flacko]: WTT [Corrupted Greataxe +20][Corrupted Repellent +20] for 1h hammers t16 w/me
[14:50:24] [Tenebris]: +++
[14:50:52] [Mosha]: wtb[长生魔戒]set,[艾伦诺的长靴]set
[14:51:05] [Monkie]: +++
[14:51:10] [Punka]: wts [Nächtliche Rüstung des dunklen Mondes +20] full set
[14:51:15] [Punka]: [Räuberohrring des Abgrunds +20][Räuberring des Abgrunds +20]
[14:51:17] [Punka]: [Distanz][Handschützer des Duellanten +20]
[14:51:19] [Punka]: [Geschicklichkeit des Kolosses][Handschützer der Faust]
[14:51:43] [Airforce]: +++ wb
[14:52:01] [Rangers]: +++
[14:52:51] [Barbados]: +++
[14:52:56] [Sarita]: +++
[14:53:02] [Bandido]: +++
[14:55:30] [Misswitch]: wtb [Clean Tier 12] /w me
[14:55:39] [Jekker]: +++
[14:56:05] [Ksaart]: wts set [Кольцо Бездны Иллюзионистов +20]
[14:56:21] [Misswitch]: [16:55:29] [World] [Misswitch]: wtb [Clean Tier 12] /w me
[14:56:38] [Icelatte]: wtb mage runes 13lvl
[14:57:31] [Icelatte]: [Наплечья Черношляпа]wtb set
[14:57:42] [Elprese]: +++ wb
[14:57:52] [Flacko]: WTB 300x [Dark Core]
[14:57:53] [Misswitch]: [16:55:29] [World] [Misswitch]: wtb [Clean Tier 12] /w me
[14:57:56] [Device]: у кого то интерфейс после обновы сломался?
[14:58:12] [Grivina]: [Разрушительный шлем Джерата (Изысканный) +10][Перчатки исчезновения Астарота (Изысканные) +20]wts set
[14:58:21] [Margery]: +++ wb
[14:58:32] [Toyamatokanawa]: wb
[14:58:41] [Obiwankenobi]: [Sun Essence] wtb x6 700 each
[14:58:53] [Magiya]: wb
[14:59:07] [Magiya]: +++
[14:59:37] [Mosha]: wtb[长生魔戒]set,[艾伦诺的长靴]set
[15:00:48] [Sotos]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Sotos;ROFL]
[15:01:07] [Grivina]: [Элементальный Ледяной Топор +20][Элементальный Ледяной Топор +20]wts
[15:01:13] [Sotos]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Sotos;ROFL]
[15:01:52] [Evgenij]: gm
[15:02:12] [Cricoideus]: wts [Corruption Crystal]
[15:02:22] [Suske]: LFG Atlas
[15:02:48] [Misswitch]: [16:55:29] [World] [Misswitch]: wtb [Clean Tier 12] /w me need 12x
[15:02:54] [Sotos]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Sotos;ROFL]
[15:03:21] [Suske]: LF Atlas
[15:03:35] [Misswitch]: wtb 12x [Clean Tier 12] /w me wıth prıze
[15:03:46] [Grivina]: [Элементальный Ледяной Топор +20]4000dias[Элементальный Ледяной Топор +20]1000dias
[15:04:05] [Suske]: LF more ppl for Atlas
[15:04:42] [Obiwankenobi]: wtb[Aspect of the Patron][Aspect of the Bulwark]
[15:05:27] [Sotos]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Sotos;ROFL]
[15:06:16] [Sotos]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Sotos;ROFL]
[15:06:38] [Kahraman]: rofl
[15:08:10] [Evgenij]: GM
[15:08:43] [Opklin]: rOFL
[15:08:58] [Lovelymagic]: Hello, what is the current position of the wanderer, thank you
[15:08:59] [Bemeet]: rofl
[15:09:53] [Margery]: ROFL
[15:09:57] [Binamon]: rofl
[15:11:29] [Lovelymagic]: Hello, what is the current position of the wanderer, thank you
[15:16:18] [Notrasta]: wts [Cure of the Ancients (Refined) +6] [Corrupted Celestial +20]
[15:16:22] [Notrasta]: [Boucle d'oreille de transformation mystique d'Aoth] [Collier de transformation mystique d'Aoth]
[15:16:26] [Notrasta]: [Corrupted Tambourine] [Leading Call of the Void]x5
[15:16:32] [Icelatte]: dps lfg
[15:16:59] [Device]: did someone find how to solve fslim problem atm?
[15:17:46] [Xblackangelx]: wts [Corrupted Nocturne +20][Agility of Titans]x2[Death's Kiss +20]
[15:17:56] [Ceras]: wts [Die Korruption +20][Korrumpierte Hörner +20][Handschützer des Duellanten] cheap wme
[15:22:16] [Evgenij]: Уважаемые твиноводы, которые ходят в несколько окон на мировых - чтоб вы сдохли, спасибо за внимание)
[15:22:26] [Balanar]: о как
[15:22:52] [Agronom]: блин, я мирового проспал(((
[15:22:55] [Icelatte]: ОООООООООО
[15:25:23] [Mosha]: wtb[长生魔戒]set,[艾伦诺的长靴]set
[15:25:36] [Mythosxofxfirex]: wts chain gear wme
[15:25:40] [Device]: [Evgenij]думаю отпуск 2 недели от игры, ты оформил xD
[15:26:17] [Balanar]: WTS[Кольцо Жути]
[15:26:30] [Obiwankenobi]: [Sun Essence]wtb x6 700d each
[15:27:06] [Agronom]: отдыхать от игры на самом деле полезно. Можно посмотреть реал)
[15:28:44] [Reroll]: [Destruction of the Primordial (Refined) +6] wtb unlocked
[15:28:50] [Device]: WTS any orkham x3 set and x1 acce set+ x2 grafu artefact w/me for details
[15:32:39] [Obiwankenobi]: kahraman taxi
[15:35:11] [Notrasta]: wts orkham mage lower set
[15:42:54] [Xblackangelx]: wts [Corrupted Nocturne +20][Agility of Titans]x2[Death's Kiss +20]
[15:43:06] [Ksaart]: wts set [Кольцо Бездны Иллюзионистов +20]
[15:44:54] [xiongmao]: WTB[都市的隐士]
[15:49:01] [Misswitch]: wtb 12x [Clean Tier 12] /w me wıth prıze
[15:50:46] [Sotos]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Sotos;ROFL]
[15:51:04] [Kahraman]: rofl
[15:51:33] [Allternator]: wts [Kryształ Spaczenia]
[15:51:36] [Sotos]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Sotos;ROFL]
[15:53:02] [Playboy]: wts [Wall of the City] cheap in ah
[15:53:09] [Notrasta]: wts orkham mage lower set and [Gloves of the Four Element]
[15:53:50] [Bemeet]: ROFL
[15:54:02] [Sotos]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Sotos;ROFL]
[15:54:11] [Mythosxofxfirex]: wts chain gear [Grim Chestplate of Xanthus +20] and
[15:54:15] [Mythosxofxfirex]: [Cape of the Fist +20] wme
[15:56:59] [Notrasta]: LF tank for rofl party r
[15:57:05] [Airforce]: wts [Wydajność XIII] [Tarcza XIII] [Nieustraszoność XIII]
[15:57:14] [Airforce]: [Kamień Many Poziom 16] [Naprawa]
[15:57:33] [Cricoideus]: wts [Corruption Crystal]
[15:59:16] [Sotos]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Sotos;ROFL]
[15:59:51] [Cricoideus]: lf healer and 2-3 dps for orkham
[16:00:48] [Vkstats]: wts[Zweihandstab von Siddartha +20][Schwingen aus Tarens Federn +20]
[16:00:59] [Vkstats]: [Karte - Stadtwache von Atlas]
[16:01:16] [Misswitch]: wtb [Clean Tier 12] x12 /w me wıth prıze
[16:03:36] [Elprese]: wts or wtt [Korrumpierter Himmlischer +20] /w me with offer
[16:04:50] [Notrasta]: LF heal for orkham, party r
[16:06:30] [Dieleise]: wts[Gesprungener Korruptionskristall]
[16:07:00] [Ceras]: wts [Die Korruption +20][Korrumpierte Hörner +20][Handschützer des Duellanten] cheap wme
[16:09:22] [Misswitch]: wtb [Clean Tier 12] x 12 /w me wıth prıze
[16:10:17] [Mythosxofxfirex]: wts [Long Trousers of the Korrisian Nex] and
[16:10:20] [Mythosxofxfirex]: [Cape of the Korrisian Nex]wme
[16:10:40] [Cricoideus]: lf healer for orkham pt ready
[16:16:12] [Misswitch]: [18:09:21] [World] [Misswitch]: wtb [Clean Tier 12] x 12 /w me wıth prıze
[16:16:28] [Mosha]: wtb[长生魔戒]set,[艾伦诺的长靴]set
[16:16:50] [Notrasta]: LF heal for orkham party r
[16:23:39] [Ksaart]: wts set [Кольцо Бездны Иллюзионистов +20]
[16:24:06] [Demondianjue]: wtb[腐化邪恶驱逐者 +20]
[16:24:21] [Anantadasa]: i uploaded fix for fslimui
[16:26:25] [Cricoideus]: lf healer for orkham pt ready
[16:26:46] [Madness]: does somebody have fps drops after last patch?
[16:26:47] [Nightdir]: wanderer @ 10.6 / 58.4
[16:28:04] [Dieleise]: wts [Sphäre der Erfahrung (100.000 Punkte)][Gesprungener Korruptionskristall]
[16:28:55] [Lamia]: Wtb set [Серьга Инквизитора]
[16:29:10] [Mythosxofxfirex]: wts [Cape of the Korrisian Nex] and
[16:29:13] [Mythosxofxfirex]: [Long Trousers of the Korrisian Nex] wme
[16:30:13] [Slonyara]: В какой локе странник? Подскажите пожалуйста
[16:30:21] [Dieleise]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Dieleise;WB]
[16:30:27] [Hamish]: WB
[16:30:27] [Batty]: wd
[16:30:27] [Treffer]: WB
[16:30:27] [Luvé]: wb
[16:30:27] [BabaWodna]: wb
[16:30:28] [Zmur]: wb
[16:30:28] [Worschtzipfele]: WB
[16:30:28] [Jekker]: wb
[16:30:29] [Draith]: wb
[16:30:29] [PhantomLover]: WB
[16:30:29] [Kaghed]: wb
[16:30:29] [Iskanderx]: wb
[16:30:30] [Elipso]: wb
[16:30:30] [Nolozero]: wb
[16:30:30] [Amidamaru]: WB'
[16:30:32] [Misswitch]: wb
[16:30:32] [Batty]: wb
[16:30:32] [seaside]: wb
[16:30:33] [Lexashat]: wb
[16:30:33] [Kartanno]: WB
[16:30:33] [Kuzgun]: wb
[16:30:33] [Sarita]: wb
[16:30:33] [Freyre]: wb
[16:30:33] [Nightdir]: wb
[16:30:35] [Crazyorange]: wb
[16:30:35] [Hausmaus]: wb
[16:30:35] [Anatoli]: wb
[16:30:36] [Kolven]: wb+
[16:30:37] [Stefani]: wb
[16:30:37] [Korshun]: wb
[16:30:38] [Reroll]: wb
[16:30:38] [Demondianjue]: wb
[16:30:38] [Pisets]: wb
[16:30:38] [Esteher]: wb
[16:30:40] [BabaWodna]: WB
[16:30:42] [Kandumi]: wb
[16:30:42] [Vovannn]: wb
[16:30:43] [Larn]: wb
[16:30:45] [Lamia]: wb
[16:30:47] [Byklya]: wb
[16:30:49] [Natalysoul]: WB
[16:30:50] [Janeja]: wb
[16:30:52] [Zeyrox]: wb
[16:30:53] [Zinovia]: wb
[16:30:55] [Kasium]: wb
[16:30:56] [Hellboom]: wb
[16:30:56] [Scynet]: wb
[16:31:02] [Kasium]: +++
[16:31:03] [Annaqr]: wb
[16:31:06] [Ksaart]: wb
[16:31:08] [Kahraman]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Kahraman;add]
[16:31:09] [Slonyara]: wb
[16:31:13] [Dieleise]: voll
[16:31:13] [Hellboom]: add
[16:31:13] [Kasium]: add
[16:31:14] [Annaqr]: add
[16:31:15] [Zinovia]: add
[16:31:15] [Ladyjanika]: add
[16:31:16] [Victoriaa]: add
[16:31:17] [Vovannn]: add
[16:31:17] [Venca]: add
[16:31:17] [Rangers]: add
[16:31:18] [Zeyrox]: add
[16:31:18] [Janeja]: add
[16:31:19] [Scynet]: add
[16:31:19] [Ksaart]: add
[16:31:20] [Kandumi]: add
[16:31:21] [Byklya]: add
[16:31:23] [Mageprince]: add
[16:31:23] [Tyris]: add wb +++ inv boss
[16:31:23] [Severinka]: add
[16:31:25] [Baggz]: add
[16:31:28] [Natalysoul]: +++
[16:31:32] [Liberty]: add
[16:31:33] [Axtquwerx]: wb
[16:31:34] [Crakenxxx]: add
[16:31:35] [Natixis]: add
[16:31:38] [Afimona]: add
[16:31:53] [Lamia]: add
[16:31:57] [Werhammer]: add
[16:31:59] [Natixis]: add
[16:32:02] [Magicula]: add
[16:32:06] [Axtquwerx]: add
[16:32:24] [Cationa]: add
[16:32:36] [Colala]: add
[16:32:42] [Solitär]: add
[16:33:17] [Daenerys]: add
[16:33:18] [Gufti]: add
[16:33:20] [Mosha]: add
[16:33:35] [TheBest]: add
[16:33:39] [Oood]: add
[16:33:40] [Kahraman]: "add" full
[16:33:43] [CCbang]: add
[16:33:44] [Dihlofos]: add
[16:33:48] [Ciye]: add wb
[16:33:49] [Gufti]: wb
[16:33:54] [Oood]: wb
[16:33:59] [Lovelymagic]: wb
[16:34:01] [Vladimirz]: add
[16:34:02] [CCbang]: wb
[16:34:08] [xiongmao]: ADD WB
[16:34:12] [Blackpanther]: +++
[16:34:21] [TheBest]: new raid ready, write: +++ wb inv
[16:34:40] [Elipso]: wts chain gear
[16:34:47] [Idefivefoot]: +++
[16:34:50] [Lunnaria]: wb
[16:34:55] [Daenerys]: +++
[16:34:58] [Wiltosh]: +++ wb
[16:35:01] [Giperfa]: add
[16:35:03] [Naty]: +++
[16:35:05] [Agronom]: wb +++
[16:35:07] [Wiltosh]: +++ wb add
[16:35:08] [Mosha]: +++++wb add
[16:35:08] [Xblackangelx]: wb
[16:35:10] [Dieleise]: WTS [Gesprungener Korruptionskristall][Sphäre der Erfahrung (100.000 Punkte)]
[16:35:16] [Dieleise]: [Barockstil-Verwandlungstrank (Weiblich)][Rezeptur - Forellensteak von Atlantis]
[16:35:21] [Dieleise]: [Taylin Fischgrätes Hammer][Rezeptur - Transformierte Schulterschützer des verlorenen Modders]
[16:35:27] [Vedria]: wb
[16:35:33] [Comandsu]: +++ wb
[16:35:36] [Xblackangelx]: wb
[16:35:58] [Irishka]: wb
[16:36:08] [Zambak]: wb
[16:37:23] [Notrasta]: wb +++
[16:37:32] [Diavolonero]: wb
[16:37:37] [Elprese]: wb +++
[16:37:47] [Airforce]: +++
[16:37:58] [Gopstop]: +++
[16:38:32] [Fritz]: +++
[16:38:41] [Naty]: +++
[16:38:46] [Rapos]: +++
[16:39:05] [Naty]: wb
[16:39:07] [Deinmaar]: +++
[16:39:23] [Naty]: +++
[16:39:47] [Powerful]: +++
[16:39:53] [Aranel]: +++
[16:39:59] [Shinyboy]: +++
[16:40:03] [Dihlofos]: +++
[16:40:31] [Kekzii]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Kekzii;123]
[16:40:37] [Ghiana]: 123
[16:40:41] [Algrim]: 123
[16:40:43] [Faolain]: 123
[16:40:47] [Mallorian]: 123
[16:40:56] [Dakiri]: 123
[16:41:03] [Kekzii]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Kekzii;123]
[16:41:27] [Sber]: 123+
[16:41:46] [TheBest]: wtb guild war cards wme
[16:42:06] [Blackluna]: 123
[16:42:29] [Zumen]: 123
[16:42:54] [Daleone]: 123
[16:42:59] [Device]: 123
[16:42:59] [Balanar]: 123
[16:43:05] [Kekzii]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Kekzii;123]
[16:43:15] [Piiga]: 123
[16:43:48] [Einfachzwerg]: +++ wb
[16:44:01] [Jona]: 123
[16:44:18] [Naty]: 123
[16:44:55] [Waxx]: 123 +++ wb
[16:45:07] [Kekzii]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Kekzii;123]
[16:45:10] [Tamakisen]: 123
[16:45:42] [Kekzii]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Kekzii;123]
[16:45:54] [Scypion]: 123
[16:45:55] [Fellicity]: 123
[16:45:58] [Kotena]: 123
[16:46:03] [Shefff]: 123
[16:46:06] [Shikamaru]: 123
[16:46:07] [Diavolonero]: 123
[16:46:11] [Vianser]: 123
[16:46:13] [Yuufe]: 123
[16:46:16] [Santiaga]: 123
[16:46:17] [Ariaumunaa]: 123
[16:46:19] [Kawall]: 123
[16:46:20] [Jaco]: 123
[16:46:21] [Speshellakoste]: 123
[16:46:27] [Kolina]: 123
[16:46:31] [Undergraund]: 123
[16:46:35] [Mhotone]: 123
[16:46:38] [Ludowike]: 123
[16:46:40] [Sweetspot]: 123
[16:47:09] [Byrgerka]: 123
[16:47:13] [Burning]: 123
[16:47:15] [Cnupmcmen]: 123
[16:47:23] [Maikkit]: 123
[16:47:29] [Burning]: +++ wb
[16:47:33] [Arcal]: 123
[16:47:36] [Manx]: 123
[16:47:43] [Manx]: +++
[16:47:54] [Mowik]: 123
[16:48:05] [Mowik]: +++
[16:48:08] [Mowik]: wb
[16:48:10] [Mowik]: inv
[16:49:00] [Shikamaru]: wts PNC wme
[16:49:16] [Barbados]: inv wb pls +++ wb add 111 123 boss hhh :-)
[16:49:23] [Barbados]: lol, nothing
[16:49:43] [Barbados]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Barbados;hhh]
[16:49:49] [Mowik]: hhh
[16:49:50] [Rumo]: hhh
[16:49:51] [Manx]: hhh
[16:49:53] [Byrgerka]: hhh
[16:49:55] [Jalson]: hhh
[16:49:59] [Larn]: hhh
[16:50:01] [Arcal]: hhh
[16:50:13] [California]: hhh
[16:50:44] [Opklin]: hhh
[16:51:12] [Maikkit]: hh
[16:51:29] [Madness]: hh
[16:51:30] [Madness]: hhh
[16:51:49] [Kalates]: hhh
[16:51:57] [Toyamatokanawa]: hhh
[16:52:02] [Opness]: hhh
[16:52:07] [Mallorian]: hhh
[16:52:22] [Heam]: hhh
[16:52:44] [Barbados]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Barbados;hhh]
[16:52:51] [Seventhsin]: hhh
[16:52:58] [Niim]: hhh
[16:53:23] [Mistika]: hhh
[16:53:31] [Memasik]: hhh
[16:53:40] [Binamon]: hh
[16:53:43] [Binamon]: hhh
[16:54:14] [Pistanos]: hhh
[16:54:20] [Opaklein]: hhh
[16:54:30] [CSharp]: hhh
[16:54:44] [Battlebawler]: hhh
[16:54:45] [Otmorozko]: hhh
[16:54:50] [Maloi]: hhh
[16:54:59] [CSharp]: hhh
[16:54:59] [Dieleise]: wts[Sphäre der Erfahrung (100.000 Punkte)][Gesprungener Korruptionskristall]
[16:55:25] [Sotos]: hh hhh
[16:55:25] [Killerangel]: hhh
[16:55:31] [Zerspana]: hhh
[16:55:50] [Svetlanka]: hhh
[16:55:51] [Grmpf]: hhh
[16:55:58] [Tenobaal]: hhh
[16:56:29] [Djexad]: hhh
[16:57:07] [Djexad]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Djexad;69]
[16:57:19] [Bloodwillow]: 69
[16:57:20] [Crazzy]: 69
[16:57:26] [Kutch]: hhh
[16:57:34] [Kutch]: 69
[16:57:34] [Tenebris]: 69
[16:57:40] [Burning]: 69
[16:58:11] [Cricoideus]: 69
[16:58:32] [DimonSpiridon]: 69
[16:58:48] [Pistanos]: Die deutsche Gilde IMPROVED hat Platz für neue Member. Wir suchen zusätzlich einen Tank, Heal, MDD und einen PDD Rofl ready. Wichtig! ist uns deine Aktivität. Wenn du Bock auf eine freundliche Truppe mit Unterstützung und Hilfe hast, melde dich bei [Opaklein], [Margery] [Moonwish] oder [Jona]
[16:58:55] [Edelveyn]: wb 69 + ++ +++ add
[17:00:09] [Djexad]: [ComeOnIn v4.0 - Djexad;69]
[17:01:16] [Margery]: 69
[17:02:02] [Sotos]: [Einfaches Elfenfläschchen]x141 geil xD
[17:02:55] [Bloodwillow]: can you only get reward form one world boss per week?
[17:03:48] [Xblackangelx]: wts [Corrupted Nocturne +20][Agility of Titans]x2[Death's Kiss +20]
[17:05:14] [Shikamaru]: wts PNC wme
[17:05:30] [Kandumi]: DPS lfg Orhem
[17:05:34] [Dieleise]: wts [Sphäre der Erfahrung (100.000 Punkte)][Gesprungener Korruptionskristall]
[17:07:03] [Flacko]: WTS [Corrupted Greataxe +20][Corrupted Repellent +20] or trade for 1h hammers w/me
[17:07:11] [Ksaart]: wts set [Кольцо Бездны Иллюзионистов +20]
[17:07:21] [Mythosxofxfirex]: wts [Cape of the Korrisian Nex] and
[17:07:25] [Mythosxofxfirex]: [Long Trousers of the Korrisian Nex] wme
[17:08:38] [Notrasta]: wts orkham mage lower set + [Gloves of the Four Element]
[17:09:05] [Draith]: LF Heal for Atlas
[17:09:42] [Zeyrox]: German GM on?
[17:10:19] [Kahraman]: [Bethomia] farmin for skil. Who want come :)
[17:10:41] [Aedaira]: wtb Tank gear
[17:11:03] [Elipso]: wts full plate gear
[17:11:58] [Xblackangelx]: wts [Corrupted Nocturne +20][Agility of Titans]x2[Death's Kiss +20]
[17:12:01] [Ceras]: wts [Die Korruption +20][Korrumpierte Hörner +20][Handschützer des Duellanten] cheap wme
[17:12:11] [Airforce]: wts [Pierścień Inkwizytora +20] set
[17:12:15] [Paluzara]: [https://www.twitch.tv/paluzara]
[17:12:16] [Airforce]: wts [Kaptur Wsparcia Thelxinoe +20] set
[17:12:22] [Reroll]: wtb [Destruction of the Primordial (Refined) +6] unlocked and eldritch upper set
[17:16:01] [Ceras]: wts [Die Korruption +20][Korrumpierte Hörner +20][Handschützer des Duellanten]
[17:16:05] [Ceras]: [Präzision XIII] cheap wme
[17:16:50] [Dieleise]: wts [Sphäre der Erfahrung (100.000 Punkte)][Gesprungener Korruptionskristall]
[17:17:05] [Madness]: Paluzara what is it? speed run grafu?